Microsoft HoloLens [Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Holograms]

Huh. This is the second VR guru dying in traffic? Crazy. I do know that a lot of people die in traffic accidents, but still.
Seems like nothing was shown and they just thanked everyone for all the interest and said more details will be announced at build . So that's April 29th Going to be a lonnng two months lol
It would be interesting if the Magic Lens guy had any kind of medical research background and isn't making a completely lay proposition.

Obviously these effects haven't been studied since these devices aren't out there.

I am skeptical of whether it's a good idea to regularly use HMDs. They were talking about VR in the 90s and one of the reasons development stopped was liability concerns because users became disoriented after VR sessions and could be driving in some impaired state.

At least one expert in the field thinks the Magic Leap guy hasn't got a clue what he's talking about with regards to neurological damage.

Joyce Farrell, the executive director of the Stanford Center for Image Systems Engineering, said Abovitz's claims hold little water beyond a light-field display -- as Magic Leap claims to have -- being easier on the eyes.

"The thing that people are complaining about that may cause fatigue is that you have to converge your eyes at a certain place in a certain way that is non consistent with natural viewing," she told CNET of stereoscopic displays like the Oculus Rift.

When asked if there were any differences between a light-field display and stereoscopic display, Farrell said it boils down to how the 3D images are being produced, nothing more. She added that there was "no evidence" supporting the claim that neurologic damage could be done by either display technique.

Sad news:




It's a shame that this has happened. RIP Mike Ey. Hope you are in a better place.
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Seems like nothing was shown and they just thanked everyone for all the interest and said more details will be announced at build . So that's April 29th Going to be a lonnng two months lol

I wondered if this was out of respect for a lost team member, or just that it was always planned for //build. Be interesting to see how it is integrated in to gaming, costs could be high I am still guessing. Have a friend going to build, so he plans to get a demo and let me know. Really I just want to take one apart more than anything. ;)
I wondered if this was out of respect for a lost team member, or just that it was always planned for //build. Be interesting to see how it is integrated in to gaming, costs could be high I am still guessing. Have a friend going to build, so he plans to get a demo and let me know. Really I just want to take one apart more than anything. ;)

Its hard to tell, i'm sure it was a big loss for them and so sudden. Build is their own thing so perhaps they want some really big news to come out of it ? more hololens could certainly do that
Paul and a guy from neowin were on windows weekly about 1hr15 minutes in and they talk about the hololens. One of them is hoping for dev units at build stating they are in production. Now I don't know if he was speaking towards the prototypes being in production or a near final unit
Dec builds would-be be my guess. Would be really surprised if they can launch consumer version before holiday 2016.
Was the headset on stage that the girl used real or was it faked. if it was real then the hardware might be done already and just waiting to be mass produced. That would make it a software issue for launch
did you hear this from anywhere ?

I assumed the stage units were a target production mockup. If you read any of the many accounts of people who got to try HoloLens demo units you'll know they have bare boards visible and are tethered to laptops.

If they had near final production units working then Microsoft would have used them. You want to give press the best experience possible so they report the best experience possible.
I assumed the stage units were a target production mockup. If you read any of the many accounts of people who got to try HoloLens demo units you'll know they have bare boards visible and are tethered to laptops.

If they had near final production units working then Microsoft would have used them. You want to give press the best experience possible so they report the best experience possible.

While unlikely, it's possible it could have been a 1 off working prototype of a potential production design. For example, the processors in use may have been more advanced (engineering samples?) and in far more limited quantity than the commercially available processors (minus the HPU) used in what appears to be engineering units that were used to demo to the press.

I'd go with unlikely, and that it wasn't an actually self contained Holo-Lens, however. Perhaps the holographic display and sensors were in there, but data was being streamed wirelessly back to and from a main processing unit.

Yes , paul talked about having a belt on with a bunch of stuff.

I just don't know if its because they had to few prototypes of the final design and they had a room full of people who had to try it or if it just that they only had those early prototypes.
Eurogamer has shared this video of someone playing a FPS using AR technology.

It's pretty nice, it also shows shadowing, which I didn't expect, and the lighting is correct. One thing I didn't like much is how the HUD gets out of your FOV from time to time.
Eurogamer has shared this video of someone playing a FPS using AR technology.

It's pretty nice, it also shows shadowing, which I didn't expect, and the lighting is correct. One thing I didn't like much is how the HUD gets out of your FOV from time to time.

It's also completely made up. As in 3D rendered compositing by WETA. :p Like Lord of the Rings. It's an effective form of marketing, certainly.

It's also completely made up. As in 3D rendered compositing by WETA. :p Like Lord of the Rings. It's an effective form of marketing, certainly.

I thought it was real for a moment. Gotta admit that I believed it. I found the decal on the wall after shooting at it to be a nice effect and totally possible, like your typical decal on old 2D games that didn't change the graphics, they were just pasted on the texture.

What made me suspicious was the tank storming in the office, I found it wrong, how the device could emulated the lighting and the mackerel spread on the ground. Before that, I was amazed.

Yes , paul talked about having a belt on with a bunch of stuff.

I just don't know if its because they had to few prototypes of the final design and they had a room full of people who had to try it or if it just that they only had those early prototypes.

Wired had an exclusive hands on with the industrial design. Everyone else were given access to development kits.