Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard King for $69 Billion on 2023-10-13

As the market leader Sony can buy exclusives for less cost than their competitors. MS can't compete on buying exclusives while their install base lags.

Can money really buy anything ? Would you even accept a deal for a big established IP when the other competitor has twice if not more the user-base ? You also need to take of you ip so i'm not so sure.
I'm not following this too much but when was the last time MS had a deal with big a studio and/or an established IP ...Seems to be before leaving 360 era behind with tomb raider so a different state when it comes to market share. Am i remembering wrong ?

If you think about it. Any deal MS makes has to account for the missing access to sony's user base. So if MS is at 60 and Sony at a 120m the contract has to be built in such a way that the dev gets paid on those lost sales. its a lot easier to be the company with the 120m install base trying to get a game exclusive.
If you think about it. Any deal MS makes has to account for the missing access to sony's user base. So if MS is at 60 and Sony at a 120m the contract has to be built in such a way that the dev gets paid on those lost sales. its a lot easier to be the company with the 120m install base trying to get a game exclusive.
More than missing access. You have to make up missing access in perpetuity which you cannot afford if people don’t switch over.

See: how mixer eventually died.

If everyone just stops for a moment and look at things objectively like a board game. If it’s true that COD has this type of impact and 70B is the only way to get it. The total investment to begin to catch up with Sony is the total sum of what MS has invested so far plus 70B, and even then COD still has to be on Sonys platform.

That is what it takes to succeed here right now.

Sony only needs to play it safe from here on out; no reason to shake the boat, just control content and lock users in. The only thing that can usurp their position is cloud.

And cloud requires content, and the path of least resistance to cloud content is to own. And Sony is definitely going to try to stop MS from owning anymore major content to stop cloud from moving forward. And today they ensure all marketing agreements with Sony that these games can’t be on gamepass and therefore xcloud.

I’m not going to say whose right or wrong, but Sony is actively making moves to ensure cloud does not happen or slow it down as much as possible, while simultaneously having a side gig in it in case they are outmaneuvered.

and MS desperately wants to compete in cloud because the market is so much bigger than consoles and there are other benefits for MS in cloud streaming technologies.

And games won’t come to cloud without heavy investment or ownership not to mention the support model etc.
the only model that works right now is games pass to xcloud because it’s hands off for now.

That’s how I see the landscape. I would be interested to see how MS and Sony continue to make moves here, but I see new cloud entrants struggling here until they can productionalize a model that works for publishers while having enough investment to support a large geographical space of market to support.
More than missing access. You have to make up missing access in perpetuity which you cannot afford if people don’t switch over.

See: how mixer eventually died.

If everyone just stops for a moment and look at things objectively like a board game. If it’s true that COD has this type of impact and 70B is the only way to get it. The total investment to begin to catch up with Sony is the total sum of what MS has invested so far plus 70B, and even then COD still has to be on Sonys platform.

That is what it takes to succeed here right now.

Sony only needs to play it safe from here on out; no reason to shake the boat, just control content and lock users in. The only thing that can usurp their position is cloud.

And cloud requires content, and the path of least resistance to cloud content is to own. And Sony is definitely going to try to stop MS from owning anymore major content to stop cloud from moving forward. And today they ensure all marketing agreements with Sony that these games can’t be on gamepass and therefore xcloud.

I’m not going to say whose right or wrong, but Sony is actively making moves to ensure cloud does not happen or slow it down as much as possible, while simultaneously having a side gig in it in case they are outmaneuvered.

and MS desperately wants to compete in cloud because the market is so much bigger than consoles and there are other benefits for MS in cloud streaming technologies.

And games won’t come to cloud without heavy investment or ownership not to mention the support model etc.
the only model that works right now is games pass to xcloud because it’s hands off for now.

That’s how I see the landscape. I would be interested to see how MS and Sony continue to make moves here, but I see new cloud entrants struggling here until they can productionalize a model that works for publishers while having enough investment to support a large geographical space of market to support.

It really depends on how long the deal lasts for. If its timed exclusive you wouldn't have to worry about any perpetuity stuff. I'd also think that perhaps a new IP might be easier to get. It would likely get less attention from Sony and a marketing deal with access to game pass and all that could make up for it

As for mixer it died for a lot of reasons. it was actually growing but there was a lot of behind the scenes racist stuff that leaked out which caused its closure.

