Madden 09

Thanks Tap-in, that's great news! Any eta on the release date for the patch?

And I just knew all those people couldn't be complaining about player progression if it weren't an issue!
Well I picked up the PS3 version for $35 with the GS coupon, but boy I suck. I lost to the Raiders with the colt like 28 to 9 :(
Well I picked up the PS3 version for $35 with the GS coupon, but boy I suck. I lost to the Raiders with the colt like 28 to 9 :(

Are you using My skill?

Pro tip: take the Madden test and fudge the running game part on purpose (run OB on a few test plays) then do everything else to your best ability. You want rushing low until you get the hang of it. you can even practice the tests in virtual trainer

Make sure you then select My Skill as the desired difficulty level and play about 5 games and it will adjust the difficulty level pretty well to your actual skill. also go to practice mode and practice running the ball, not using sprint except to make the corner and using the break tackle moves when being wrapped by tackler. (Rt stick or buttons depending on iof the back is elusive or power)

good luck.
Sounds like Tap In is gonna be a stiff challenge online :p


well i hold my own against the CPU but I'm a rookie compared to most online. :)

Jay... also.. when passing get used to releasing the ball as soon as the QB's feet set. No longer can you just drop back 15 yards and chuck it with regular success. Watch the QB drop back and as soon as he hits his 5-7 yard drop, the open man should be ready to receive the ball. also try a light touch on the pass button as well to drop it over outstretched hands.
Are you using My skill?

Pro tip: take the Madden test and fudge the running game part on purpose (run OB on a few test plays) then do everything else to your best ability. You want rushing low until you get the hang of it. you can even practice the tests in virtual trainer

Make sure you then select My Skill as the desired difficulty level and play about 5 games and it will adjust the difficulty level pretty well to your actual skill. also go to practice mode and practice running the ball, not using sprint except to make the corner and using the break tackle moves when being wrapped by tackler. (Rt stick or buttons depending on iof the back is elusive or power)

good luck.

How long has madden had this "My skill" difficulty? I wonder if they'll bring it over to NHL, FIFA. I usually destroy the computer in NHL and get destroyed in FIFA. Something like this would be really handy.
How long has madden had this "My skill" difficulty? I wonder if they'll bring it over to NHL, FIFA. I usually destroy the computer in NHL and get destroyed in FIFA. Something like this would be really handy.

09 is the first year... I suspect it will or should be part of future games...

it actually works pretty well for those that stick to it. It adjusts so long as you keep playing games always trying to keep you at the most competitive level.

It does so in sub categories as well so you may be ALL Pro in passing or rush defense but rookie in rushing or pass defense
09 is the first year... I suspect it will or should be part of future games...

it actually works pretty well for those that stick to it. It adjusts so long as you keep playing games always trying to keep you at the most competitive level.

It does so in sub categories as well so you may be ALL Pro in passing or rush defense but rookie in rushing or pass defense and it sets that for you as you play

Wow. That's a huge improvement. It could actually make Madden playable for me. I SUCK at that game. I'm more interested in FIFA and NHL, but this would make me give Madden another shot.
Wow. That's a huge improvement. It could actually make Madden playable for me. I SUCK at that game. I'm more interested in FIFA and NHL, but this would make me give Madden another shot.

It seems Tiger 09 is doing something similar (not quite the same) with the players skill level so hopefully it will be incorporated across the EA sports line. Anyone that has played several EA titles the past couple years can see how tightly they are keeping the consistency of the menus and features across all the brands. NHL 09 now has a Be a Pro mode as well :cool:

EA went in my mind last gen, from a corner cutting throw-crap-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks company to an impressive force; leading in quality and features this gen. Not to mention much more active dev teams listening and interacting with the community on many of their products.
Long-time Madden players hate the IQ thing. Many including myself have just ignored it since trying it once on the demo.

Oh and you can drop back and still pass. They dim the WR icons if you drop back too far but that won't deter people online.
Long-time Madden players hate the IQ thing. Many including myself have just ignored it since trying it once on the demo.

I can see that. But for someone just learning to play, like myself, it might be a huge help. Gonna give the demo a shot this week.
Long-time Madden players hate the IQ thing. Many including myself have just ignored it since trying it once on the demo.

