How did everyone else feel? From all that action based, mixed up, dynamic combat, with the hero slicing and dicing, to suddenly being dropped into a turn-based combat that wasn't even showing the real combat, didn't you feel someone had accelerated you to 150 MPH in 15 seconds and then suddenly applied the brakes to take around a almost straight track at 30?
Yes, it was very unbalanced. They tried, but the transition is still too harsh, the combat doesn't look dynamic enough in comparison to the intro flick. They made the hero this tranquil super-cool guy who seems almost disgusted to have to get his ass moving towards the "boring" enemy. Not a bad idea, but it's still quite a stretch.
The CG part was really crazy good stuff with all the Power Ranger speed tricks and whatnot, and I can appreciate that but in the end it is just there to set the mood, and in that respect it doesn't help the game shine, exactly because of that contrast. IMO if the opening CG were toned down to something more reasonable the combat would stop looking so bad.
Btw I can't help but think this is a replica of the opening sequence of Final Fantasy X where the evil critters rain into the city and you are thrust into combat, quickly mow down a few rows of them, and then fight a mini-boss ... before the world as you know it ends. For some reason that feels really tense and dynamic, even though it's basically the same thing, minus the over-the-top crazy clash of armies around you, plus a companion.
The enemies in that sequence aren't necessarily more of a threat than in LO but they certainly look more alive and kickin'. Sooo much in a JRPG is about presentation if you think about it ....
It's really hard to judge this game, there's far too little material out there. I'd like to have a montage with segments of
many different battles and as little prerendered CG as possible. I know some of those games start slow, or have really stupid segments, so it's important to have a wider overview over what's going on.
For all I care Lost Oddysey could be the greatest game ever, I'm just not seeing anything in that video that could make me believe.