Like leaving your TV on Stand-By?

digitalwanderer said:
I don't leave anything in stand-by ever, never did understand the attraction of it.

Well don't get me wrong, i only leave my TV and my PS2 on stand-by... i think everything else powers off properly... Not sure though, my DVD player seems pretty dead when it's OFF but i'm not sure if that's the stand-by mode or not... I'm pretty sure my 5.1 amp powers off completely from the remote...

My TV just does not go OFF from any buttons on it. So unplug it or turn the wall plug off is a pain to do every time.
Pretty much nothing that uses "soft" (ie, not a toggle switch of some sort) power-off buttons powers completely off when you press the button. And anything that can be powered back ON with a remote [edit] won't power off completely.[/edit]

And nothing that runs off a wall wart of some sort will power off entirely either.

I have tons of stuff that is either in standby or on constantly. That's the downside of living a gadget-centric life unfortunately. I don't use ordinary incandescent bulbs tho, and my home isn't heated by electric radiators, but rather with hot water from a huge central heating/electricity power station.

I'd probably switch off my PC overnight if the suspend to disk function would work properly, but even today in 2006, microsoft hasn't gotten that bit foolproof yet because my box crashes when it boots back up EVERY TIME. And the 360 unfortunately can't resume a DVD from the last point either, so it often sits overnight with a disc on pause, drawing 80+ W because I'm unfortunately too lazy to find that point again when I wake back up...
Guden Oden said:
I'd probably switch off my PC overnight if the suspend to disk function would work properly, but even today in 2006, microsoft hasn't gotten that bit foolproof yet because my box crashes when it boots back up EVERY TIME.
That's what turned me off to hibernation/standby too. :LOL:
I always turn my TV off properly. However, it's things like DVD recorders and stuff that are always on (even when switched 'off') that annoy me as you have no choice.
digitalwanderer said:
That's what turned me off to hibernation/standby too. :LOL:
Hibernation works perfectly on all of my pc's. Laptop, athlon 64, and 2x athlon 2500 machines. I am not sure what the difference is, b/c on my older computer it did not work either though...
I've got a nice quote from some Microsoft development manager (as I remember it): "We will fight to be able to make something sexy, something visual, like the redesign of the Start menu. Nobody likes the things that only happen in the background, like power management or suspend to disk. You're not doing very well if you are pushed into doing one of those."
The only things that draw power when I'm not at home are phone, set-top-box, sometimes rechargers, and heating (well, IF THAT BLOODY THING WOULD WORK, that is). Both my TV and DVD player have a proper power switch. Everything in the kitchen is switched off at the socket when I don't need it. And all things computer/music related I can switch off from a single socket switch under my desk. The constant humming noise from the AC adaptor of the cable modem is reason enough to switch it of when I don't need it. However, since I have electrical heating, heating with any other electrical device is just as efficient, only that I don't need it when I'm not at home.