Microsoft HoloLens [Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Holograms]

True enough and there probably won't be much for a while.
True enough and there probably won't be much for a while.

If they are going to launch it in the windows 10 time frame , I would expect to start hearing more as the year goes on. We might see an appearance at gdc or e3 . I would think a launch next year would be likely esp if they are going to use cherry trail
It will be at //build in some fashion, demos for developers and such.
that be very cool

I was thinking that using the hololens with an xbox one equipped with Kinect could be very interesting since the game would be able to see your point of view and the screens point of view.

Also having just tried the scream ride demo , I thought that be interesting also. That could be another cool game that pops out into your world
The only known side-effects that we know of so far is abnormal hair growth and no desire to seek a stylist. :yes:

Serious note, we still have no solid clue on how the light engine in the hololens works.
Yah, I posted the link for general interest, not because I'm endorsing it. I have no idea what the repercussions of long-term use of any VR/AR technology is.
The only known side-effects that we know of so far is abnormal hair growth and no desire to seek a stylist. :yes:

Serious note, we still have no solid clue on how the light engine in the hololens works.

I'll take 2 !

I wonder if things will heat up with AR like they are in the VR field.
"There are a class of devices (see-through and non-see-through) called stereoscopic 3D. We at Magic Leap believe these inputs into the eye-brain system are incorrect -- and can cause a spectrum of temporary and/or permanent neurologic deficits,"

We used to have a great press officer in the Government department I worked in previously, she was absolutely phenomenal. One of the many things she taught me about bad PR was use of the word "believe". It's safe to say almost anything as "I believe" because it's effectually unchallengeable and has been used to defend defamotory statements successfully far too many times. Politicians love "believe" because you can later say you believed something and disproving it, if the "believer" is careful, is impossible.

If Leap had any substantive evidence here they wouldn't be saying "believe" they'd be saying, "we have research" or "we have medical evidence". This kind of PR bullshit annoys me no end.

Sorry, "believe" sets me off. I'm calm now :yep2:
I'll take 2 !

I wonder if things will heat up with AR like they are in the VR field.

I am thinking good AR is a much longer-term investment on the RD side, unless MS hands out the design as a "reference" for other manufacturers to build from. (That was a much older MS though, this new MS I can't see doing that). VR is gone wild, GDC is going to be filled to the rafters with devices. Almost to the point where someone needs to develop a "standard" of some type, otherwise (for another topic) I can see X game needing Y device. Console exclusives will have nothing on VR headset exclusives, if you want to play all the games you are going to be poor.

I think Shifty said somewhere, if the shield on the HoloLens could be changed or auto-dim itself I could see this device being able to do both roles. XboxLens has less senors and an included dark shield, Kinect V2 required for full experience. HoloLens is corporate oriented, all sensors contained, multi shield for example. Edit: IMO erm - I believe...

Edit: I need to find our VR thread, as Valve is now rumored to be developing an API for VR.
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It would be interesting if the Magic Lens guy had any kind of medical research background and isn't making a completely lay proposition.

Obviously these effects haven't been studied since these devices aren't out there.

I am skeptical of whether it's a good idea to regularly use HMDs. They were talking about VR in the 90s and one of the reasons development stopped was liability concerns because users became disoriented after VR sessions and could be driving in some impaired state.
Ok, I will take one for the team. I will play a couple hours of VR once I get a set, then go run hotlaps at the track where my racing kart is at and see how consistent my times are to normal. :yes:
Today is their actual event. So there should be a live blog and a recorded component will be released at a later time after the event today or tomorrow. But I believe hololens if not shown here will be at the \\Build\ event.
thanks , I think it will actually be at both. I heard they want it out with launch of windows 10
I think this is likely the one if Hololens were to make an appearance:

11am PST
Phil Spencer, head of Xbox, will discuss the future of gaming and the many ways game developers can create innovative game content and experiences for the entire Microsoft ecosystem, including Xbox One and Windows 10 devices.

If not that then this Developing for Windows 10 might be the only other one:
The ID@Xbox guys sent out a tweet, and the more I stare at the image the more I wonder if it was a hololensagram. (I have no clue otherwise, honestly what game it is for)

Sad news:

Microsoft’s promising new HoloLens project suffered a truly unfortunate set back recently as one of it’s project designers, Mike Ey (30), was involved in a fatal hit-and-run incident this past Saturday morning. According to news reports Mike was hit from behind by Robert Malsch on State Route 520 in Redmond, WA. Narrowly missing another driver before ploughing into Mr. Ey’s vehicle it was also reported that Malsch’s vehicle was driving over 100 mph. Seen running from the scene Mr. Malsch was later apprehended by police and is now facing with vehicular homicide and felony hit and run charges.



