The problem with that view is that the best stuff you can watch over the past few years is on TV.
tears of laughter, the best!!!
No movies can compare with the scope and quality of shows such as Breaking Bad (and Better Call Saul!), Game of Thrones, The Wire, House of Cards, Sopranos etc etc. All the usual suspects (not The Usual Suspects, though that was very good!).
still crying, wipes tears from eyes, No films (including these multi million dollar hollywood stuff), can compete, perhaps the scope thing is true, but really
and you know this how? ..... OK yes the avengers film etc are not up to that quality (london-boy "damn right - avengers sux ..... wait .. what did I say")
On the other hand, if you watched 700 films last year, chances are the quality of over half of them range between average and rubbish. There really is a lot of really good TV these days and you're missing out of you don't bother with some of these shows.
more than 90% of the stuff I watch is crap ... but I enjoy crap and readily admit to this, hell most of my fav films are crap.
Nowadays the envelope is being pushed by TV and there's no denying it
I think perhaps you are talking about TV vs mainstream hollywood films, perhaps thats true (and then even thats debatable) but is US TV is pushing the boundries more than say independent US cinema or worldwide cinema? (more tears from the eyes, wiped away), when I say films, I mean FILMS not just box office films in one land
Im not laughing at yous but just what you're saying which with further though Im sure you will agree is just based on a limited exposure
heres some great stuff I've watched recently (mostly old stuff, though I do watch recent stuff as well, but this is whats hit me recently) I was in the land not long after the berlin wall fall, glorious vibe and music, a haunting film that will stick in your mind longer than the 'macdonalds' avengers 2 does! been meaning to for a while since I've heard its good, and it is, really well shot as wellé_des_spectres_verts
films like history can't be judged in the occurring moment, give it a couple of years
how many times here have I seen gushing praise for some piece of superhero drek (im guilty also) yet if you asked the person a couple of years later they will be like, "um yeah, it was OK I suppose (blush)"
Im not putting down todays tv, but to say a medium that has to leave each episode with a cliffhanger after 40mins (to be resolved next episode) is laying huge constraints on the writers, plus the even bigger constraint (commercial interests)
sure money helps
but even with 10k you can make magic
a hard watch but one of the greatest marriages of music and images ever, and filmed for about 10,000$ (all the guys films are great he just is a genius)