My wife got me an elf hat.


And I'm not sure what to think. :?

It's about as ridiculous of a winter cap as any I've seen, complete with pointy-ears and red/green stripes....but it is warm.

Anyone else getting some ridiculous chapeaus this season? I always wear a silly hat in winter, I deal with too many kids and they always get a kick out of it. :LOL:
linthat22 said:
Be different and wear it, who cares what others think.

yeah, I sleep with a pink "Hellow Kitty" blanket...surely you can wear a cheesy hat :p
It's a prezzie from teh kiddies, they gave it to you becuz they luvs yous! Wear it and be proud. Many daddies don't get any prezzies at all from their kids...
She wants to show the world that she controls you. Don't let it happen! Burn the damn thing! You're the boss! :devilish:
_xxx_ said:
She wants to show the world that she controls you. Don't let it happen! Burn the damn thing! You're the boss! :devilish:

wtf have you been smoking? he's MARRIED! that means he signed over his soul to her already.
Oh, just some very nice Dutch stuff... :D

Being married can also go the other way around if you're a man! ;)
digitalwanderer said:
_xxx_ said:
Being married can also go the other way around if you're a man! ;)
I've never understood that philosophy, I always figured that a real man works at a real relationship. :?

a real man is a slave to his Queen
Just joking, of course. For example, my gf would NEVER buy me an elf cap, since she knows it will be incinerated a minute after I got it. Unless she wants to annoy me, of course...
Sage said:
a real man is a slave to his Queen
Nope, not that extreme either.

I think a real man is a good husband to his wife and a good father to his kids. I prefer me and my wife being on equal footing with each other, and so does she.
digitalwanderer said:
Nope, not that extreme either.

I think a real man is a good husband to his wife and a good father to his kids. I prefer me and my wife being on equal footing with each other, and so does she.

hmm well i strongly disagree. I think men are worthless scum who deserve to be nothing more than slaves to the women they serve...
digitalwanderer said:
I think a real man is a good husband to his wife and a good father to his kids. I prefer me and my wife being on equal footing with each other, and so does she.
Your wife just lets you think that. Now kiss the whip.
Sage said:
hmm well i strongly disagree. I think men are worthless scum who deserve to be nothing more than slaves to the women they serve...
I have real trouble thinking of myself as worthless scum anymore, I don't think I am....I'm too damned useful and needed.

RussSchultz said:
Your wife just lets you think that. Now kiss the whip.
Heh. Probably more truth than I care to admit to if I think about it, I'm just glad she lets me think that way and keep up the appearence of it in public. ;)
digitalwanderer said:
I have real trouble thinking of myself as worthless scum anymore, I don't think I am....I'm too damned useful and needed.

you're still just a sexual predator... just now your wife manages to keep that part of you on a leash.
Sage, there are some parts peoples life I just don't want to know and digi being a sexual predator in an elf hat is one of them.
Florin said:
And this is wrong, how?

because then you fuck up peoples lives. you make it so that they are afraid of everything and everyojhe and they dont know why. they piss their beds at night. they have nightmares every night and wake up in a cold sweat but they cant remember the nightmares so they dont even know that they have them. you strip them of their ability to dream. You cause them to be afraid of their fathers and so not be able to have a relationship with them. You turn an otherwise-happy and outgoing kid into a introverted mess who'se only method of reaching out to other people is go get into fights and have the crap beat out of him. every day. then, their family has to spend tens of thousands of dollars on therapists, medication, and hospital bills (from the attempted suicide) that could have otherwise gone to a Harvard education. but, now, because of you, he wont even be able to keep it together long enough to graduate high school. he will live his entire life not ever being able to have a normal relationship with anyone- working a meaningless job and living in some dark room, never going outside because he's afraid that you might be there. if it hadn't been for you he could have had a perfect life- gone to an ivy-league college, become one of the wealthiest men alive, and married a beautiful woman and had lots of children. but, because of you, he lives out a sad existance in which he's too afraid to even go to the store to buy a blanket that he cant even sleep at night because the cold keeps him awake. he doesnt even make enough to pay the bills and has to get money from his parents on a regular basis. he has no friends and so never goes out of his apartment except to go to work and at work he stays in his little corner and never ventures out to mingle with his cooworkers. on weekends since he doesnt have to leave he wont even take a shower because he's too afraid to make the trek between his bedroom and bathroom.

that's what's wrong with it. that's why i hate men.,