Mercenaries 2 Delayed, Hilarious Interview Ensues...


Merc. 2 has been pushed back until Q1 2008. Josh Resnick, President of Pandemic Studios, explains why. Very short interview, but probably the most entertaining one I've read in a while (to me at least, some might find his humor a bit forced, as if he's trying too hard).

I enjoyed the 1st Mercenaries, despite its (glaring) flaws and bugs. Looking forward to the 2nd, and glad to hear their taking time polish it. Of course, the question is are they polishing it to 1st title's standards, or to a higher level? Hopefully its the latter.

IGN: So what's the deal with Mercenaries 2? Online retailers have pushed the ship date to 2008. Is that the case, has the game been delayed?

Josh Resnick: Those dang sneaky retailers! You just can't seem to keep a lid on something once they hear about it. I don't know what kind of Internet genie those guys have in their back pockets, but I wish I knew him. I would ask him when Duke Nukem Forever is coming out, for starters.

But to answer your question: yes, indeed, the retailer genies have done it again, and I can officially confirm that Mercenaries 2 is set for release early next year -- Q1 2008 to be more specific.
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What were these glaring flaws again? Other than almost impossible to beat final mission (it asked for checkpoints)?
What were these glaring flaws again? Other than almost impossible to beat final mission (it asked for checkpoints)?

Numerous bugs, immediately comes to mind. A GTA level of bugs, if memory serves me. Honestly, I can't clearly remember my other big issues with it. I'd have to go back for another play through. But I do distinctly remember several issues marring an otherwise great and very entertaining experience. Maybe I will go back for that play through. See how it looks up-scaled. I'm pretty sure I still have my game saves for it.
I don't remember any bugs and I played through the game twice. I played it on Xbox if it matters.

I played it on the PS2, but I would be extremely surprised if that made a difference in terms of bugs. Characters getting stuck on geometry and random glitches comes to mind. Unless, maybe, the XBox release was later, and they had time to clean up some of the bugs?
I played it on the PS2, but I would be extremely surprised if that made a difference in terms of bugs. Characters getting stuck on geometry and random glitches comes to mind. Unless, maybe, the XBox release was later, and they had time to clean up some of the bugs?

It was released at the same time. But my experience was very smooth.
Heck, maybe I really need to go back and reply it, and I'm getting it mixed up with another game. But I don't think I am. Though its been quite some time.

You might want to do that, you don't want to pick up mercenaries 2, try it and think 'oh wait, this is the sequel to that other game...that was a pile of crap!' :LOL: