Movie Reviews 2.0

Maybe We should spin off a spoilertastic thread for Star Wars. This one is getting a bit ridiculous for those like us who aren't opening the tags...
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I agree. You want to create the Spoilerific thread?
Well Star Wars just surpassed Avatar and is now the biggest movie ever in the US, although I'm not sure it will overtake it globally. Pretty impressive.
Avatar will be hard to beat. It was such a shitty movie to be sitting at 2.7 billion dollars. I guess the novelty of being the first good 3D movie really helped it.
Finally took the plunge and watched Boyhood with my girlfriend. Can't remember the last time I was quite as bored for such an extended period of time. I'd imagine it's like that time you politely agree to spend an evening with some parents watching archived video footage of their kids growing up. To make matters worse, the kid in Boyhood is incredibly dull, obnoxious and leads a remarkably uneventful life (flipping through the pages of a lingerie magazine isn't really a big deal, you know). I know that was probably the point, but when it makes for an incredibly dull movie, your artisitic intentions can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.
Straight Outta Compton 9/10

Ice Cube put together a simply perfect docudrama taking the viewer through the inception of N.W.A and all the social effect, artists and amazing music it helped create over many years.
Just came out of the cinema.


Abso-fucking-lutely BRILLIANT. I just can't fault it. So far above all the superhero drivel we've been getting, it should be in its own genre.

Decided to watch Deadpool after work. So. Fucking. Magnificent.

Every bit you think is a bit ropey is followed by Deadpool taking the piss out of it, in the middle of the movie. Fourth wall be damned.

Absolutely no idea how it got passed the BBFC with a 15 rating here in the UK. Full frontal female nudity, swearing, death, blood, decapitation gore, sex, ultraviolence. Maybe the censor was laughing too much and typo'd the 8 as a 5?