Wait, wut? That's still one of the most impressive looking racers of all time, by a mile.
I'm willing to bet that pretty much none of those people played the final game then? Presumably based their opinions on that very first demo, which probably did the game no favors.
Motorstorm 2 is a marvel to look at, and a great technological showpiece. It holds up extremely well so far - only a little while I recommended it to london-boy as a game you can still play after God of War 3 without being disappointed by the graphics!
I agree Arwin, MS2 actually looked really great overall especially the lighting and the water.
What I want improved in MS3, and I have extensively played MS2 and MS1and even bought all extensions (for the record: MS1&2 are my favorite racers this gen!):
-track deformation was nearly completely abscent, compared to MS1, where some tracks consisted of deformed tracks after the race
-the amount of particle effects ("smoke") was dramatically dialed back compared to MS1...maybe to circumvent the problems with pixelated particles they had in MS1?
-lot of textures where meh at most...this was not a problem while actually driving, as the motion blur helped quite a bit...but when driving slow (i.e. crashing) you could clearly see the deficiencies!
-I hate that when starting the race, you get this fancy close ups...revealing the ultra low res ground textures: they should have add a trick, that in this close ups you get high res textures...or just don't go to close
-There is one setting, which looked basically green in brown - not very pleasing from artistically point of view
-For instance in this setting, you got some hefty aliasing issues
-a fundamental problem that the tracks looked senstational at late afternoon/evening but not so good at other day times...this is mostly due to the lightning not being so dominant at those day times..exaggerating some of the deficiencies...
-animation when falling in deep water/lava is a joke...looks like a forgotten placeholder
-I also had the feeling that the overall number of cars on track in your sight at a given moment was dialed back compared to MS1, but this was just a feeling...
-there was rather limited use of the "destroy something on track" feature