Switch 2 Speculation

That’s pretty awesome but in the end you’re still staring at a 2d screen in front of you. For VR to be convincing the viewport needs to physically move with your head - i.e. VR glasses.
This patent makes me think about something that I ask from the wii age.
While we are at it, what about a method to detect the head position with respect to the screen to simulate a 3d screen?
They tried it with 3ds and ended up in the 2ds due to technology not being there yet, but it has big potential if done right.
Well you cant 'simulate' a 3d screen, you still need the screen to be capable of displaying 3d. Which would be fine for a dedicated handheld, but if you're also talking TV's in docked mode then it's a much bigger issue on various fronts. Not practical.