Movie Reviews 2.0

DR is too skinny to be an, erm, 'classic' Lara Croft. When you consider that even Angelina Jolie required some 'assistance' in the wardrobe department for her movies, I can't really see DR in the role. If she is cast in the role, expect plenty of wailing and gnashing of teeth from the interwebs. ;)
Well the reboot was also emphasizing less her tiny ass and busty chest and more the actual character and story so I don't think that's much of an issue since the games were very well received in that department and didn't have a shower scene like one of the old titles.
I finally got around to watching Donnie Darko
I know a lot of people highly rate this film, but I didnt see what all the fuss was about to me it seemed pretty average.
I loved it too. I'm not gonna watch it again for that very reason. My gut tells me Donnie Darko is a movie you simply have to watch at a certain point in life. Nostalgia can be a real bitch. Last time it bit me in the ass was when I rewatched The Goonies.
There are timeless growers, though. Stand By Me has only become better over time.
That's pretty much what I wanted to write but couldn't get it out of my head. DD was great back then, and I'm not sure it would be great today.
Anyone seen Baffman vs. Superman yet?

I've seen some jawing on the internets that it's supposed to be crap. *shrug* Doesn't feel good, as I've got tickets to go see it this weekend... :p
There's wildly contraddicting views, but I was expecting the comments I saw. Too long, too 'dark', too serious, too convoluted, too this too that. I'm ok with that. Apparently the third act is unfathomably epic so I'm still very excited about it, and Wonder Woman.
If it's serious and dark - good. The last thing I want is anything that harkens back to 1960s TV batman or hell, Joel Schumacher's atrocious movies.
I saw it last night in Imax 3D. I loved it. My favorite interpretation of Batman on the screen yet. It's no darker than previous Batman movies, but will say that he is different enough from previous incarnations that it could alienate some Batman fans. If you liked Man of Steel I would say you will like BvS. There's also a little bit of fan service for fans of other DC characters. ;) It's definitely getting me excited for more DC movies.

I can get more detailed in PM since I don't want to post any spoilers.

Tommy McClain
DR is too skinny to be an, erm, 'classic' Lara Croft. When you consider that even Angelina Jolie required some 'assistance' in the wardrobe department for her movies, I can't really see DR in the role. If she is cast in the role, expect plenty of wailing and gnashing of teeth from the interwebs. ;)

Bunch of lonely losers are gonna be upset she doesn't have enormous boobs. So sad for them.
There's wildly contraddicting views, but I was expecting the comments I saw. Too long, too 'dark', too serious, too convoluted, too this too that. I'm ok with that. Apparently the third act is unfathomably epic so I'm still very excited about it, and Wonder Woman.
Not really "unfathomably epic", although I did wonder "WTF can Batman do here?". I have no issues with Afleck as Batman, Henry Cavill is probably the perfect Superman, but Zack Synder hasn't done either of them "Justice" in his two turns with SuperMan and now one with Batman - he's thrown out so many tenets of both of them now. First hour plodded, you then get to the "vs" bit and wonder "over that?" and then
two minutes later they are best buds because their mum's share the same name!
WW turning up at the end was a bright spot and actually probably was the most "epic" out of them.

Oh and I'm not a fan of the Bat suit either. I figured I'd give it a chance, but the fact that it appears to be a relatively thin weave material yet
its bullet proof to the point of bullets bouncing off it just doesn't stand up for me.

I didn't think it was as bad as some of the negative reviews stated, but just a bit "meh" in general, the disappointment comes from knowing that this is a waste of characters and setup with a poor script and poor director. WB needs to install someone else for Justice League; having Nolan as just a producer didn't influence Snyder enough here.
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Needless to say I got a lot more out of it than Wavey. There was more to explain Batman's change of heart & his regular suit didn't make him invincible either. Bruce did get injured from his attackers. Both happened real quick. So I'm not surprised either was missed. Personally I was kind of glad Nolan wasn't involved more. Superman & the more fantastical DC characters would feel out of place in his universe. I also wasn't as big of fan of the Dark Knight Rises either. Loved his first 2 way more. I think no matter how DC or Zack would have done the movie they were damned either way. Some people are never satisfied. What happened to just enjoying a movie for what it is?

