Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard King for $69 Billion on 2023-10-13

And thats not problem at all unless they bought a big studio that owns multiplatform IPs and that studio as significant presence in the console multiplatform space.
Complaining that Sony's games dont come to XBOX is irrational. It is like complaining why Forza, Halo, Super Mario, Zelda, F-Zero etc are not multiplatform.

I don’t think this is a huge issue anyway. The IPs come and goes. We have seen many popular titles disappear anyway. There will be always new titles that replace them. Even if cod disappear completely it will not be huge deal for most of the people.
I am not sold on narrative that we must stop msft from buying publishers becouse they are acquiring muliplatform IPs and Sony is better at this game so we need to let them to be in this position.
Sony had basically unchallenged position during psx ps2 era they sold over 100 mln psx alone. They have fans and brand PlayStation is recognized all over the world. In Poland the first console magazine was called “PSX extreme”. I think is still active. PlayStation had amazing start during first two generation but it was super steroid start not organic growth.
competition is great as it creates market that benefits consumer. It creates market that is good for consumers welfare. So what if Sony is in better position and deserve to be market leader. Should this keep going and harm consumers just because they had better start? Silent hill 2 ff7 and I bet rumored mgs remake will never come to Xbox. Sony is removing multiplatform ips from Xbox without buying studios. They should be challenged! Neither Sony or msft deserve to be a market leader. They need to fight on equal foot with each other. This is the only option that make sense for us customers.
Of course they don't want to compete with GamePass. Their business model is still stuck in the past. They still want to collect full retail prices for remakes.
New doesn't necessarily mean better for consumers.

Everyone is trying to build up subscription revenues in other realms besides gaming. But the streamers got a lot of subscribers on the back of low prices and introductory deals. Now they're raising prices and adding advertising on top of subscriptions.

For gamers, the most profitable segment for years was used game sales. A lot of consumers, especially younger gamers, were able to sustain their gaming by trading in games they completed for new ones or other used games.

Developers and publishers may have hated that they didn't get any part of used gaming money but it was arguably better for at least some consumers.
I agree. Sunset overdrive being exclusive to Microsoft platforms and Demon Souls and Bloodborne being exclusive to Sony platforms seems really clear cut. It's when IP has a history of appearing on a platform then disappears is when it gets more complicated.

Sort of like Final Fantasy? Where Sony are paying Square-Enix to ensure that the FF VII remakes don't come out on the Xbox platform?

New doesn't necessarily mean better for consumers.

Everyone is trying to build up subscription revenues in other realms besides gaming. But the streamers got a lot of subscribers on the back of low prices and introductory deals. Now they're raising prices and adding advertising on top of subscriptions.

For gamers, the most profitable segment for years was used game sales. A lot of consumers, especially younger gamers, were able to sustain their gaming by trading in games they completed for new ones or other used games.

Developers and publishers may have hated that they didn't get any part of used gaming money but it was arguably better for at least some consumers.
There’s nothing stopping people from doing that today though. And if that is diminished then That wasn’t killed by gamepass.

People moving to digital killed that off.

Or just like how Netflix helped reduce piracy, the convenience of game pass surpasses the BST of games.

Convenience is also an important part of consumer satisfaction and not all games have a physical copy available anymore.
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And thats not problem at all unless they bought a big studio that owns multiplatform IPs and that studio as significant presence in the console multiplatform space.
Complaining that Sony's games dont come to XBOX is irrational. It is like complaining why Forza, Halo, Super Mario, Zelda, F-Zero etc are not multiplatform.
Sony owned Psygnosis (purchased in 1993) made multiplatform titles like 1995's Wipeout. Wipeout had releases on Saturn, N64, and PC. Starting with Wipeout 3, that series became an exclusive. Microsoft releases games on Playstation and Switch, but the only franchise Sony has released on rival platforms is MLB The Show, and that was because of a contract negotiated with MLB.
Sony owned Psygnosis (purchased in 1993) made multiplatform titles like 1995's Wipeout. Wipeout had releases on Saturn, N64, and PC. Starting with Wipeout 3, that series became an exclusive. Microsoft releases games on Playstation and Switch, but the only franchise Sony has released on rival platforms is MLB The Show, and that was because of a contract negotiated with MLB.

