Movie Reviews 2.0

Crap! So I'll need a new BR player and a new TV?

I'd seriously consider upgrading if more movies like this are released, but man, I've got several thousand dollars in my home theater equipment.
Crap! So I'll need a new BR player and a new TV?

I'd seriously consider upgrading if more movies like this are released, but man, I've got several thousand dollars in my home theater equipment.

There will be a better 3D display again next year, and the year after that. Just content yourself with spending a limited amount of money every 5 years or so, at least on the TV. ;) It's what I've decided to do a while ago. Say that the new 3D standard looks to be stabilising itself to the point where the quality is good enough for you and it looks like this standard will be supported the next five years (it will always get better, but good is still good), then fix a price at which you're willing to step in. In my case that's 1000 euros (it was for 100hz widescreen CRT, then for HD Ready LCD) and that five years should have passed since my last TV purchase. I bought this TV January of the year the PS3 was launched in Europe, so basically I'll be looking to buy a 3D LCD TV in 2011, which from the looks of things may work out nicely. Then who knows, in 2016 they'll have nice affordable 3D displays that don't require glasses, etc. ;)
Avatar, all visual flare and unfotunately very little substance. Easy to get carried away and lose track of time with you're staring at next-gen CGI, though.
I didnt expect anything ground breaking in terms of the story when I went there. I just wanted to be awed by visual effects. I thought it was excellent for what it was.
It's more like Dune, actually:
- precious resource not found anywhere else
- hero not only going native, but becoming the leader of them leading a war against his own kind

It's more about all of these being a variation on the Hero's Journey, just like Star Wars and countless other works of fiction from age-old myths to modern literature and cinema.

And to be honest, Avatar is one of the movies that gets this formula right, quite unlike almost any other blockbuster movie in the past years.
Sure it's like Dune if you dumbed down Dune about a million times over. And if one side (in Dune) was pure unadulterated goodness distilled into smurfs and all things evil in the universe was concentrated in the form of humans beings. That's pretty much the extent of the story and plot for Avatar. Humans and corporations bad. Hippies good.

Even Star Wars showed some of the good points of the Empire. Dances with Wolves showed that nothing was pure good or pure evil. And Dune...well that "good" guys could turn into "bad" guys, and all the millions of shades in between.

Now, as a children's movie, that's all great, don't need much of a plot and story...

Exactly. Comparing this to Dune is a worse violation of Herbert's literary legacy than letting Kevin J Anderson touch his milieu.

"We will fight terror with terror." I literally LOL'd in the theater at that line.
Dune schmoon.

Give me 9ft tall blue chicks who ride flying lizards and shoot poison-tipped arrows any day.
Ah, I dunno. I think you're being a bit overly harsh on the Dune movie by David Lynch. OK, it might have ignored practically all the storyline from the book, but I thought it was very stylishly shot with great visuals and wasn't too bad overall.

I watched Avatar last night in 3D. Possibly the most predictable storyline and most cartoonish characterisation in a film that I've seen in a long time but I enjoyed it enough for the nice visuals. I'll generously award it 6/10. Maybe 6.5/10 at a push.

As an aside, from the two films I've now watched in 3D, I have to say that I don't think it adds a huge amount to the experience. For me, it only really seems to make a difference in slow-panning scenes or where the camera is static when the 3D effect can be taken in properly. For the usual jerky-cam action moments I can't say that I notice much difference between normal footage and 3D.
Yeah, think people are a bit harsh on the Lynch version of Dune. There's just no way you can do justice to Dune (or most good books for that matter) with a 2-3 hour movie.

Hell compared to the books, I thought The Two Towers and Return of the King were absolute rubbish. The Lord of the Rings was the best and most relatively accurate of the three, and even that left out some of the better scenes from the book. As stand alone movies however (ignoring the books completely) they were pretty good.

I assume when there's any reference to Doom being good, it's the book, not the movie. You didn't care for the book?

No unfortunately I have not read the books yet. I first got exposed to the world of Dune through Sci-fi and I thought it was a load of tosh. Maybe I have not done it justice. Is it worth checking the books out? I have never really read any of the scifi-ish books unless Michael Crichton et al count....