Movie Reviews 2.0

Saw BvS and it just felt way too long and way too serious with absolutely no drama relief from the seriousness. The pacing was horrible. They should have cut the origin bits of Batman, that would have saved 10 minutes from the opening scene entirely and a few more minutes throughout the film as there were more Batman flashbacks. Even with that saved 15 minutes of film, they still need to cut another 20 minutes from somewhere, not sure what exactly. The main fight should have happened much earlier and the should have had more minor fights between Batman and Superman throughout, perhaps have it as they were going after the same bad guys. As others have said, I didnt really believe the reasons or motivations that Batman had to fight SuperMan.

Overall another really poor showing from Snyder. I hope he's not involved with the Justice League movie.
Went to see BvS with rock bottom expectations and I enjoyed it for what it was to be honest. Batman was the best part about the movie and (a)Lex Luthor easily the worst. Flawed movie but still fun, but nowhere near the Nolan films imo.
I saw it on Saturday night and absolutely loved it. I have to disagree with most of the criticisms in here. I like Lex, he has a very "Jokerish" vibe to him in an insane genius kind of way. I absolutely love the brooding dark tone of the film including the darker portrayal of Superman. For me, there's nothing worse than a dark, tense movie like this that try's to throw in comic relief for the sake of comic relief. It just breaks the immersion IMO.

I really didn't have a big problem with Batmans motivation or
his late change of heart - realizing that Superman had a mother humanized him whereas before he just saw him as a reckless and extremely dangerous alien. The fact that their mothers shared the same name just drove the point home for him, and Lois obviously played a big part too.
. I actually wasn't quite as taken with Wonder Woman as others seem to be either. Oh boy is she hot, and I certainly appreciated her involvement in the film - it certainly added to it overall, but her involvement did seem a bit tacked on, it's not as though the story would have changed in any way if she wasn't there. I also though she
was a bit overpowered. Granted my only exposure to Wonder Woman has that 70's TV series, I realise after just reading the Wiki page on her that she is in fact supposed to be much more powerful than I had thought

I really can't wait to pick up the Ultimate edition on 3D Bluray.
Well, opinions are opinions. But I don't agree with the whole Light-hearted (or whatever you call the Marvel movies) versus Dark. You can be dark and still be entertaining, like so many movies have managed to do.

About Wonder Woman, she wasn't overpowered. In the comics, she kicks ass big time. The 70's TV version of Wonder Woman is so far removed from the comics and what was portrayed in the movie, they're not even the same person.
About Wonder Woman, she wasn't overpowered. In the comics, she kicks ass big time. The 70's TV version of Wonder Woman is so far removed from the comics and what was portrayed in the movie, they're not even the same person.

Yeah that TV show really threw me off. I read the Wiki page on WW before posting that post and she sounds a hell of a lot cooler in the comics. I'm glad that's the direction they seem to be going with the movies.

Incidentally the one area we do agree on is the difficulty that people without any DC background at all will have with understanding some of the scenes. I only understood the teaser scene for future movies because I'd read about the future movies on facebook and if you hadn't seen Man of Steel then the start (and some of the dream scenes) would also be a bit confusing. Also the Darksied scene went completly over my head, I'd never even heard of him until I read your post.

Incidentally, my arguably favorite WTF moment was
Superman vs Batmobile - oh fucking hell yes!
Yeah that TV show really threw me off. I read the Wiki page on WW before posting that post and she sounds a hell of a lot cooler in the comics. I'm glad that's the direction they seem to be going with the movies.

Incidentally the one area we do agree on is the difficulty that people without any DC background at all will have with understanding some of the scenes. I only understood the teaser scene for future movies because I'd read about the future movies on facebook and if you hadn't seen Man of Steel then the start (and some of the dream scenes) would also be a bit confusing. Also the Darksied scene went completly over my head, I'd never even heard of him until I read your post.

Incidentally, my arguably favorite WTF moment was
Superman vs Batmobile - oh fucking hell yes!
The movie has some amazing moments. And I love it for that. But a movie is not about throwing a couple of super duper scenes surrounded by total emptiness like Zak Snyder does, every single time.

Whoever chose him to practically handle the whole DC universe in movies needs to go home and have a rest. You can't really blame Snyder for taking a huge cheque and doing what he has always done. WB should have know.
I went to see BvS at the week. I can agree with a lot of the criticisms but have to say I really enjoyed anyway. Possibly this is the effect of having young kids and only getting to the cinema a few time a year. :)

Had to keep it quiet what we were going to see. My little girl, who spend a good portion of the time wanting to be called Batman, would have been devastated to find out that we went without her.

My comparison point for the film is the Justice League cartoons she's been watching. Batman and Superman are dicks in those too, so I'm not that bother by their representation in the film.

I would definitely go and see Wonder Woman the musical after watching this. Junkie XL's WW theme is incredible.
Funny you mention the DC animated movies. Not only are they just great, but a lot more grown up than I expected, especially the jokes. Coincidentally I re-watched Flashpoint (I think they renamed it The Flashpoint Paradox) yesterday and some of the jokes are quite adult-y and just full of innuendos that kids probably wouldn't get. And you know how I appreciate a good innuendo.

About Flashpoint, it's far, far more entertaining than BvS and most of the superhero movies that have been released in the last few years.
Funny you mention the DC animated movies. Not only are they just great, but a lot more grown up than I expected, especially the jokes. Coincidentally I re-watched Flashpoint (I think they renamed it The Flashpoint Paradox) yesterday and some of the jokes are quite adult-y and just full of innuendos that kids probably wouldn't get. And you know how I appreciate a good innuendo.

About Flashpoint, it's far, far more entertaining than BvS and most of the superhero movies that have been released in the last few years.
She's watched more of the JL and YoungJL series than the animated films. They tend to be pitched a little older. We did have a look at one of the Superman animated films. It opened with a guy having his eyes ripped out by Brainiac. "Can we watch a different Superman pls daddy?" Oops!
Is there anything in the batman vs superman movie that my 8yo couldn't handle?
Personally I'm really looking forward to seeing Hardcore Henry much more than possibly something like BvS. Comes out this Friday!
Is there anything in the batman vs superman movie that my 8yo couldn't handle?

I'd agree with London-boy, it would probably be a bit confusing (although it's likely he wouldn't care because 'action scenes') but there is a reasonable level of violence in there such as neck snapping and people being vaporised. Plus one or two genuinely 'crap yourself' moments IMO. There's also some incredibly well timed 'almost nudity' which just boggled my mind in terms of how they managed to work out and time the camera angles to miss showing nipple (and other bits) by what must be millimetres,