Don't know how one can form an opinion from the 1minute 20 second demo that did not adapt and learn like it does after playing a bunch of real games in the retail release. yea, it's a shame that people don't like change because those that have given it a real shot (even some hardcore folks on OS) have found that after a bunch of games, it works pretty well. It is especially good for those that just want a fun game and not expect "perfect" stats and CPU game play. Of course for those that spend half of their "play" time tweaking sliders, then I can see how it's a downer as some people do that more than actually play the game. :p

as for online cheesers with the drop back crap... that's their problem and why I don't bother online in sports games anymore (although I'm willing to try with some friends)

although besides the icons dimming, what I was referring to was that your QB will not be as accurate doing so as he was in previous releases. Releasing the ball with good timing is now more important in Madden much as it was for most of the years of the 2K series.
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So I took the Madden Test, the two offense ones were so easy I got almost at the hardest difficulty without trying. The defense ones were much harder and I failed. I went back to replay my Raider vs Colt game and won 31 to 6. It had my Madden IQ around 430. I then redid the test and flub the running as bad as I could, now my IQ is like 360.

BTW I had 5 yds running in my game, why is it so hard? I get stuffed behind the line 80% of the time.
When they stack 8 in the box, you need to audible out to something that can stretch their D. When you see them step back into zone coverage and take 1-2 out of the box, then audible back into a running play.

You need to run where they aren't, and hit the holes behind your blockers or you WILL get stuffed. :)
Did 2009 strip out the legends / hall of famers or are they still in the game?
Ok, I was sucked in. Anyone interested in a starting a league (360)? Clean play only of course.

I really wish the fantasy draft was live for leagues -- or at least first 5-10 rounds. They could have easily set it up that those not present autodrafted. (A cool variation would be 3-6 set "teams" like balanced, pass, run, pass stop, run stop, heavy O, heavy D, etc ... or even mix/match like you get "points" to invest in each area ... and anyhow, from there each player could draft 5-10 real players and/or hall of famers. Kind of like 2K's All-Pro game).

Without even playing a game yet I know most of my Madden complaints still exist. Tap In, what is the OS forum? I should give them an ear full ... or two :p I am surprised with the vision cone they never offered to use the PS3/360 cameras to track user head movement. Likewise a more "FPS" mode for receivers (and defenders, as the camera sucks for DBs) really should be something that was implimented years ago. On offense playing QB and RB is fine, but the other positions don't seem very intuitive/robust. Being able to control your cuts as a WR and move your hands (e.g. rt. analog) would be a step up from the exploit haven they have fostered for years.
Yep, this is Madden ... laggy menus ... uncustomizable buttons (??) and running moves mapped to RT Stick and Face Buttons yet some unused triggers/bumpers ... I cannot seem to find where to lock a DB on a WR ... the Madden Test is really unbalanced, far too easy to get all Madden for rushing (borks running game) and defense is the opposite problem (plus same stiff controls). And there remains a shocking amount of feature purge and "resell." Madden moments, for example, is a joke as I remember a fair number of older Maddens have a LOT of great historical game situations (which were better imo). Likewise the lack of minicamp stuff, subplanted by the Superstar "tests" (??) is a joke. My wife actually liked doing the old running drills and getting medals and it taught her something. And where are the sliders?!!?

Now I haven't played Madden in a couple years. I had 3 versions or so on the GCN and played 2005 on the PC online. Last year was the fist real "update" since then (2006 was a huge step back, 2007 was back filling) and it seems that 2009 already is stripping features and has a lot broken/unfixed. Yeah they added stuff and fixed some things, but this looks like nothing more than the "hide the ball under the cups and move them" sort of game. Kind of frustrating when a franchise sells 3M-6M units a year and you come back after a couple years and it still has basic issues with simple fixes. I know, because they had them fixed before!!

As an aside, a lot of the fluf stuff they add every year (like cards and whatnot) that go by the wayside are a good indicator that every year there is some fluffy gimmicks no one wants in a football game but they are there for bloat. Those resources should be refocused on the core game. But hey, at least the animation system is a step up and it runs at 60fps. Of course sideline catches are broken (which were fixed last year) ;)