the final attack on the robot canon thingy is real time ? Because the animation here is really amazing.
but i think that the part when the robot canon arrives is CG, because there is a black screen just before, and when the combat begins again a japanese guy (in the ign video) says "it's real time by now"
This is not impressive?
I guess if you like the color grey this is an A+++. Other than that is is average.
I dunno, it's really hard to make out the detail but it looks very good to, normal mapped, nice and bumpy, not flat muddy textures like we usually see.
Here's a screen I grabbed from the trailer, I really don't see how you can judge teh texture detail in that scene, but check out the smoke effects, draw distance, DoF, I would love to explore in a game that looks like this:
That made alot of sense. Lets see, we have Laa Yosh a very talented professional 3d modeler saying this is some of the best realtime GFX he;s ever seen, and Ben-Nice, who says it's average cause he "doesn't like grey."
Grey? Come on, you can do better than that