You vacum floors or work the register when you worked in retail? Pretty clear you never handled the finances, dealt with inventory management or dealt with company credit lines.
I don't know what two bit stores you've worked at. No, I've never had any sort of job as a janitor anywhere I worked, how about you? I've actually worked at a number of retail stores. Compucentre, Futureshop, ToysR us and a few other chains that are now gone. You know you're really coming off sometimes as a know it all, that doesn't know as much as he thinks.
You don't pay for merchandise up front(any close to reasonable sized store anyway), you hold the merchandise and are charged a very slight interest rate and you pay the balance off when the item sells through. Occasionaly it happens that a store/chain will be doing well enough to pay down some of this early, but it is the exception.
Um, hellow that's NOT 100 % true. Chain stores, such as future shop/best buy, actually "purchase" their inventory. You don't get the inventory for FREE from nintendo until it sells. Other wise you could hold off on paying until each store has sold the very last unit in that order, and in some cases this never happens, and we still see games that are over a year old on store shelves. That wouldn't be good for Nintendo's bottom line at all. I'm sure if that store chain doesn't pay past the date due, then nintenedo will charge interest on what's owed.
Why is it you think Toy Rus has so many old games in stock? do you really think they'd keep them for a year if they had a chance to return them? or do you think ntinendo would want to wait a year or however long it took for them to run out of stock before getting payed? I've seen distributers for compucentre (multi micro -owned by Hartco) get STUCK with a certain NHL hockey game nintendo brought out on the Super nes! They bought a TON of copies from Nintendo since everyone though it would sell (due to the nintendo name) and it didn't, it was a horrible hockey game. They eveuntually had to discount the game to get rid of it, since nintendo wouldn't take a reutrn on it. If they had the option of just giving the stock back to nintendo, I'm sure they would have. do you think they didn't pay nitnendo until all the copies were sold? Not bloddy likely... if they didn't pay for them already, nintendo would have a TON of returns since you could refuse to pay for the full order price.
You don't have to pay the day you get it, and usually they give you a set amount of time to pay. If you really think nintendo is going to give harware out and not have you pay until it's sold, they you're completely living in a dream world!
Let me put it this way, nintendo handles gamecube hardware exactly the same way they handle the sale of games. Your order a certain amount from them, and they give you time to pay it off. if you don't pay it off THEN they can make it more difficult the next time you buy hardware.
Nintendo will sell someone like walmart 50,000 gamecube shipments and give them 30-60 days to pay the debt off (perhaps even more). If you have returns after that set amount of time, then you get a credit towards the next purchase with nintendo. Publishers also do this. games that are discounted from a publisher are typically sold to the distributer warehouse at a set price without the ability for returns. like the sony greatest hits games.
And what 'distributors' would these be? Nintendo's distributor is Nintendo(since you mentioned them in particular). Doesn't even matter if you work for a large chain and place your orders through your corporate office.
look Ben, you don't know what you are talking about. SOME distrubuters and retailers are the same entity, that's correct. Stores like walmart, they buy the the merchandise and put it into their stores as cheap as possible. Some chains are seperately owned franchises (like Microplay) and have to purchase stock from the dsitributer (compucentre is a better example of that). Some stores have to deal with many different retail distributers. How the hell do you think the mom and pop stores actually get inventory? You think Nintendo talks to every single individual store? NO, they sell the product to a distributor, companies like, multimicro, ingram, and many others sell the product to the smaller stores. Those companies being pure "distrubution" centeres.
it goes to them and then to Nintendo and Nintendo ships the product directly to the store.
That's wrong, it doesn't always go directly to the store! That's only in special cases (such as a launch date) that Nintendo (or any publisher for that matter) will "drop ship " something directly to a store.
More than 75% of the time, if it's a big retailer like say "Walmart", Nintendo send the merchandise directy to (guess where) the retailers
distribution centre first. You know, the place where they HOLD extra merchandise? You don't actually think that every time a store orders some more nintendo games, that nintendo sends them out directly to that store do you? do you know how idotic and unreasonably expensive that is? The stores in this case, get it directly from the distribution warehouse (through a re-order).