"Konami of Japan has began a countdown called "Hungry for some Snake?", it seems to be a countdown for a new Metal Gear Solid title, it is still uncertain whether it is for Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snake or Metal Gear Solid 3. The counter reads "8 Days to Countdown" right now"
"Konami of America confirmed that they will reveal the first details of Metal Gear Solid 3 for PlayStation 2 at E3."
whats going on????
"Konami of Japan has began a countdown called "Hungry for some Snake?", it seems to be a countdown for a new Metal Gear Solid title, it is still uncertain whether it is for Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snake or Metal Gear Solid 3. The counter reads "8 Days to Countdown" right now"
"Konami of America confirmed that they will reveal the first details of Metal Gear Solid 3 for PlayStation 2 at E3."
whats going on????