They also release some games on PlayStation. While Minecraft was released on PlayStation prior to MS acquiring Mojang, Minecraft Dungeons is a new game and is available on PlayStation 4. And that wasn't due to an outside IP holder basically forcing them to release on a competitor's platform (Major League Baseball forcing Sony to release MLB The Show on more platforms if they wanted to keep making MLB The Show).

Sony and Bungie have said that Bungie have the freedom to release their games where they want, so it'll be interesting to see if the next Bungie game will be allowed to be released on Xbox.

Sony owned Psygnosis (purchased in 1993) made multiplatform titles like 1995's Wipeout. Wipeout had releases on Saturn, N64, and PC. Starting with Wipeout 3, that series became an exclusive. Microsoft releases games on Playstation and Switch, but the only franchise Sony has released on rival platforms is MLB The Show, and that was because of a contract negotiated with MLB.
The Wipeout ports weren't published by Sony though (Sega and Midway iirc and the Saturn port of Wipeout wasn't developed by Psygnosis either) probably only happened because Psygnosis had a licence to release games on Saturn and N64, I seem to recall that Sony was not happy about Wipeout, Destruction Derby etc being released on Saturn and put an end to it asap.
Sony owned Psygnosis (purchased in 1993) made multiplatform titles like 1995's Wipeout. Wipeout had releases on Saturn, N64, and PC. Starting with Wipeout 3, that series became an exclusive. Microsoft releases games on Playstation and Switch, but the only franchise Sony has released on rival platforms is MLB The Show, and that was because of a contract negotiated with MLB.
Some of Psygnosis IPs were seeing multiplatform releases while under the ownership of Sony and even then they were assosciated with PS. Their strongest multiplatform IP in the console space was Wipeout. Before ownership from Sony their presence in the console space was miniscule. Their only IP pre-purchase that continued to exist in the 32 bit era was lemmings. Their purchase hardly took anything from other platforms. Its an even weaker example from MS buying Ninja Theory. Hardly a good example.
With MS releasing games on Switch and PS, apparently you are talking about Minecraft and Ori, with Minecraft a unique type of product existing on PS platforms pre acquisition and a stupid decision to cancel an already released on going product and cut huge stream of revenue. Ori being just a tiny exception.
Ninja Theory's Hell Blade sequel was CUT from PS5 release even though the original was on PS4 too
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Some of Psygnosis IPs were seeing multiplatform releases while under the ownership of Sony and even then they were assosciated with PS. Their strongest multiplatform IP in the console space was Wipeout. Before ownership from Sony their presence in the console space was miniscule. Their only IP pre-purchase that continued to exist in the 32 bit era was lemmings. Their purchase hardly took anything from other platforms. Its an even weaker example from MS buying Ninja Theory. Hardly a good example.
With MS releasing games on Switch and PS, apparently you are talking about Minecraft and Ori, with Minecraft a unique type of product existing on PS platforms pre acquisition and a stupid decision to cancel an already released on going product and cut huge stream of revenue. Ori being just a tiny exception.
Ninja Theory's Hell Blade sequel was CUT from PS5 release even though the original was on PS4 too
My post was in response to the statement "Complaining that Sony's games dont come to XBOX is irrational." I simply cited an example where Sony owned IPs were ported to competitors in the past. And it wasn't just Wipeout that got ported. 3d Lemings, Krazy Ivan, Destruction Derby, Assault Rigs, Defcon 5, and Discworld were developed or published by Psygnosis and had releases on Saturn or N64 while they were owned by Sony. So why is it now irrational that Sony doesn't release multiplatform titles?

