Me and Comcast might be parting ways, THE F#CK$!

Hah. No ISP providers that i know of in norway have caps on how much data traffic you can generate!

Im currently sitting and trying to figure out if i should order the 70mbit down\12 mbit up option, or stick with the 20mbit i have today. I dont really think i would be able to utilize 70mbit, but its allways nice to have.
Not quite true Cheezdoodles, if you go for a mobile solution they will limit your speed, normally after 5 GB. This applies even for those plans which says "no limit".

But for wired connections, you are quite correct.
Ps. which ISP offers 70/12?
One could use a lot of bandwidth playing hulu and that is legal. I generally watch all my shows form Hulu, but I don't have any thing but OTA TV.
I'm currently paying 35,90e for 24/2 dsl connection. Once my contract on that expires, I'm getting a 100/5 cable connection, that costs about 40 euros, it also includes internet storage for Finnish TV channels. No caps.
I'm currently using a 25/5 for ~50€ (440,- NOK) which is the fastest from Canal Digital before entering ridiculous pricing (70/5 for 1447.- NOK, 184€)
No caps for either.

Unfortunately Norwegian ISPs seems to think that no one has any need for upload speed, which puts a limit on what you can use it for. I would love to host my own blog & such, and still have
enough speed for using remote desktop from work, but no such luck...
That aside, I still don't think you have any right to call Comcast "THE F#CK$" when all your really doing is downloading hoards of illegal material. The more users like you, the more the rest of us are shafted from ISPs implementing caps, traffic shaping and taking up local bandwidth.

We're talking about digitalwanderer here. It's incorrible. Absolutely.;)
I think DigitalWanderer found a way to download marijuana...
Ahh, I'm only paying (the equivalent of) 7.5Euros/month, so I'm happy.
I still can't believe some countries have GB/month limits :oops:

You'd rather watch them sitting a couple feet away from a what.... max 30" monitor, as opposed to on the couch in front of a big screen tv? And if you stream them to said tv from your PC... that's the same as using a DVR.

That aside, I still don't think you have any right to call Comcast "THE F#CK$" when all your really doing is downloading hoards of illegal material. The more users like you, the more the rest of us are shafted from ISPs implementing caps, traffic shaping and taking up local bandwidth.

TV series are hardly "illegal material" if they would air via normal TV to him, too
IMO warez has been a net economic benefit (now the potential for bandwidth increases is leveling off a bit less so, which is why it's being more and more curtailed). The more users using lots of traffic the more providers will upgrade their hardware (as long as it's profitable). Without warez (and porn of course) aggregate internet bandwidth (and end user connection speeds) probably wouldn't be even 50% of what it is today.

So you should really be grateful to people like Digi ;)
If aggregate bandwidth wouldn't be 50% without warez and porn, then our useful packets wouldn't have to butt elbows with all the warez and porn flowing through the series of the net effect would be zero! :LOL:
Except warez has driven the market competition for broadband consumers ... without warez the technological push for ADSL/Cable speeds would have been decreased and the prices/Mbit/s would have been higher. So you wouldn't have been able to push those packets onto the internet at the same cost and speed without warez to start with.

The internet is made for porn ... and build by warez.
And rebuilt by BitTorrent. :)

Indeed, around end of 2004 or start of 2005 BitTorrent took ~35% of all internet bandwidth in the world, and back then it was still quite fresh IIRC, so the number is probably quite a lot higher nowadays
Well, back in Japan now I'm using 100/100 FTTH and that isn't even the fastest available. KDDI has a 300 Mbit connection available through digital cable I believe. But they'll instantly disconnect you if you upload more than 30 GB in a certain time period.

Thing is, it appears that most of the ISPs here have caps, limits, or throttling. As well there's legislation on the books now for prosecution of anyone caught uploading illegal material (mostly copyrighted material and uncensored porn). There have been people deported from the country or put in jail for months at a time due to this. It's not just a simple fine here.

Some ISPs prefer not to do this and instead will just immediately disconnect a user from their service if suspected of uploading illegal material.

Some of the ISPs also have a server side firewall. By default the firewall blocks ports and connections for any P2P service and ports often used by games/Instant messaging. Luckily some of those also allow you to disable many of these IF you either call and complain or figure out how to do it on their website. The rest however, will have a 100/100 FTTH connection and be lucky to get do anything with it.

Been reading that there is also pending legislation for downloading illegal material. This would include uncensored porn. :p

I still can't believe some countries have GB/month limits :oops:
Explicit or implicit, all internet services are going to have some GB/month limit. ISPs don't have infinite bandwidth to share around <shrug>