Aside from the original MGS, AC!D and Portable Ops are great games too, pretty independent from the rest of the series.
Dear lord, Episode 1 - 3 should have never been made. MGS is not that bad since the gameplay is interesting.
You are going to hell
Don't know about ACID ( another what if timeline ala ghost babel ? ) but i didn't find portable ops good especially gameplay wise, that and it further retcons BB character and this time along with grey fox.
In fact, usually when long cutscene plays, I swivelled the chair and continued my work.
I would never do that......its MGS, and cutscenes are what takes it to Stellar from great! If you had played MGS1,2 or 3, you wouldn't do that either. I can understand as I have played MGS2 and 3 and am really anxious to see what happens to the characters I know. I can't care for MGS 1 characters as I have no feelings for them(Gray fox, Meryl, psycho mantis.etc) but everytime I see Snake, Otacon,Raiden,Eva,Vamp,Sunny in the trailers, I feel so compelled to know what happens to them. Its all in the cutscenes, the brilliant play with emotions.
I am still waiting for my MGS4, by the way
(Snake ! Don't die!)
Take your time to enjoy MGS4 when it's here.
I had to multitask while playing MGS4 because I wouldn't have time to play otherwise.
I could swear i could see some blocking in the sky of some of the cutscenes and when vs raging raven. Anyone got any idea what would cause this?.
Nebula, could you find anything else bad about MGS4 from videos and SS? I think that boat has sailed, the game and reviews are out.
I havent read the reviews, did it geet good score or? And didnt look for bad thigns but the AI stood out like a sore thumb in that videos hence my question, no need to get defensive!
I didn't watch the videos, but I noticed nothing special one way or another about the AI in game. But surely the reviews, either player or professional, would have caught 'some of the worst AI in ages', right?
I wonder Is the AI shown in the latest Gamersyde video representative? Becouse it was borderline dead or braindead, some of the worst I've seen for ages.
Pick any video exept cut-scene. It is constant and not screw ups from time to time.
I was wondering about the texture/effect colors. Watching all 4 gamersyde HQ videos I saw in multiple places smoke, textures, effects that had green/purple stains like if they where 8/16-bit color with or without dithering.
I wonder Is the AI shown in the latest Gamersyde video representative? Becouse it was borderline dead or braindead, some of the worst I've seen for ages.
Pick any video exept cut-scene. It is constant and not screw ups from time to time.
Well those videos shows AI that gets stuck on objects, run into you (suicide?), wait for you to shot them point-blank (stare at you for several seconds) etc. Gives the impression of broken AI rutines.
In this battle, the PMC soldiers are mostly in fortified positions. So you can't really see the search and destroy AI.