Also, on Switch, Hellblade was released more than a year after Microsoft aquired Ninja Theory. Banjo Kazooie was released on Switch Online, the team appeared in Smash and an Amiibo was produced. The Bard's Tale ARPG: Remastered and Resnarkled was released in 2020 for switch even though InXisle was owned by Microsoft since 2018. Psychonauts 2's publishing rights have returned to Microsoft. It's still available on PSN and listed as being published by "Microsoft Corporation". Viva Pinata got licensed for a release on Nintendo DS by THQ, even though it's a Microsoft property. There are examples beyond just Minecraft and Ori, and I know I haven't covered them all here. But can you find an example of Sony releasing games on Xbox (outside of The Show and Qbert)? Because they used to. But now they don't.
But now they don't.
It is no longer profitable for them to do this. Now exlcusivity and walled garden is their primary strategy coming out of ps3. The invention of multi platform engines made porting is so easy to do, it’s in the favour of platform in doing the opposite which actively paying for title restriction. In the past they previously didn’t have to make exclusivity clauses because exotic hardware was the differentiating factor for games and game design. Today all hardware is the same, so now they must differentiate on content

To Sony, any strategic moves around content is a direct move against their differentiating strategy that they’ve comfortably been using for 20 years now.
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My post was in response to the statement "Complaining that Sony's games dont come to XBOX is irrational." I simply cited an example where Sony owned IPs were ported to competitors in the past. And it wasn't just Wipeout that got ported. 3d Lemings, Krazy Ivan, Destruction Derby, Assault Rigs, Defcon 5, and Discworld were developed or published by Psygnosis and had releases on Saturn or N64 while they were owned by Sony. So why is it now irrational that Sony doesn't release multiplatform titles?

These games were either an accidental bonus or Psygnosis simply happenned to be the regional publisher of a game that was developed and/or published by others on other platforms. Psygnosis found a loophole of licensing their IPs to others.
Also, on Switch, Hellblade was released more than a year after Microsoft aquired Ninja Theory. Banjo Kazooie was released on Switch Online, the team appeared in Smash and an Amiibo was produced. The Bard's Tale ARPG: Remastered and Resnarkled was released in 2020 for switch even though InXisle was owned by Microsoft since 2018. Psychonauts 2's publishing rights have returned to Microsoft. It's still available on PSN and listed as being published by "Microsoft Corporation". Viva Pinata got licensed for a release on Nintendo DS by THQ, even though it's a Microsoft property. There are examples beyond just Minecraft and Ori, and I know I haven't covered them all here. But can you find an example of Sony releasing games on Xbox (outside of The Show and Qbert)? Because they used to. But now they don't.
Psychonauts 2 was released apparently before publishing rights returned to MS. Hellblade 2 is not going to be released on PS5 which shows how MS is viewing Switch as a not so much of a competitor.
Overall, besides Minecraft which didnt make sense to opt out of Majong's business model after they were purchased and remove releases, MS have released zero games on a Playstation platform.
Games released by MS on Nintendo platforms, appear to be primarilly titles that had a history with Nintendo and are too old to even bother.
None of MS's flagship games arrive on competing platforms and it is irrational to expect them to be released on other platforms as if its a default.
I count your examples as happy insignificant bonuses
Oh and since we mentioned examples like Psychonauts and Minecraft, games such as Destiny, Sunset Overdrive and The Persistence, are still sold on XBOX despite being under Sony's umbrella now.
Sort of splitting hairs here, because the reason why any platform holder would make a deal with a 3rd party to work on an original IP that the platform holder would own would be to exclude the release of that IP on other platforms. In the case of Bloodborne, Sony would also ignore it when they were going back and patching games for Pro and PS5, excluding it from enhanced next gen support.
I disagree... if you want to eat sushi you go to a sushi restaurant, not a vegetarian restaurant or a grill.
So, if you want to create a Souls Game, and make sure it works, you go to the souls game creator. And outsource the game!
If creating a successful game was easy, everybody would have it's own GTA V clone, Sony would have it's Halo, and Microsoft would have it's Horizon FW clone.
In this case Sony wanted a Souls Game, and as such payed for the Game from the ground up. It's their game, their IP, and From only used it's know how, tools, and man power to create it. The game was outsourced to them, because they are the best at that style!
But from your point of view, outsourcing games is stealing them from others! It is not! Death Stranding was also outsourced, and later outsourced again to the same team for a PC version! But it is a Sony game, not Kojima's!
If Google asks Motorola to create an Android tablet exclusive for them, are they excluding the release of that tablet on all generic stores just because Motorola sells in those stores?
Nope... That's an outsourced (obtained (goods or services) by contract from an outside supplier) product. Beeing financed and created from the root up to be for a company use only it is not removing the product from others! But if in Google's case they took an existing Motorola tablet and payed for it to be an exclusive, that would be a different question.

