Teasy said:
MS have no credibility at all for sales numbers, especially European ones. The credibility of any companies numbers (MS,Nintendo, Sony) are quite questionable anyway. These numbers, once again, are likely sold to store numbers not sold to consumer numbers.
I don't know how you think these businesses work.
Every single console manufacturer can either state "sold" numbers or "shipped" numbers. Their "shipped" numbers mean they've been produced and left the factory, sold means sold to retailers.
There's no way for MS, Sony, or Nintendo to accurately determine how many customers bought consoles. They really don't care. MS has now SOLD over 8M consoles worldwide, which means retailers BOUGHT these from MS and are now part of the marketplace. They WILL be sold, and retailers buy them based upon the demand they receive.
MS sold to retailers 1.8M in Europe, Nintendo sold to retailers 1.5M in Europe. The chances are extremely high that MS sold more to consumers as well.
As someone said MS seem to have done the same for Japan. Not all sales tracking services over there are like NPD (lower then real sales), and none of them have XBox anywhere near what MS claim AFAICS. Again sold to retailer numbers would be my guess.
Sold to retailers is how it is for all the companies when they report their numbers.
NPD and Famitsu and MediaCreate all do not cover the entire market. I have no idea why you think those Japanese publications all cover the market in Japan, IIRC the largest Japanese gaming store doesn't release sales statistics...
Last time we heard European sales from an independent source GC was still well ahead (this wasn't that long ago).
Which source? What date?
Everyone I've talked to in Europe acknowledged that the Xbox is outselling the Gamecube in the UK and Germany at the very least, and the UK alone is the largest game market in Europe.
I'd seriously suggest that you wait until we see some sort of decent independent numbers before posting a thread like this.
Independent numbers = estimates.
Estimates all vary.
The only true, factual indictator for console sales we have comes from the official 'sold to retailers' numbers that Sony, MS, and Nintendo have all released in Europe. Retailers buy consoles to meet demand, so they've been buying more MS consoles than Nintendo's. Even if they suddenly stopped producing the consoles, all of the 8M MS reported sold would make it out into the market eventually.
I just don't understand why you believe estimates over factual data... Is it because the latest "estimates" have hisotrically been favorable to Nintendo, by any chance?
I wouldn't even bother to post a thread like this based on Nintendo's own numbers. It just looks silly to post a thread like this based on MS PR, especially when you say stuff like "The truth is" and then quote MS's numbers
If MS fabricated those numbers they'd get in shit from the SEC for misleading investors.
The FACT is, Nintendo sold 1.5M to retailers, MS sold 1.8M to retailers in Europe.
Only someone without a tiny bit of logic skills wouldn't believe that this means MS simply is selling more consoles in Europe...