Movie Reviews 2.0

Haven't seen Batman vs Superman yet, but I'm not liking what I'm hearing.
My mate saw it yesterday, said it was great. He also said he felt the movie felt a bit well-stuffed, and would welcome an extended blu-ray release later on (apparently he's heard a rumor of 30 minutes getting cut from the cinema release which would be put back in the home version... *shrug* Who knows!)

I'm hoping to go see it next week, maybe as soon as monday, I don't know yet. I hope I'll also like it. :)
Hmmm, I'm going to see it next week and have been MAJORLEY looking forward too it, I'm a bit worried now. I don't give a crap about it being dark, I love dark. The Dark Knight Rises was my favourite in what is far and away the best set of Batman films ever made IMO. I really enjoyed Man of Steel too, although it started to fall apart a bit in the second half.
Don't go watch it worrying about it. Go with an open mind. There's some amazing moments and it's just a bit disjointed. It's a must see to any remotely geeky guy anyway.
Regards B v S.

The movie is excellent. I'm definitely buying the ultimate cut, hope they have a 4k disc.

I've been thinking about the hate it's been receiving, and I simply don't think there's any reasonable basis for it. Sure it could use a bit better editing, but I found the movie easy to follow, and very entertaining with several marvelous WTF moments. I found it more entertaining than TDKR, Force Awakens, Jurassic World, and most certainly not worthy of such widespread dislike by critics.

For the hate? There's several bands that may encompass most of the haters. a.)herd mentality, people too afraid to go against the group succumbing to peer pressure or those who prefer to please the consensus of their peers., b.) comic book fans that might believe it's not true to the way they want the characters to be portrayed., c.) fanboys of marvel who'd hate the movie no matter how good it was., last and probably most important d.)I know we're not supposed to talk about religion, but there are several religious undertones in this movie that might offend religious audiences(a majority of critics are religious), once offended they might just be unable to see a good movie for the good movie it is.
From what I read (I haven't watch it yet), a lot of people don't like this version of Lex. From the trailer, I also don't like this version of Lex. Also I think most people complained about the disjointed nature, trying too much for too little time. From the trailer, I also have that kind of feel. Having said that, I do like Amazing Spider-Man 2, so I should have no problem with BvS as long as it got enough meat (as in amazing moments and cool fights)... except for Lex... I don't know if I might like him more when I watch BvS, but if it is more of the same Lex as in the trailer, then probably no.
From what I read (I haven't watch it yet), a lot of people don't like this version of Lex. From the trailer, I also don't like this version of Lex. Also I think most people complained about the disjointed nature, trying too much for too little time. From the trailer, I also have that kind of feel. Having said that, I do like Amazing Spider-Man 2, so I should have no problem with BvS as long as it got enough meat (as in amazing moments and cool fights)... except for Lex... I don't know if I might like him more when I watch BvS, but if it is more of the same Lex as in the trailer, then probably no.

People say there's too much stuff, but the amount of set up content for sequels is not that much for a 2 and a half hour movie, one scene, a few cameos*(and they even complain that the cameos aren't more elaborate too, which seems odd considering many are saying it is overstuffed). There are a few story threads going on in the movie, in part to set up the second half, could be better edited but I like the approach they took, and could follow alone with the scene transitions. Trying to better blend multiple story threads would've resulted in a far longer movie and is not that necessary, as mentioned it can be easily followed.

The thing is taking the set up stuff out would only have cut a small fraction of the length of the movie. Wonder Woman is said to be one of the best things in the movie, so I sure'd hope they wouldn't expect her to be cut.

As for Lex, it is divisive, some hate him some love him. I found him very over the top, and combined with the characterization*(his actions) I found it added a nice touch of WTF moments.

Overall one of the more enjoyable movies I've seen in a while, and one of the better superhero movies.

As I said one thing is saying it is not properly edited or you didn't like it. That's reasonable opinion. But things I'm hearing like "it's the worst movie ever made", a "complete disaster", "completely indefensible", well not only is that hyperbole but for a movie that I consider to be very good, seems questionable. As I said there are various camps that are probably hating it for their own reasons. But if you see the trailers say for x-men apocalypse, pay attention, the comments made in those trailers can offend a certain group, and they might say they hate something even if it is excellent.
Regards B v S.

The movie is excellent. I'm definitely buying the ultimate cut, hope they have a 4k disc.

I've been thinking about the hate it's been receiving, and I simply don't think there's any reasonable basis for it. Sure it could use a bit better editing, but I found the movie easy to follow, and very entertaining with several marvelous WTF moments. I found it more entertaining than TDKR, Force Awakens, Jurassic World, and most certainly not worthy of such widespread dislike by critics.

Yeah not hard to beat those two crap movies :LOL:

Watched Ex Machina yesterday and all I can say is that the robot lady is a bitch. Flesh and bones or nuts and bolts, women will screw over men ;)
Luthor seems to be the most hated single element of the film.