As for the next gen support, it has nothing to do with this. It's just a Sony decision!
Overall, besides Minecraft which didnt make sense to opt out of Majong's business model after they were purchased and remove releases, MS have released zero games on a Playstation platform.
Games released by MS on Nintendo platforms, appear to be primarilly titles that had a history with Nintendo and are too old to even bother.
None of MS's flagship games arrive on competing platforms and it is irrational to expect them to be released on other platforms as if its a default.
I count your examples as happy insignificant bonuses
To say that Minecraft is not one of Microsoft's flagship titles at this point ignores the enduring popularity of that franchise. And yes, it may be the main title that gets releases on Playstation, but the fact that the new games in the series get released on Playstation at all is exactly the point. Minecraft Dungeons and Minecraft Legends are new games based on a previously multiplatform IP. They aren't releasing every game on every platform, but they are releasing more games on more platforms that Sony or Nintendo.
Also "Zero games on Playstation"? They after the Bethesda deal they had 2 PS5 exclusives that they were contractually obligated to provide, and they did. Yes, I know those deals were signed before they bought Bethesda, but they have obvious, high profile releases on Playstation.

Oh and since we mentioned examples like Psychonauts and Minecraft, games such as Destiny, Sunset Overdrive and The Persistence, are still sold on XBOX despite being under Sony's umbrella now.
Strange fact about Sunset Overdrive, Sony owns the IP now but Microsoft has perpetual rights to sell the original game. IIRC there was an interview where either someone from Microsoft or Insomniac stated that they could make sequels on Playstation but Microsoft had exclusive rights to the first game so they would publish the first game if it was to be ported to Playstaion. Not sure if there is a time limit on that.

Also, all 3 of your examples were already on Xbox prior to Sony buying those studios. Psychnauts 2, Minecraft Dungeons, and the upcoming Minecraft Legends were or will be released after the acquisition. The same with Banjo, Ori and Bard's Tale on Switch.

But from your point of view, outsourcing games is stealing them from others! It is not!
I never said that. All I said was that to be exclusive, by definition, you must exclude. It's a requirement of the classification, and part of the word's definition.
I tend to agree with @Nesh here. And the issue is it didn't need to be this way. You seem very into this deal to "help underdog MS compete".

But taking away entire publishers from other platforms isn't competing as no one else can replicate such a thing.

You talk about how Sony is "high end console market leader"(which again is such a weird distinction no matter who tries to use it, even Activision blizzard) but they got that way investing into studios continusly and gradually over many decades.

Their failure in the PS3 generation only made them invest even more in building up the devs they worked with and owned into what they are right now. They put in the the work.

Something MS could have been doing and I wanted them to keep doing in the 360 era when they basically dropped Japanese investment into new properties and new IP in general, and started relying on nothing but third parties and 2 or 3 franchises they owned to do all the heavy lifting for years. Among other silly pet ventures like Kinect.

Which leads to the unfortunate end result. MS is in the situation they are in due to their own actions. Nothing anyone else did. Sony just exploited MSs failure to capitalize on their own momentum after 360 leveled the playing field after Sony's previous failure. And the way Sony did that was simply do what they always did better.

The idea that MSs response to that is not to build up their first party studios gradually and take a hard look at what their failure at 343 and coalition really meant, but simply buy up all the publishers in the wider market to cover their losses in a rapid timescale is ridiculous and they should absolutely be called out for that.

Nothing is stopping MS from competing in the games investment space with Sony, except them not wanting to put in the time and the work anymore.

Gamepass as a service is a good first step to competing on their own merits and it in turn forced Sony to come up with a similar subscription service which gives users choice. That is competition.

Buying entire publishers isn't competition, because it doesn't benefit anyone but MS to have this type of monopoly on the gaming industry when they are a platform holder.

You talk about weird hypotheticals like Sony buying up tens of development houses in a year being similar to this, but in the actual reality we live in there is no situation where they could possibly do such a thing, so it's not even a valid comparison to make.

