Lost Odysee Screens

No it's more like: Hyped game = hyped replies and no eye for realism. It's funny that (in this case) I gave the impopular opinion and soon others followed..

No, just you and Ben-Nice, utterly predictable really. Anyways, you're entitled to your opinion, would be nice if it was qualified a little more though, as technically these are outstanding.
Ya, personally I love it cause it totally reminds me of that Final Fantasy 3 feel, the industrial age machinery mixed with magic, I've really missed that feel for a long time.

I guess it's no coincidence my favourite RPG of alltime is FF3 :p (or VI whatever you hardcores call it ;) )

FF3 iz da bomb!

To be totally honest, this video is from the very beginning of the game, and we all know that the beginning of almost every RPG out there is NOTHING compared to what goes on a few hours into it. And you're right, FF3 started off on a very low key, industrial, grey etc...

FFX was an exception, but i'd risk it and say that it went a bit over the top to overcome this stigma. FFX's beginning was absolutely awesome but a bit too much. Heck, FFX was a bit too much all over, still i loved it and spent hundreds of hours maxing it out.
No, it's more like:
Every sensible person in the thread: "It looks great"
Couple of fangirls: "Looks average to me."

I'm not sure why you had to turn the conversation this way though, have you read the new rules RE: tgs. Maybe you should take a look.

Actually it's one fangirl that thinks the screenshot they posted was so impressive that used a :rolleyes: to prove a point but gets bent out of shape when someone isn't impressed by that particular screenshot ;)
FF3 iz da bomb!

To be totally honest, this video is from the very beginning of the game, and we all know that the beginning of almost every RPG out there is NOTHING compared to what goes on a few hours into it. And you're right, FF3 started off on a very low key, industrial, grey etc...

FFX was an exception, but i'd risk it and say that it went a bit over the top to overcome this stigma. FFX's beginning was absolutely awesome but a bit too much. Heck, FFX was a bit too much all over, still i loved it and spent hundreds of hours maxing it out.

Well I'm feeling you here, my favourite FF's are in this order: FF3, FFX, FF2.
Lost Odyssey (had to look up this spelling :p) looks really great. The most generic part about the game is clearly the combat, but that will surely get better with more development.

I read that LO does not have its full physics implemented yet. If true, how would physics affect a turn-based game?
Lost Odyssey (had to look up this spelling :p) looks really great. The most generic part about the game is clearly the combat, but that will surely get better with more development.

I read that LO does not have its full physics implemented yet. If true, how would physics affect a turn-based game?

For a game of this kind, i guess it's all about making the game look better. Physics can't really play a huge part in this game unless they are part of the battles - maybe in the way one could use the environment or objects to his advantage to inflict more damage and things like that for example.

Other than that, it would be purely cosmetic really, like lots of things flying around the screen, parts falling off characters etc, which i really don't mind! Love seeing cool physics happening on screen.
Physics could determine how hard a charcter is hit, how they react to the strength of the blow, where they get hit, how much attack is blocked when blockng a move.

Say for example if you get hit in the leg perhaps you would take more damage and have to lean on your weapon for a few turns whilst rubbing your knee and muttering under your breathe :p
It wil also be used for objects in the environment I believe, in the deme you can kick a can laying on the ground, that's all that's been implemented, and it's in this context that he says the full physics engine will be implemented later.
That's one of the pre-rendered parts...

No it's not. It's real-time and so is this:

Xboxyde had the second movie removed within a few hours so you'll probably have to wait for a while to get it.

BTW, especially in light of the new MGS4 and Lair screens, I honestly can't understand anyone bickering about this game. Easily one of the best looking nextgen titles, on par with what we've seen from FFXIII and other good looking PS3 stuff.
Xboxyde had the second movie removed within a few hours so you'll probably have to wait for a while to get it.

BTW, especially in light of the new MGS4 and Lair screens, I honestly can't understand anyone bickering about this game. Easily one of the best looking nextgen titles, on par with what we've seen from FFXIII and other good looking PS3 stuff.

Mmm i think the FFXIII stuff we've seen is much better looking than this, especially from an artistic point of view. All IMO of course.
... So i can't say i prefer the look of a game? It's not like i'm being trollish... Chill out sweetie.
Honeyboney, don't blame be, blame Vysez
Versus and comparison threads are not allowed anymore
That includes bringing, stealthily or not, another platform in a thread about a particular platform, just to do a childish and meaningless comparison. The thread will be locked and/or deleted.
Continuing on with my tour of 360 trailers...

Lost Odyssey - hard to really understand what it's about and will be like from that trailer. The game definitely looks good, keeps certain classic RPG 'sensibilities,' is a little bit darker - which I like - (not that I don't like cheery also), and seems fairly epic in scope.

I understand the plotline as revealed so far, but I don't know that they did the best job of conveying it in the trailer. Still, very impressive from a visual standpoint.