Movie Reviews 2.0

Well, watched Deadpool earlier and have to say it was a bit 'meh' for me.

Not bad by any means but I'm bemused that so many seem to think it's the bee's knees? I personally felt it was trying too hard to be quirky/amusing.

Perhaps it's just because I've never read any of the comics or even heard of the character before now?
Never read the comics and didn't know much about the character beforehand but I found it absolutely hilarious. Each to their own sense of humor and nothing wrong with that. Not going to be for everyone.
Just out of curiosity, do you watch other superhero movies? Do you find them 'meh'?

Cause, even being a big fan and enjoying pretty much most of the Marvel ones, I did feel quite bored at the constant stream of very similar 'epic/adventure/meh' films, with probably the biggest MEH being the last Avengers. Liked it, nice and all but very MEH.

Deadpool by comparison is a work of art, shot on a fraction of the budget, limited scope and story, kinda meh villains, but it more than made up for it with writing and character. To the point that it's, to me, the best of the bunch so far.
I liked batman and x-men, though the last batman sucked. I remember thinking the old spiderman movies (with Toby) were good too. All the other ones are mostly meh to me.

I'd watch Deathpool but this is Japan and Japan is like living in the 80's in some aspects so its not going to come out for another 4 months or something. Some with other movies I'd like to see such as the renevant. I know this is offtopic but whoever thought that Japan electronic heaven is mistaken as well. Maybe it was two decades ago but these days it sucks. It's impossible to find unlocked phones and if you find one its a couple of hundred euros more then when you'd buy it in e.g. The Netherlands, pay for the Yen -> Euro conversion, 20% tax in The Netherlands, shipping and then another 8% tax plus handling charges and in most cases that is still cheaper than buying shit in Japan. Same goes for a lot of hardware. I was looking for fanless PSU's, you can buy Seasonic in The Netherlands for 110 euros. Same model in Japan? Over a 1000 euros. Stuff gets consistently released later or not at all either. 6th gen Intel NUC's have been on sale in the Netherlands for over a month now but not yet in Japan. Only overpriced import models at double the price. The fucking factories are just across the sea for christ sake..

Edit: To get back ontopic a little bit, i've started watching all the James Bond movies starting with the first one. I'm watching Diamonds are Forever at the moment. Still fun to watch but not great. Especially some of the special effects are very very poor. E.g. all the driving scenes in the first couple of movies have the road projected on a screen on the background which looks just horrible. The spaceship in, I think, Thunderball is really poorly done as well. Maybe even by 60's standards :LOL:
I've seen pretty much all of the recent superhero movies (though not the Fantastic Four remake) and agree that the last Avengers movie contained a load of FX-laden claptrap. OK to watch and switch your brain off for a while but not very good.

I think perhaps I was expecting too much from Deadpool after the fan reviews lauding it so highly. Much the same way as I felt about The Dark Knight I suppose which was certainly a good film, but not the best thing since sliced bread as the reviews would have had you believe.

I suppose my issue was that Deadpool/Wade is just a bit of a whiny bitch. He becomes disfigured (though not exactly all that horrifically, despite his whining) so can't face the love of his life. A bit shallow and I just couldn't get any sympathy for the character.

Otherwise, I just felt it was trying too hard to be quirky/outrageous.

Can't say the trailer for BMX Bandit vs Angel Summoner (UK-centric joke alert) exactly made me excited to watch that one though I'll no doubt see it at some point. I think the last couple of X-Men movies have been pretty good so hopefully the third will follow suit.

The other trailer surprised me as I hadn't realised that a Shannara TV production had been filmed. Might be interesting to watch that. I read the original trilogy (I think?) of books many, many years ago and recall it as being surprisingly bleak but not bad at all. Riding on the back of the Hobbit/GoT productions, I suppose, so hopefully they've done a decent job with the show.
I was rather delighted by Ant-man. Did not expect that at all. Having a smaller stage can be really helpful at times. Age of Ultron really collapsed under its megalomaniacal, world-ending scope. The final showdown in particular was just a big old mess, whereas the showdown in Antman was wicked cool. Two dudes having a well choreographed go at each other > god knows how many protagonists fighting an army of robotic clones. The scenes in which Michael Pena's character tells his stories about how he knows a guy who knows a guy and so on and so forth managed to zero in on my sense of humor like no Marvel movie before it as well. Except Guardians of the Galaxy maybe.
I'm rather tired of Joss Wheedon's one-linerific style of script writing in general.
Yep - I really enjoyed Antman as well. An odd one in that it didn't seem to receive better than middling reviews in the UK media, but I thought it was pretty enjoyable!
Can someone here explain to me why Fury Road didn't win the Oscar for best visual effects?

Or cinematography for that matter.

^Except for the prestigious categories of course. I mean no offense, but the only Oscars people tend to care about - briefly - are the ones for acting, directing, the best overall film, and maybe the writing. At least I've never heard anyone talk about a film because it was awarded an Oscar for sound editing.
Pretty cool that Ex Machina got the visual effects Oscar, by the way. Not bad for a film with an alleged budget of a paltry 11 million Euros. And the effects did look fantastic, so it wasn't just about rooting for the underdog.
Can someone here explain to me why Fury Road didn't win the Oscar for best visual effects?

Or cinematography for that matter.


Probably because of the awfully fake looking steering wheel flying towards the camera after the war rig got flipped on its side :)
Seriously though, the effects in Ex Machina were absolutely spotless. Unlike in Fury Road, they were also obvious. Fury Road's extensive effects work was more of the invisible kind like in most David Fincher movies. The judges probably didn't even know they were looking at effects in the first place.
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Speaking of Mad Max Fury Road - anyone else notice how awful the framerate is? There are various instances where the framerate of the surrounding does not match the cars or what is happening at the center of it. I imagine that has to do with just about everything outside of focus is actually computer rendered, but whatever it is, it is not running as smoothly as it should be. Anyone else notice this or am I the only one, maybe because I'm viewing it on a very very large projected screen at home?

EDIT: A good example would be as they are driving into the storm. You can clearly see that while the cars are all running smooth and fluid, what is happening all around (which is clearly animated stuff) is not running at the same framerate.