They have only bought around 18 to 20 individual dev studios in almost 30 years (some of which don't exist anymore) whereas MS wants to buy a publisher that by itself owns roughly half the dev teams Sony has bought over all that time which all count toward games being made by a third party that PlayStation and Nintendo get by default due to being independent. Like I said it's not even a real comparison.
If we are looking at the console and video game markets then MS is the underdog.

You seem to forget history. Sony's falure in the Ps3 generation only made them invest more in building up the devs they worked with and owned.

2005 they purchased Gurrilla Games
2006 they purchaed Zipper
2007 they purchased Sigil
2007 they purchased Evolution studios / Bigbig Studios
2010 they purchased Media Molecule
2011 Suker punch
2012 Gaki

So they bought six studios and one of the two game streaming companies during the ps3 era. Doesn't sound like what you described. Seems like Sony really invested into buying up exclusive content.

Also since 2019 Sony has bought 11 video game companies all the way up in size to Bungie .

Why is it that Sony's reaction to having a horrible start to a generation , the first generation they didn't sell over a 100m consoles some romanticized bullshit in your post. But MS coming off a failed generation with the xbox one where they only sold about 60m consoles a situation that MS is in because of itself. Was sony failling to break 100m consoles not the same situation ? if so why could they buy up a bunch of studios during the generation and we are supposed to look at it as humble sony.

Finally you say I am talking about a weird hypothetical like sony buying up tens of developmen houses in a year being similar to this. It's because it is. You go on and say in Actual reality we live in there is no situation where they could possibly do such a thing.

I am sorry but are you purposely ignoring reality ?

Sony purchases since 2021
Savage Game studios

newly purchased stakes in video game companies
2021 Epic games .7%
Devolver digital 5.03%
2022 Epic games 3.17%
From Software 14.09%

They also bought Evo in 2021 and a stake in Discord

So lets not rewrite reality

In video games Exclusives help push a platform . Sony continues to buy up studios and sign exclusie deals for exclusive content. If another company wants to compete they have to do the same thing. There is no good guy and bad guy. If sony can buy studios up then Ms can buy studios up.

Let me just end this by saying Sony is in this postion because of their own actions. They have continued to buy up content in different ways to expand their market. Now another company is going to do the exact same thing as they are doing. if sony fans have an issue with this perhaps they should actually take off the rose colored glasses they are wearing and look back at all the actions sony has taken during their time in gaming and look at it really objectivly and ask themselves why if I am okay with sony doing this am I not okay with another company doing this .
Well for years I was being told that if I want to play PlayStation exclusives games I need to buy PlayStation. Now the situation changed and PlayStation users will not have access to everything and will be in the same situation like everybody else. And same advice apply here if you want to play Xbox exclusive games buy Xbox (or pc).
I don’t really understand surprise here. They all make exclusive deals all the time. The market is fragmented and slowly become to look like a streaming services. You don’t get everything on Netflix or Hulu or Disney +.
To say that Minecraft is not one of Microsoft's flagship titles at this point ignores the enduring popularity of that franchise.

That would also be ignoring that Minecraft is the most successful and highest selling and best charting title that MS owns or has ever owned.

So, it's hard to take seriously any claim that Minecraft isn't a flagship title. It's bigger than Halo and Gears combined. While one of the reasons is that it's also on multiple platforms, that would be selling the title short since it has greater universal appeal than practically any other title on the market.

Much like COD, there's a reason you want to have it on as many platforms as possible. It brings in serious $$$s. And a large part of why it does so is that community of players is so large and the platforms you can play it on aren't restricted.

Restricting either COD or Minecraft's userbase would likely reduce overall sales significantly more than the reduction in player base due to the restrictions because they are inherently community based games. Basically, the less people playing them the less people will want to play them. That can lead to a death spiral for a game where the loss of players feeds the loss of more players which in turn feeds the loss of more players. Having played multiple large MMORPGS in my past, I've seen that scenario play out time and time again. It only takes a small trickle of players leaving to lead to a flood of players leaving. Sometimes it's gradual, sometimes it's shockingly fast.

That's why rather than restricting the userbase of Minecraft or potentially COD, Microsoft instead wants to increase the userbase as much as possible. That includes releasing on competitor platforms as well as trying to create new ways to play the games (cloud, mobile, subscription, etc.). Any possible way to increase the player base will see significant increases in revenue and profitability beyond what is possible with single player (non-community) focused games.

