Movie Reviews 2.0

I randomly re-watched Lethal Weapon last night. Oh boy, the 80s was such very special decade. I feel privileged to have lived through it.
Yeah, I know what you're saying. All the faults the 80s had, those years also had their moments, in music, cinema, hell, even fashion! Lol.

I know that Mel Gibson was probably the same sort of flaming racist misogynist antisemite back then as he later turned out to be; we did not just know it, but it can't change the fact he's just wonderful as this character. His ability to emote strong feelings with his face and body language is matched only by a few other action movie actors - like Harrison Ford for example. His crazy-eyes are almost unbeatable.

The first two Lethal Weapons are really cool movies. The third I haven't seen. The fourth was fairly terrible; too watered down for the masses, and Joe Pesci was annoying as a guy being made fun of for being short and annoying. Also, the 1980s had passed by then and that magic moment just wasn't there anymore. I think there's also a fifth movie in the series, but I'm trying not to think about it. ;)

I quite like the two R.D.Jnr Sherlock movies I have to say.
They were good, but not spectacular I would say. Competently well crafted, acted and directed. Kind of like Volvo action movies, in a way. "Boxy but good." :p

His English accent doesn't bother me too much. If you've seen the recent BBC TV series with "Eggs" Benedict Cumberbatch, he does the same sort of clipped, dry manner, and he has an English accent by birth.
Haven't seen the Eggs Benedict version, no, but I've read on the internet it's supposed to be good. The thing I have about Downey Jr. is that I don't really see him as Holmes as much as I see Tony Stark in a vest and coat and a faux english accent. ;) He's being rather much the same character, and it gets a bit distracting, IMO. Not so much it ruins the movies, but I feel Ritchie should have dialed down the Tony a bit and dialed up the Sherlock somewhat. I get they're doing a new version, a more...21st millennium kind of Holmes, but I think they stretched a little too far on the whole.

Personally I think that the best rendition of Holmes I've seen is the Jeremy Brett TV series from the 80s and 90s.
Not having seen THAT many versions of the man, I think I will have to agree with you there. No slight intended to Brent Spiner's STTNG version, of course! Hehe.
Transcendence....... what a pile of shit movie in every way. Couldn't find one redeemable part of it at all and shouldn't have watched it all the way through.
Transcendence is a Johnny Depp becomes an omniscient post-human entity after upload sort of movie. Yep, that's right. Johnny Depp as a genius who becomes omniscient. A few gaps in the storyline here and there, though it does also include Morgan Freeman who plays the caring old guy role quite well as usual.

'Lucy', featuring Scarlett Johanssen, is a much more interesting take on the post-human concept thing.
Transcendence is a Johnny Depp becomes an omniscient post-human entity after upload sort of movie. Yep, that's right. Johnny Depp as a genius who becomes omniscient. A few gaps in the storyline here and there, though it does also include Morgan Freeman who plays the caring old guy role quite well as usual.

'Lucy', featuring Scarlett Johanssen, is a much more interesting take on the post-human concept thing.
I enjoyed Lucy. It's suitably silly.

Although, Morgan Freman saying such utter bollocks as "we only use 10% of our brains" with such gravitas is somehow distubing. :)
So, by the way, what you guys think of the Star Wars trailer? Huh?! Huh?! Huh?! Huh?! :)

I know you must have seen it by now... There was a lens flare in there, did you notice? Are you scared now? :D You think JJ Abrams put it in the trailer just to purposefully grind the gears of all the internet haters?

I for one await this with great interest. I'm hoping it will be great. Who will direct the next part of the trilogy, JJ again?
So, by the way, what you guys think of the Star Wars trailer? Huh?! Huh?! Huh?! Huh?! :)

I know you must have seen it by now... There was a lens flare in there, did you notice? Are you scared now? :D You think JJ Abrams put it in the trailer just to purposefully grind the gears of all the internet haters?

I for one await this with great interest. I'm hoping it will be great. Who will direct the next part of the trilogy, JJ again?
I'm less concerned about lens flare than I am by spaceship falling from the moon to the earth level of crapness. That kind of stuff would be dreadful in Star Wars, never mind the Star Trek film it appeared in.

(liked the trailer. As always, babysiting is problematic around Christmas, so may not get to see it on the big screen)
I'm planning to (attempt to) completely avoid any of the Star Wars trailers and reviews. Hopefully, I'll manage this and then be able to avoid having too many preconceptions about the film when I get around to watching it. My wife has never watched any of the Star Wars movies (she fell asleep about 20 minutes into Episode IV when I tried to get her to watch it!), so I'll need to try and watch it with somebody else!
I haven't watched any of the trailers because I don't want to watch the film. :D Fuck JJ Abrams and fuck any star wars films that aren't the first three. :D
Yep. Absolutely loved the new JJ movies and I never really liked the original show and the older movies, except maybe for First Contact, which was quite nice.

If he can do the same with Star Wars - which I also never really loved - then I'll be happy and quite impressed.
Well, today, at the age of nearly 38, I've bought my first X-wing.

On top of that, it's the black Lego one!

Ooooooh man this kit is just utterly amazing. Must be the best Lego X-wing yet.
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I happened to click on something called Cowspiracy on Netflix last night and, assuming his facts are right (I tend not to trust shocking figures given with no supporting evidence so I'll prob spend all day today googling it, cause I don't have a life), then this might just be one of the most shocking docufilms I've seen.

Highly recommend it.

So, what's the verdict after all the Googling?
It's tough but I will very much reduce my consumption of meat and all things animal-sourced.

Online you'll find as many people agreeing as those disagreeing, but in my eyes the facts are pretty clear. And it's healthy too.

I won't eliminate it all completely - I'm Italian after all - but even a heavy reduction will be good for me and the cause.
Yep. Absolutely loved the new JJ movies and I never really liked the original show and the older movies, except maybe for First Contact, which was quite nice.

If he can do the same with Star Wars - which I also never really loved - then I'll be happy and quite impressed.

For me it's just a dislike of the man's overall body of work. Lost is bad, Joy Ride is bad, etc etc. I can go on ranting, I won't. Star Trek 09 was just what awoke me to who he really was other than the dude that created Lost and Alias.

Will give him credit for Regarding Henry, though. Rather nice film, rather nice film. I need to re-watch it, it's been at least five years.