Yeah, I know what you're saying. All the faults the 80s had, those years also had their moments, in music, cinema, hell, even fashion! Lol.I randomly re-watched Lethal Weapon last night. Oh boy, the 80s was such very special decade. I feel privileged to have lived through it.
I know that Mel Gibson was probably the same sort of flaming racist misogynist antisemite back then as he later turned out to be; we did not just know it, but it can't change the fact he's just wonderful as this character. His ability to emote strong feelings with his face and body language is matched only by a few other action movie actors - like Harrison Ford for example. His crazy-eyes are almost unbeatable.
The first two Lethal Weapons are really cool movies. The third I haven't seen. The fourth was fairly terrible; too watered down for the masses, and Joe Pesci was annoying as a guy being made fun of for being short and annoying. Also, the 1980s had passed by then and that magic moment just wasn't there anymore. I think there's also a fifth movie in the series, but I'm trying not to think about it.
They were good, but not spectacular I would say. Competently well crafted, acted and directed. Kind of like Volvo action movies, in a way. "Boxy but good."I quite like the two R.D.Jnr Sherlock movies I have to say.
Haven't seen the Eggs Benedict version, no, but I've read on the internet it's supposed to be good. The thing I have about Downey Jr. is that I don't really see him as Holmes as much as I see Tony Stark in a vest and coat and a faux english accent.His English accent doesn't bother me too much. If you've seen the recent BBC TV series with "Eggs" Benedict Cumberbatch, he does the same sort of clipped, dry manner, and he has an English accent by birth.
Not having seen THAT many versions of the man, I think I will have to agree with you there. No slight intended to Brent Spiner's STTNG version, of course! Hehe.Personally I think that the best rendition of Holmes I've seen is the Jeremy Brett TV series from the 80s and 90s.