Basically, single player focused games are good to try to boost your hardware install base via exclusivity while community focused games are better used to expand the games user base without regard to its effect on your hardware install base.

Those are, of course, broad generalities and games should always be taken on a case by case basis. But if you want a really successful community based game (multiplayer or otherwise), then you really want it available to as many people as you can possibly release it to.

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That would also be ignoring that Minecraft is the most successful and highest selling and best charting title that MS owns or has ever owned.

So, it's hard to take seriously any claim that Minecraft isn't a flagship title. It's bigger than Halo and Gears combined. While one of the reasons is that it's also on multiple platforms, that would be selling the title short since it has greater universal appeal than practically any other title on the market.

Much like COD, there's a reason you want to have it on as many platforms as possible. It brings in serious $$$s. And a large part of why it does so is that community of players is so large and the platforms you can play it on aren't restricted.

Restricting either COD or Minecraft's userbase would likely reduce overall sales significantly more than the reduction in player base due to the restrictions because they are inherently community based games. Basically, the less people playing them the less people will want to play them. That can lead to a death spiral for a game where the loss of players feeds the loss of more players which in turn feeds the loss of more players. Having played multiple large MMORPGS in my past, I've seen that scenario play out time and time again. It only takes a small trickle of players leaving to lead to a flood of players leaving. Sometimes it's gradual, sometimes it's shockingly fast.

That's why rather than restricting the userbase of Minecraft or potentially COD, Microsoft instead wants to increase the userbase as much as possible. That includes releasing on competitor platforms as well as trying to create new ways to play the games (cloud, mobile, subscription, etc.). Any possible way to increase the player base will see significant increases in revenue and profitability beyond what is possible with single player (non-community) focused games.

Basically, single player focused games are good to try to boost your hardware install base via exclusivity while community focused games are better used to expand the games user base without regard to its effect on your hardware install base.

Those are, of course, broad generalities and games should always be taken on a case by case basis. But if you want a really successful community based game (multiplayer or otherwise), then you really want it available to as many people as you can possibly release it to.

Without going back to all of my post context and meaning is lost. This is what I actually said about Minecraft:
With MS releasing games on Switch and PS, apparently you are talking about Minecraft and Ori, with Minecraft a unique type of product existing on PS platforms pre acquisition and a stupid decision to cancel an already released on going product and cut huge stream of revenue. Ori being just a tiny exception.
Overall, besides Minecraft which didnt make sense to opt out of Majong's business model after they were purchased and remove releases, MS have released zero games on a Playstation platform.
I would say it is not so different from Destiny. It continues to be supported post-acquisition on XBOX. They are games that pre-grew massively and are sustained by their online multiplatform ecosystem, pre-acquisition.
Destiny 2 will even see cross-play functionality in 2023.
This is why Hellblade 2 isnt seeing its way on Playstation, and you will never see Halo or Forza or Gears on Playstation either.
This is why you will never see Rachet and Clank, GT or TLOUs on XBOX and it is perfectly normal.
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Well for years I was being told that if I want to play PlayStation exclusives games I need to buy PlayStation. Now the situation changed and PlayStation users will not have access to everything and will be in the same situation like everybody else. And same advice apply here if you want to play Xbox exclusive games buy Xbox (or pc).
I don’t really understand surprise here. They all make exclusive deals all the time. The market is fragmented and slowly become to look like a streaming services. You don’t get everything on Netflix or Hulu or Disney +.

It's really because of favoritism or fanboism. They want their respective platform to stay number one because they know they enjoy perks of that like more exclusive content or having the majority of games hit their platform. it's such a small way of thinking especially now that streaming is bigger and there are even $200 next gen systems out there. Its literally never been easier to get access to all the content out there

But look at how good the ps3/xbox 360 generation ended up for gamers. MS went into the generation with a robust online strategy and to compete sony had to copy it. Sony also learned they needed a price competitive console and ditched forcing proprietary formats on us because of that. Lots of people praised the ps4 because it felt like a continuation of the xbox 360 and not the ps3. it seems like its a good idea to have a market in which the 3 competitors can change postions each generation