Latest NV30 Info

If mass quantities are available Jan-Feb time for the NV30, and then lets say ATi releases the R350 around March time. If NV release another card soon after that, it will Kill Sales of the NV30.

I really doubt that NV will release another card before September/Nov timeframe. However, when that time comes, they should release the NV40 and not the NV35. As in Sep/Oct/November timeframe, ATi will release the R400.

Its the R400 that ATi is more interested about, at the time of the launch of the R300 ... plenty of Interviews were done with ATi, what they mentioned was that they were happy with the R300, but they were more interested in the Launch of the R400.

Am I right in thinking, the R400 to ATi will be what the NV30 was to NVidia? 8)
Well sounds like if Nvidia has a fully working NV30 card at comdex then we should expect cards to start showing up at around Christmass time and then pick up the pace in January. IF Nvidia doesn't have anything working by Comdex then Feburary or March would seem more appropriate.

ATI is about ready to unleash a whole range of cards that will outpace, outdo anything Nvidia has to offer. I hope Nvidia has a broader approach to the NV30 series cards. Otherwise they will be forced to do what ATI did with the Radeon 8500 and sell it $100 cheaper then the competition (Radeon 8500 vs Ti500) so as to maintain sufficient sells for a buildup or presence in the market.
noko said:
ATI is about ready to unleash a whole range of cards that will outpace, outdo anything Nvidia has to offer.
Didn't ATI JUST unleash a whole range of cards to the market? Most of those are not even in retail channels yet and you are already proclaiming that as soon as Nvidia launches anything, ATI will respond with another killer lineup? Where did they produce that? Do they have a contract with Santa's little helpers at the North Pole or what? They can hardly pull an entire new lineup of cards out of their *** only a month or two after they unleashed a whole range of low-high end products, although I'd probably like to see that... ;)
Gollum said:
noko said:
ATI is about ready to unleash a whole range of cards that will outpace, outdo anything Nvidia has to offer.
Didn't ATI JUST unleash a whole range of cards to the market? Most of those are not even in retail channels yet and you are already proclaiming that as soon as Nvidia launches anything, ATI will respond with another killer lineup? Where did they produce that? Do they have a contract with Santa's little helpers at the North Pole or what? They can hardly pull an entire new lineup of cards out of their *** only a month or two after they unleashed a whole range of low-high end products, although I'd probably like to see that... ;)

Umm... I think noko was referring to the fact that the 9500/9500Pro/9700(non Pro) are still not available. That's what he meant by "unleash" IMO. This lineup of cards will compare favorably with NVIDIA's lineup across the board, at least until the NV3x lineup makes it here, and the mid and low ends of that line are probably quite a ways off still.

No one can predict what the next range of cards will do.
Bigus Dickus said:
I think noko was referring to the fact that the 9500/9500Pro/9700(non Pro) are still not available.
Whoops, very well possible, sorry in case I misinterpreted "unleash" in this context. :oops:
I am sure ATi are prepared to do an early refresh to DDR II if the marketing PR swing NVidia's way for too long. How long this would take / across which model / and whether it would be a paper launch preceding a delayed real launch - who knows?

ATi know how to surprise - right!!!
Gollum said:
Bigus Dickus said:
I think noko was referring to the fact that the 9500/9500Pro/9700(non Pro) are still not available.
Whoops, very well possible, sorry in case I misinterpreted "unleash" in this context. :oops:

Personally I think ATI have left them a little too late. Their window of opportunity with these boards to shine on their own accord is quite small then they should have struck a bit earlier.

Testiculus Giganticus said:
It all comes down to how much can Ati hurt itself by releasing cards in such a short interval.

It'll be about 6 months between R300's release and NV30's widespread availability - this is not a 'short interval' in NVIDIA's terms.
How about this: ATI announces the new R350 (Higher clocked R300 with 8X2 pipelines and DDr II + other refinements) at the end of January, about the time NV30's are availible. The card makes it to market around the first week of March..... a true 6 month cycle. They could then just discontinue the 9700PRO, and keep their other products the same, as the benifits of the R350 are not really nessasary to compete in the other parts of the market. Now you have a NV30 beater at the top, and still have an excellent product line. And no one should complain about it, except maybe competitors...... :rolleyes:
How about this: ATI announces the new R350 (Higher clocked R300 with 8X2 pipelines and DDr II + other refinements) at the end of January, about the time NV30's are availible.

I don't think so. They have the DDR-II option with R300 and I don't think they are just going to waste it.

Someone from ATI has previously said that R350 is a DX9.1 board, this being the case I don't think it will be released before DX9.1 comes out, which I would think would be the latter part of 2003. I'm guessing R400 will be a DX10 board and I doubt we'll see DX10 before Longhorn.
DaveBaumann said:
How about this: ATI announces the new R350 (Higher clocked R300 with 8X2 pipelines and DDr II + other refinements) at the end of January, about the time NV30's are availible.