Maybe that was the intent? ;) He's a villain. You're not supposed to like him. My personal take? He's a nut job. And I think it was a pretty good new take on the character. He seemed to fit well within our current world.

I've been seeing a lot of comments that said they think the animated series/movies did a great & better job. Maybe so, but if they would have copied them I would have considered it a cop-out. I like live-action movies to take a little risk & try something a little out of the box. Animation should feel closer to the original material.

Tommy McClain
Similar as I don't like how they portray Superman in MoS, I also don't like how they portray Lex Luthor in BvS. That doesn't mean the movie itself is bad, because even if I don't like how they portray Superman, it just make the movie less Superman-y than I thought it would be. With the same line of thinking, I don't like how they portray Luthor, the Luthor in this movie is less Luthor-y than I would like him to be, but doesn't mean that it is bad.
Since I've just watched it, I can say that I like BvS better than Ultron. I actually like Affleck's Batman more than Bale's Batman as far as Batman goes (Batman as the character isolated from the stories). I love how they portray Wonder Woman.
What I don't like is the unnecessary Batman/Wayne scene from time to time because I don't think that add up to the story and just a distraction. I also don't like Batman motivation to fight Superman (which I think is stupid for Batman). Overall, it was an entertaining movies. Maybe a lot of the critics forgot to just enjoy the movie and instead they try to find every hole that they could find. Definitely better than the 29% critics RT would suggest! It is at least a solid 7 movie and more if you like cool action scenes.

Edit: Having think about it, that low rating, although may discourage some people to watch the movie, but when they do watch it, I believe most of the people would be pleasantly surprised instead of agreeing to that 29% rating. Basically you came in with low expectation, thus the movie would feel a lot better for most people that are expecting to watch a movie with 29% rating.
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Or maybe you could stop being so condescending and accept that people might have a valid, objective opinion about it that's different than yours and is not based on personal bias or belonging to a certain "group of people"? You sound like Trump.

Really Im hearing some say it's the worst thing they've ever seen and others that walked out of the theater. How are you supposed to take them seriously?

ADD audiences might require several explosions per second not to get bored, but a slower paced superhero movie does not worst thing ever make.

I mean there are so many horrible movies in the superhero genre alone, take dragon ball, fantastic four rise of the silver surfer, mortal kombat 2, xmen 3,etc.

To me such criticism is like someone going to a restaurant many like and saying a rotting sandwich with maggots out of a dumpster is better. Such claims are difficult to take serious, especially when they add that it is indefensible and they don't know how anyone could actually like it.
What was so awful about Xmen 3, that they killed Scott and you didn't even see it happen, what? I loved Xmen 3, I thought it was fucking great. Don't understand all the hate it gets.

The ending scene where Magneto sits a tired old broken man in the park, and then he gets this expression on his face, and he barely nudges the chess piece... Gives me chills every time.
It's not the worst movie ever, nor the worst superhero movie ever. But it has some serious, serious flaws that cannot be ignored by anyone with an even slight critical mind and, frankly, are just unnecessary.

Surely someone at Warner saw the movie in the last year or so, and thought "hang on a sec here, this, this and that didn't make much sense, let's fix it!"

Surely Zak Snyder is not an all powerful being and is open to criticism?
Surely Zak Snyder is not an all powerful being and is open to criticism?
Maybe he is, I dunno, did he direct, write script, both? :) Maybe there are flaws with the movie, well actually I'm sure there are, but none of them grated me so badly that they stand out particularly clearly.

Rather I thought it a pretty awesome action movie with some great scenic moments (Golden Gate Bridge stretching out to Alcatraz for example), and the overarching anti-homophobia message resonates more strongly than in the previous X-Mens and gives the movie soul, IMO.

Guess this proves we're all different. :) I couldn't stand Gravity, for example. I walked out of the theatre, I thought the movie just about the dumbest thing I ever saw, but other people obviously like it. (I liked Sandra Bullock's performance, but literally nothing else about the movie. Okay, the SFX were well-made, and I liked them too, but that's it! :D)
Here's a take on the problems with the BvS movie that I broadly agree with (although, touching on it in the "Opening Sequence", I think the bigger problem is the script just doesn't correctly set up the motivation to the fight well)

The article pointed out something that makes you more annoyed - for me its true that one of the best moments in the films is when WW turns up, but its not her movie! She's entirely perfunctory to this story and you should be feeling that way about Batman and/or Superman at the end.

Maybe confirmation bias, but it reads to me: "either nail the scrip to the n'th degree have make sure Snyder gets it or get rid of Snyder for Justice League"

At least I can say I'm now looking forward to the Wonder Woman movie more now that I've watched this.
I don't have much to add about BvS (watched a weird IMAX 3D presentation where I had perceptual issues for the 3D in a bunch of places), other than to say that I really didn't buy Bruce's motivation to get involved. Given that the entire movie hangs off of that, I'm a bit deflated. I really really enjoyed it apart from that, though.

Affleck is a genuinely good Batman (and a much better Bruce Wayne!) and Gal Gadot......wowee *swoon*