Local co-op games


A friend of mine asked me a question regarding the PS3. What are some good games, with local co-op, that are not shooters, racers or sports titles? My answer was ........ ummmm ....... hmmmmm ....... Other than Little Big Planet, which he's played, all I could think of was Castle Crashers and Scott Pilgrim. Then I started thinking about the 360 and realized it was a question that was very difficult to answer.

What games do you play with your buddies when they're over, that are not shooters, racers or sports titles. Are their many action-adventure games? I suppose there are all the music games. I will qualify shooters by saying he means games with fps style (dual analog) controls, whether the camera is first or third person.
Lego games and Tekken. Those are the co-op games we've played recently. Also the new Tomb Raider -game contains quite a good local co-op.
Lego games and Tekken. Those are the co-op games we've played recently. Also the new Tomb Raider -game contains quite a good local co-op.

Good calls on that one. I'm not sure if fighting games are really co-op. I mean, it's 2 player, but not really cooperative ;)
SingStar, Buzz!, Sports Champions (Volley Ball, Bocce) off the top of my head. There should be more but I'm running out for lunch now ! ^_^

EDIT: Oops, Buzz! is vs other people online I think.

We should see more in the Move department later.

Sadly most coop games are shooters, either TPS-type Alien Breed games, or zombie shooters, or first person like Borderlands. Developers lack imagination/funding! That's the only reason I've bought shooters this gen - Warhawk, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, Borderlands, et al and they've almost all been pretty disappointing. Uncharted 2's online is the only enjoyable online competitive shooter I've experienced, as a non-shooter type person, and it's coop is good too. Much prefer coop versus competitive. Borderlands was excellent one player, and pretty good online once you find your way around the network issues and set up Skype to chat. Two player local coop isn't bad. It's the only FPS I've really got into and enjoyed the mechanics. Because they were more loot-and-level than shooter. :p

There's PixelJunk Monsters and Shooter. Booty can be good with a partner; simple fun. Just looking at my own library! Deathspank, haven't tried coop but it sounds broken with your partner being the dumbest of henchmen. That points to Sacred 2, which has you on the same side, but actual cooperation is limited. And that points to Untold Legends, which was a ghastly mess and one of the few games I haven't completed. Don't Play It! Trine was good fun. Well, let's admit it, almost any game can be fun with couch coop! Fat Princess offers same machine cooperation, which can be very good, such as one playing a monk to heal the other.

There are a few incoming too. LOTR:War In The North is being targeted as a solely coop game. You play with three members cooperating, with AI taking over your fellow party members as bots when there are no human players to play with. Dungeon Defenders is fantasy RPG meets tower defence. Sounds novel. No firm release dates on these. I feel there was a third, but don't recall it. May be thinking of Torchlight which is decidedly not coop!
Seems kind of weird that a lot of the games that feature local co-op on both 360 and PS3 are downloadable games. Not that it makes them bad.

Will have to keep an eye out for LOTR and Dungeon Defenders. Torchlight 2 is supposed to have co-op.
I'm going to plug Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars one more time :) Depends if you'd qualify it as a "sport" title though, I just find it to be so much different than a footy or a racing game...
Lips! Plants vs zombies and I think there are a decent amount xbla games that do co op. Not sure if too human has local co op but if it does and you like loot games, it would be a lot of fun. Josh would have a good list for you. He is always on the lookout for local co op.
SingStar, Buzz!, Sports Champions (Volley Ball, Bocce) off the top of my head. There should be more but I'm running out for lunch now ! ^_^

EDIT: Oops, Buzz! is vs other people online I think.

We should see more in the Move department later.

For Move co-op, also check out Tumble, Flight Control, The Shoot (On-rail shooter), TV Superstar. In general, the Move games are more focused on group fun. Even if it's competitive play, it's in the spirit of party play rather than competition (e.g., See Start The Party).

Heroes on the Move is supposed to support 2P co-op also.

Modnation Racer is another marque game for local co-op games (Up to 4). The game generates bots to race with you. You can create your own tracks, use the built-in tracks, or download the community created ones.
Most of the coop games are downloadable ones. From the top of my head:
- Scott Pilgrim
- Shank (pequel story)
- Earthworm Jim (not story mode)
- Castle Crashers
- Bionic Comando Rearmed,

In the Disc based games side you have
- Resistance
- Resident Evil 5
- Army of Two
- Little Big Planet
- Motorstorm Pacific Rift
- Time Crisis (move game)
- Lego games, Racing and fighting games in general.
Microsoft have create Co-Pilot, an amazing way to play with a friend,partner,a parent of yours, a friend..etc.

Wait a minute ! This is such an old thread ! It has patsu in it ! Why is this getting revived?

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didn't want to create a new thread but use a related thread instead. This thread is timeless
Rocket League fits the bill and also happens to be the best game ever created. Nice that someone mentioned SARPBC in this thread 7 years ago. :)