Tommy McClain
Oh, go back in this thread and you'll note that I had issues with TDKR, Nolan's treatment of Batman there was the weakest if the three, but it's still an opus in comparison to this. I also think Nolan would be able to, narratively, do a lot more with "gods" on earth as well.

And with regards to the suit, that just highlights the inconsistency,
it can be penetrated with a knife, but bullets spark and bounce off??

Believe me, I love a bit of popcorn movie going and pre-booked for an 11PM showing on Thursday night, I didn't want to not enjoy that time and $18!
Yep seen BvS too yesterday.

Very mixed feelings. I really wanted to love it and I did, it was a great film. But. Surely Snyder could have found a way to tell the same story in less than that time and a little bit more clearly and, I daresay, fun?

WW was the best thing about it to me. And also seeing the rest of the JLA even tho briefly.

It took way too long to get going, and although I got the message they were trying to put through in the first act, it was way, way too long and disjointed.

I'll see it again of course.
And also! I strongly believe that if you don't know who Darkseid is, or the rest of the JLA (like the friends I went to see the film with, they had no idea), then I can't think how confusing the movie was for them, and the amount of details they must have missed.

That's one of the many WHYYYYY's that make it so irritating. I'm a huge DC comics fan, I'm actually re-reading Crisis on Infinite Earths at the moment cause I love it, and I read about the movie before. I knew what to look for.

Anyone else would have zero idea what went on in a few, very key scenes that set up the next few movies.

Snyder and all the production must have thought that too? As famous as Superman and Batman are, normal people do not know the other characters, Darkseid especially and everything that happened in that dream scenes.

When WW finally came out, I definitely felt like there was no connection whatsoever to the other two, so as amazing as her part was (and it really was,
the girl kicks Doomsday's ass more than Superman, mostly), the dialogue between them was a big WTF - She starts talking to the other two like they've known each other forever. So disjointed to the context of the movie.

It's like, the amount of time they dedicated to irrelevant parts of the movie (mostly the beginning) could have been dedicated to make other key parts much, much clearer to anyone who is not a die-hard fan.
And let's not start with Lex. I don't care about Jesses' performance. It is what it is.

But somehow he has been elevated from the usual jokey bad guy to a near omnipotent guy who is able to:
1. Learn that the members of the JLA exist, and who they are, including Superman's secret identity - which in this universe doesn't seem so secret anyway. But how did he get info on the Flash, Aquaman, WW's picture from 100 years ago? everything! he knows everything!
2. Able to manipulate everyone around him to make them fight each other.
3. Learn Kryptonian tech, somehow know that he can just drip some of his blood on Zod's face and MAKE Doomsday out of that (?!??!?!?!)

ALL AT THE SAME TIME! While being portrayed as completely psychotic? Completely out of context with the performance of this crazy guy who can't even complete a public speech?
Makes no sense! One of the many WHYYYYY's that just leaves me so irritated, and probably makes the movie such a mess.
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Haven't seen Batman vs Superman yet, but I'm not liking what I'm hearing. While I enjoy Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns, I don't enjoy the fascination with making superheroes as dark and miserable as possible. Dark Knight Returns is a great one-off story, but it's not the definitive Batman. And while I enjoyed watching Man of Steel, I'm one of the people that though it was too dark. Why does Superman have to be such a downer? I feel like DC is trapped in the 90s, where the anti-hero in movies became popular, and everything was dark, grey and leather like in the Matrix. It's old and tiresome. Might as well give Superman some leather wrist-bands, leather pants, a wallet chain and some tribal tattoos.
The fact that it's dark is actually nothing compared to the real problems the film has. It's really one of those rare occasions where I fear that different editing would turn this into an exceptional movie. Because the actors are all great, the action is great. But it's built and edited in such a messy way, it all kinda goes away.
I saw Batman V Superman today. Ok but A bit of a letdown for me... I think Man of Steel was far better movie than this. I think the only great things about this was the special effects and surprisingly Ben Affleck's performance and his characters. Luthor was the worst and everyone else a bit meh. Many cool scenes and powerful action, but plenty of issues...