Tim Sweeney Interview at Ars

If the game industry had any sense they would create an asset repostitry and all donate to it not trademark stuff (you couldnt expect bungie to donate a master cheif model) but generic stuff like tables, chairs, crates (must forget crates), wall textures, grass textures ect, that they could all make use of.
The man hours spent doing this stuff over and over again must be huge...

These days a lot of asset production is outsourced, especially static items. In fact, I know games that were developed exclusively with outsourced art (just a Tech. Artist, Concept Artist, and Outsourcing Manager in-house). It's a lot more cost effective and it's something the games industry has adopted very quickly. Hollywood is the same way, with most animation being produced in Korea these days (it used to be Japan, maybe in the future things will move to China).