Neo rumors for plan A: same CPU, same GPU * 2, same memory type, same memory architecture.
PR: Clear from the start mandatory forward and backward compatibility between PS4 and Neo at development level. we are talking about a PS4.5 iterative console.
Scorpio rumors: new CPU, new GPU, new memory type, new memory architecture.
PR: "it’s up to the game development community. What do they want to do. This is the beginning of a new cycle " "Scorpio is not a xbox 1.5" "No, no, that was a mistake, sorry guys, honest mistake. There will be backward and forward compatibility. There won't be Scorpio console exclusive games. But that's not mandatory for the devs anyways so that's just PR talk that everybody will have forgotten in 18 months."
PR: Clear from the start mandatory forward and backward compatibility between PS4 and Neo at development level. we are talking about a PS4.5 iterative console.
Scorpio rumors: new CPU, new GPU, new memory type, new memory architecture.
PR: "it’s up to the game development community. What do they want to do. This is the beginning of a new cycle " "Scorpio is not a xbox 1.5" "No, no, that was a mistake, sorry guys, honest mistake. There will be backward and forward compatibility. There won't be Scorpio console exclusive games. But that's not mandatory for the devs anyways so that's just PR talk that everybody will have forgotten in 18 months."