I don't think so. They have the DDR-II option with R300 and I don't think they are just going to waste it.

Hmm. Adding DDRII to the R300 isn't likely to make it much more impressive on its own. Digit-life has an article up where they overclock core and memory independently, and increasing the memory clock alone predictably achieves precious little unless with AA + AF. ATI has to at least do some serious speed-binning, possibly with minor tweaking of the design in order to get the R300 core over 400 MHz. Adding faster memory alone just won't make much difference to the performance of the product.

OTOH, speed-binning + DDRII requires pretty much no additional work at all, they can introduce such a product any time they damn well please.

Whether they will do so probably depends a lot on how the NV30 shape up in terms of performance and shipping dates, and how aggressively ATI wants to steal nVidias thunder. From the perspective of this armchair, not letting up the pressure would seem the way to go, even if it costs a bit short term. ATI has won some prestige already in the marketplace which may have influenced recent design wins.

Someone from ATI has previously said that R350 is a DX9.1 board, this being the case I don't think it will be released before DX9.1 comes out

The R-200 was offered before DirectX 8.1 was out.

The R-300 was offered before DirectX 9 was out.

The R-350 may be offered after DirectX 9.1 is out.

Well with all the rumoured NV30 info coming in, all I suppose I can say is that it's gonna be some interesting times ahead.

As my first 3D Graphics card was a Nvidia TNT2 Ultra, I went on to by the GF1 DDR(just missing out on buying a GF2 GTS by 2 weeks) and decided to make it my policy to buy every 2nd Generation Nvidia.. meaning that I had a GF1 and skipped the GF2 completely and when the GF3 came out I bought that.. and now I have skipped the entire GF4 range.. and am looking to buy a GF5(or whatever it will be called). But if the GF5 turns out to be a dissapointment to me i'll change over to a ATI 9700Pro.

Now with all the news that the NV30 won't be as powerful as it's supposed to be.. I have to wonder if i'll skip out on it too.

1 week to go .. to decide on what I should buy.

btw.. there's a little poll going on at W2S

Seems like there are ALOT of people in wait for the NV30.

Will it live up to it's name though??

SirPauly said:
The R-200 was offered before DirectX 8.1 was out.

The R-300 was offered before DirectX 9 was out.

The R-350 may be offered after DirectX 9.1 is out.


R100 - Late Summer/Early Fall 2000
R200 - Late Summer/Early Fall 2001
R300 - Late Summer/Early Fall 2002

In the Spring, there was a talk of ATI "switching to 6-month cycle" as well as of R(V)250 release to compete with GF4, that was rumored to be "what R200 should have been" - we know how that rumor turned out. I don't think that ATI will release another high-end chip untill late summer, as usual.
The positive things that the NV30 is for a #mass# debut january/february as i see it is maybe higher clocked chips and lower price for the memory.

Then i assume that all/most sites will have faster cpu`s to bench it with so that you will see a more increase in performance, Nvidia has sure thought of that i think to show the 2x increase they claim.

It seems that the NV35 is going to be the fall product afterall and is going upp against the R400.

If the NV40 in that case would be a spring 2004 part maybe just maybe it vill use 0.90nm tech.
DaveBaumann said:
How about this: ATI announces the new R350 (Higher clocked R300 with 8X2 pipelines and DDr II + other refinements) at the end of January, about the time NV30's are availible.

I don't think so. They have the DDR-II option with R300 and I don't think they are just going to waste it.

Someone from ATI has previously said that R350 is a DX9.1 board, this being the case I don't think it will be released before DX9.1 comes out, which I would think would be the latter part of 2003. I'm guessing R400 will be a DX10 board and I doubt we'll see DX10 before Longhorn.


Do you think that there may not actually be an R350?

Instead, ATi release RV350 (currently being dev'd in Toronto I think) as the first mainstream DX9 part (DX9.1???) this coming Spring and until R400 next Summer/Fall, they stay in contention at the high end with a variant of R300 (~400MHz clockspeed, DDR-II?).

Geeforcer said:
In the Spring, there was a talk of ATI "switching to 6-month cycle" as well as of R(V)250 release to compete with GF4, that was rumored to be "what R200 should have been" - we know how that rumor turned out. I don't think that ATI will release another high-end chip untill late summer, as usual.

There was a stupid rumour talk, nothing more. They've never said that.

One year ago, in that investor's informative catalog ATI used the expression 'less than a year' (forthcoming new tecnology in the future)

Edit: That was the stockholders informative, I think.