Yeah, rage has died down.
It's issues like this that sometimes make me reflect on how naff the gaming industry is.
Let's start with Sony. Sony, this is a dick move. But you're a company with shareholders and this move is clearly advantageous to your bottom line and making money is your goal so I guess, uhh, well done.
Gamers, as a 'community' you suck. For all the "pre-order cancelled" bollocks, you clearly have no conviction and no staying power. My mind, which is already much-boggled, is further boggled by the naivety of posts along the lines of "Phil said this" or "<whoever is in charge of PlayStation> said that". When you refer to an executive making six/seven figure salaries in a MegaCorp by their first name because you think they're a gamer like you, you've been successfully brain-duped by the company's legion of ad and PR agencies.
The job of such agencies is to make people like Phil and <whoever is in charge of PlayStation> (
clearly Sony need a better agency) to appear as relatable, down-to-earth, grounded and one of us- a gamer dude.. man. In truth, Phil and <whoever is in charge of PlayStation> and I'm tired of typing that so I'm going to call them 'Clive', get into work they're looking at tedious metrics like usage of online services and margins and costs and being presented with options that ever-so slightly disadvantage gamers but would increase profitability of Phil and Clive's MegaCorp by 1 micro-cent every hour under a full moon - and thus, signing that shit off before deciding what to have to lunch in the subsidised canteen because their even their inflated salaries can't afford to eat lunch at Starbucks every day.
Phil and Clive are numbers guys. And by numbers I don't mean they're looking at gaming projects and shouting "
we need more zombies, dammit" or "
that games needs more pew pew pew!" - sorry if I've lost people by using common technical terms used in professional game development, but what I'm saying is, I doubt Phil and Clive play games much at all - they're just too damn busy trying to find ways to extract more money from you that don't require getting you drunk at E3 bashes and stealing your kidneys. Well, I'm talking about Phil, Clive probably is working on a plan to do that.
Anyway, yeah. Sony, you still suck but I'm glad you're not going out of business but do you really need
that much money?