Movie Reviews 2.0

Yeah they didn't have HD for TV shows in 1999, so LOTR probably would've looked like Xena. Thanks but no thanks.
I'm just gonna leave this here

The Hobbit (USSR 1985) - REAL English subtitles - Well before Peter Jackson put Bilbo's story on screen (though after Rankin/Bass premiered their animated adaptation) the USSR's Vladimir Latyshev directed the very first live-action version of Tolkien's "The Hobbit." It may not have the CGI gloss of the modern trilogy, but at least it has subtitles!
Just watched the latest Maze Runner. For me, it was good enough. Better than the 1st, especially in the acting department. The story itself wasn't bad, but I heard that if you have read the book then you'll be disappointed because the focus is different.

Anyway, I don't see any maze in this one. I don't know about the next one, but I would like to see more maze because you know... it is in the title.
Watched Avengers: Age of Ultron (again) yesterday; on Blu-Ray and in the comfort of my own home instead of on the silver screen.

Movie was very good, very enjoyable in this form, where I could pause and re-wind a cool moment and watch it again - and again, and again and again if I wanted to. I really enjoy Chris Evans' performance as Cap, he's really grown into that role over the years and made it his. Chris Hemsworth is of course ever as formidable as Thor (my personal favorite Avenger, heh), Scarlett Johansson is...possibly even more morally ambiguous in this movie than her previous outings. Her dream sequence when we see her being trained and brainwashed, is totally freaky. She carries herself with great authority and gravitas, but also sensitivity. A great character, and a great performance. And so on. They're all good. It was enlightening listening to the director's commentary track (occasionally whimsical as it was at times though), and hear Tony Stark described as a
villain. I didn't see him that way when I first saw the movie, but maybe I was wrong. I wanted to see him as the victim of the Scarlet Witch's mindbending powers, but perhaps there is a villainous streak in him as well.
It will be interesting to see what the future of the Marvel cinematic universe has in store for good ole Tony. I still REALLY like the Hawkeye-centric mid-movie sequence. It really fleshes him out as a character, and, as a human being, and as a function, also the rest of the Avengers. They all benefit from these scenes, and I'm really glad they're in the movie. It gives the movie heart, and soul. :) IMO, of course, heh...

The weakest link was - again, of course - Ultron himself, like it was back when the movie was new. He's a badguy, obviously, but we don't know why he is a badguy. Ultron doesn't even know himself why. Nor does he seem to care. He just is, and his lack of motivation and a greater goal makes him boring and uninteresting. Loki wanted to rule the world, as a king. This guy... He has no ambition at all. Even Malekith from Thor 2 - another villain who just wanted to destroy everything - had motivation, and a backstory. Ultron has neither, which is crap. Such a long movie, and they still couldn't come up with a reason for the title character to be fucked-up in the head? :D Also, the fact there's SO MANY of him is also a problematic, because like with pre-Nazi German money, hyperinflating a movie villain does not result in more villain. It results in LESS.

But enough whining. It's a hell of an action movie, even with its weaknesses it's still one of the very best in the past decade IMO. It's got some really solid heroes, great action sequences in different cities on different continents... It's a hell of a ride. I recommend it (again, lol.)
The Hobbit (USSR 1985) - REAL English subtitles - Well before Peter Jackson put Bilbo's story on screen (though after Rankin/Bass premiered their animated adaptation) the USSR's Vladimir Latyshev directed the very first live-action version of Tolkien's "The Hobbit." It may not have the CGI gloss of the modern trilogy, but at least it has subtitles!
There were also Hobitit a Finnish LOTR made in 1993 which had Smeagols birthday and riddles in the deep from Hobbit in the first episode, 9 parts ~20 minutes each.
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As for a non-snarky bitch post: re-watched Attack of the Killer Tomatoes earlier in the week. Still holds up, though the last third does drag a bit until the stadium scene.
Watched Everest last night. Really enjoyed it. I wasn't expecting much based on the reviews but I'd personally give it about 8/10.
Saw Man from UNCLE (not gonna type out the periods) the other day. It was pretty good; not super awesome I suppose, but a decent enough timewaster to have been worth the price of admission.

I enjoyed the back-and-forth between the two main agents, it lent the movie distinction to an affair that would otherwise have risked becoming a bit too Bond-like. The story is pretty forgettable of course, it's made up almost entirely of clichés, so the characters have to carry the entire weight of the movie since the plot is not going to help out much. They do that pretty well, as mentioned.

Although supposedly set in the '60s, it's not very accurate overall. The cinematography, fighting choreography and so on is all decidedly very contemporary, and fashion and interior decoration and designs only seem inspired by the time era rather than some sort of accurate depiction. Interesting bits and pieces are used to set the tone, and glued together with more modern sources of inspiration. Vehicles are obviously the one exception where no deviations are possible.

By all means go see it, if you've been thinking of doing so but not wanting to commit. If you have the chance, that is. I don't know for how much longer it'll be in cinemas. :) It's not a masterpiece as mentioned, but still quite enjoyable overall.
Seriously, it's a good film. Not a great film, but a good film. And, unlike the last two pieces of shit, I mean Terminator films, this one actually tried to set up shit for sequels.
Can someone explain why Genisys was panned so horribly?
It has plot. That might be it, I dunno.

I thought it was pretty great. Weak badguy, which was overly superpowered, but still a very fun and enjoyable movie, with a really great heroine in it as well. I thought she was super great.

And, unlike the last two pieces of shit
I muchly MUCHLY enjoyed T3. I thought it was fucking awesome. Adrianna Loken was also fan-fucking tastic as the Terminatrix, totally on the same level scary and threatening as Robert Patrick as T1000, or Arnie in the original.

Don't really understand why you wouldn't like it too. :p
She was the only good thing about that movie. Though Summer Glau probably did it better in the series.