Growth is an extremely important metric esp when one is reporting over 200% growth and the other is reporting decline and its the market leader reporting that growth. There is obviously much greater demand for one console over the otherDoubled?! Wow, they were stock limited.
Silly to look at growth instead of install-base.
Xbox Series X|S Fighting To Become The Best-Selling UK Console Of 2022
It's going to be extremely
UK games sales dropped 6% in 2022 and console sales plunged 29%
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga beat Elden
Sales ranking was NSW, PS54, XBX, and...
Furthermore, what are the factors contributing to XB's position? Are MS selling it as hard as their rivals, for example? I know those on one side of the fence feel it's all Sony's back-room exclusives, but I reckon the average gamer is less interested in a unique skin or even DLC mission for a game (which MS could also finance if they choose) than they are influenced by media and advertising etc. Just checking commercials, Sony has plenty more TV presence (on YouTube) than XB. Similarly more content. How much sales lead (minimal in UK where CMA is operating) is due to Sony's dodgy exploitation of a market-leadership position and how much is due to MS just not being that great at console businessing, creating the product and marketing it well?
Also Ms had deep sales on the series s during dec.
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