As for the rest yes Sony now just needs to lock in customers. Its the Apple plan right. Apple was able to get a lot of lock in with the ipod. If you had an ipod you had an itunes account and you likely purchased music on itunes. Made it a lot easier to get people to buy an iphone who already had ipods and itunes because their purchases transferred over to iphones and the app store. Now people who have had those accounts for decades have such a built in library of content that it would be extremely expensive to move to a new platform .

I think for gaming this is the generation that is going to lock in a lot of users. On Sony's side its the first generation they have a digital only console. For MS its the second generation. I think on both side a lot of users are going to have a large amount of purchases they aren't going to want to give up. The only way sony can really screw up is if the ps6 isn't backwards compatible
If there is one thing I will celebrate if this deal doesn't go through, it's bobby kotick not getting a handsome payout for crashing acti into the ground and trying to spin this acquisition as a win against china and Japan with his and MS leadership fearmongering about "prohibition of technological innovation"

For all the talk of needing healthy competition and wanting to see all parties succeed on their own merits, this absolutely contrary to such claims.

The more I hear about the non substance of what the intentions are the more I see it as a simple power grab, which I kind of saw it as anyway, but it's become way too obvious with how they talk the more desperate they are.
If there is one thing I will celebrate if this deal doesn't go through, it's bobby kotick not getting a handsome payout for crashing acti into the ground and trying to spin this acquisition as a win against china and Japan with his and MS leadership fearmongering about "prohibition of technological innovation"

For all the talk of needing healthy competition and wanting to see all parties succeed on their own merits, this absolutely contrary to such claims.

The more I hear about the non substance of what the intentions are the more I see it as a simple power grab, which I kind of saw it as anyway, but it's become way too obvious with how they talk the more desperate they are.
He owns tens of millions in stock. He is going to get a handsome payout no matter what
So damn frustrating man. But your not wrong.

If you think about it , this is likely the way for him to make the least amount of money. He could stay at blizzard , keep getting bonuses of stock and then sell the company later on for more money and he would make even more
If you think about it , this is likely the way for him to make the least amount of money. He could stay at blizzard , keep getting bonuses of stock and then sell the company later on for more money and he would make even more
Ya his compensation is about $30m as CEO. He's getting paid no matter what. Hell, he might get a bonus if the acquisition fails.
It's a nice drama/shit show. As pointed out already MSFT should sell COD because COD doesn't matter according to msft so whats the problem?
On the other hand, Sony says that COD is everything!! And they cannot operate without COD and most probably be out of business. So why MSFT do not use 69 blns to secure exclusivity and dominate the market huh?
Doesn't matter what happens at least Bobby is caching out big fat checks and he is fine. Thank god!
its pretty jokes, MS is well overreaching there.

Microsoft subpoenaing Sony for files on personnel is obviously ludicrous. Two obvious reasons present: 1) Microsoft's legal team are doing a lot of coke. 2) ChatGPT is Microsoft's legal team, which they are training to handle legal questions.
Funny thing is that there are two battlefields here, one for the public where there basically are no rules, but you got to be a bit careful in case you say/do something that impacts the courtroom/legal battle.
If you look back at all the elections are stolen rhetoric you, you can see a drastic difference between what they said in the press vs what they where willing to say under oath in a court.
Same is going on here :)
Microsoft subpoenaing Sony for files on personnel is obviously ludicrous. Two obvious reasons present: 1) Microsoft's legal team are doing a lot of coke. 2) ChatGPT is Microsoft's legal team, which they are training to handle legal questions.
Its probably to harass Sony. Team A will ask for as much as possible. Team B will give as little as possible. I think this is standard for this type of thing. Pretty much they are 'fighting'. I wouldn't consider this a normal proceeding, more like a couple heading towards divorce.
They're possibly looking to see if any reviews were not based on Sony's own performance but based on competitors downfall or lowered performance, thus establishing possibly harmful monopolistic practices.
That’s definitely a reasonlol
They're possibly looking to see if any reviews were based not based on Sony's own performance but based on competitors downfall or lowered performance, thus establishing possibly harmful monopolistic practices.
That would be pretty desperate but given Microsoft's comms lately (like "Sony are ignoring us!") it does feel like Microsoft have become really desperate and seem to care more about fanboys perception of the situation than they are treating this as the strategic acquisition it is supposed to be.

Let Call of Duty go, take everything else (which is huge), and move on in a dignified way. Less 'crazy ex' vibes would be good. :yep2: