Kutaragi Ken:Want a teraflop? You have to buy a rack from us

london-boy said:
(Honestly, i really have to think very hard to find someone here that is as much of a MS or N hater as Chap or Deadmeat are Sony haters...)

For Nintendo one person comes to mind...

And I know someone on another forum who destroys Chap and Deadmeat as far as Sony-hate goes.
Tagrineth said:
And I know someone on another forum who destroys Chap and Deadmeat as far as Sony-hate goes.

Yes, well it's very popular and stylish among the /. generation... ;) Possibly only trumped by Microsoft hate. (Or perhaps RIAA hate right now. Or SCO. But victims like those come and go... other things are eternal!)
The whole concept of Cell is based off it being completely transparent. Programmers won't code to the metal. You just tell Cell what you need done and when you need it and it dynamically schedules, synchronizes and manages execution. You're right Mr. Deadmeat, it's absurd to expect programmers to juggle 512 execution units, but they'll never have to.


The whole concept of Cell is based off it being completely transparent.
You are mistaken.

Programmers won't code to the metal. You just tell Cell what you need done and when you need it and it dynamically schedules, synchronizes and manages execution.
Obviously someone with no programming experience.

You're right Mr. Deadmeat, it's absurd to expect programmers to juggle 512 execution units, but they'll never have to.
But that's exactly what Kutaragi san is asking coders to do, and why Tim Sweeney can't imagine how he would be able to program CELL...

And I know someone on another forum who destroys Chap and Deadmeat as far as Sony-hate goes.
I am not a Sony hater, but a critic. How could I praise a bizzare architecture that Okamoto Shinji himself admitted was the craziest in computer science history???
But that's exactly what Kutaragi san is asking coders to do, and why Tim Sweeney can't imagine how he would be able to program CELL...
...without the appropriate tools. Yes, there will be a lot of programmers who will have their work cut out for them, but if Sony is smart, game companies won't have to worry about that.
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Lucifer, the long exiled archangel, looked up at God with utter contempt and began to speak...

I am not a hater, but a critic.
V3 said:
Lucifer, the long exiled archangel, looked up at God with utter contempt and began to speak...

AFAIK, Lucifer is not an archangel.

IIRC, yes he was. In fact, I believe that he was the most beautifull and powerfull archangel in Heaven, and when he became an exile, a quarter of all the angels in heaven became exiles and followed him.
Fafalada said:
V3 said:
AFAIK, Lucifer is not an archangel.
Indeed - the name is a mistranslation that got popularized over time.

Hmm. I know it's a translation as it's Latin (lucem fere) and would be something like, "Bearer/Bringer of the Light". I allways assumed that was a pseudonym for the evil one of seven archangels who lead the revolt.

But, this is interesting (especially if I'm wrong), where did you hear this from you two? Although, what I've heard is basically what Almasy said, he just articulated it a hell of alot better.
Hmm. I know it's a translation as it's Latin and would be something like, "Bearer/Bringer of Light".
Latin meaning of the word is indeed that.
But that's exactly why from Cristian point of view it makes no sense -
Jesus refers to himself as the "Bringer of light", so we'd be stuck with two 'Lucifers' that way.

The actual origin of the word is explained in condensed form here:
and a few more details here:

Anyway I don't even know if there was ever a mention of what Satan's name was originally when he was still an angel, afaik Bible simply uses Satan and other pseudonyms.
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DeadmeatGA said:
Obviously someone with no programming experience.

Keanu Reeves says whoah! If that was true, that'd make him JUST LIKE YOU THEN!

Deadmeat, the master of irony. :rolleyes:

Dude, I'd kindly suggest you sthu about these things as you obviously know nothing about it, I don't know why you persist when you are consistently shown to be so completely and utterly wrong. Your latest shining example of that being you lecturing Deano on physics calculations, that really made me laugh straight out. Are you for real? Do you have to struggle to be such a total eejit, or does it come naturally to you?

It's time for you to end your crusade against Sony and Cell, it's JUST A CHIP for crying out loud. It's not worth expending that much effort and energy on. It's really sad seeing you beat your head bloody against the windmills like this.

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Grall said:
It's time for you to end your crusade against Sony and Cell, it's JUST A CHIP for crying out loud.


ahahah it's not even that!!!

it's just a flipping architecture that might be used in a chip thats going to be released at least 2 years from now... :LOL:
the thing that makes me wonder is the fact that it's not yet clear whether Deadmeat's hate for PS3-Cell is related to the fact that it's a Sony product or to the fact that he doesn't like changes...

both are pathetic by the way...

if it's a name-based bias, i can only :rolleyes: because that would mean that if MS were doing the same thing, he would praise them..

if it's a change-based bias, then it goes deeper than that.... he would be like one of those scientists who initially told Einstein to f**k off just because his theories were out of this world at the time.

I'm not saying Sony is the "Einstein" in the market, but keeping discrediting them just for the simple fact that they're ready to risk their business position to make their vision come true is just sad... being skeptical is FINE... i am skeptical in that i really dont think PS3 will be a 1Tflop monster or all that hype talk (mainly because I DONT CARE!)... but still, does he not get the hint? 99% of his threads get locked, he keeps on getting discredited himself for saying all the stupid stuff he says..... jeez...
IIRC, yes he was. In fact, I believe that he was the most beautifull and powerfull archangel in Heaven, and when he became an exile, a quarter of all the angels in heaven became exiles and followed him.

Its actually a third of all the angels.

Hmm. I know it's a translation as it's Latin (lucem fere) and would be something like, "Bearer/Bringer of the Light". I allways assumed that was a pseudonym for the evil one of seven archangels who lead the revolt.

But, this is interesting (especially if I'm wrong), where did you hear this from you two? Although, what I've heard is basically what Almasy said, he just articulated it a hell of alot better.

This is OT, but I hope the mod wouldn't mind.

The nine Choirs of angels are Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, Angels. These are found in the Scriptures.

The commonly accepted theology, ranked these Choirs like this:

1. The Supreme Hierarchy: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones

2. Middle Hierarchy: Dominations, Virtues, Powers

3. Lower Hierarchy: Principalities, Archangels, Angels

Lucifer wasn't an Archangel. Lucifer was a Cherubim.

Prophet Ezechiel gave hint to this when he made comparison of the King of Tyre with Lucifer or Satan. Prophet Ezechiel described Satan before and after his fall.

"Thus saith the Lord God: Thou wast the seal of resemblance, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. Thou wast in the pleasures of the paradise of God. Every precious stone was thy covering: the sardius, the topaz, and the jasper, the chrysolite, and the onyx, and the beryl, the sapphire, and the carbuncle, and the emerald: gold the work of thy beauty, and thy pipes were prepared in the day that thou wast created. Thou a Cherub stretched out, and protecting, and I set thee in the holy mountain of God, thou hast walked in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day of thy creation, until iniquity was found in thee. . . thou hast sinned, and I cast thee out from the mountain of God, and destroyed thee, O covering Cherub, out of the midst of the stones of fire. And thy heart was lifted up with thy beauty: thou hast lost thy wisdom in thy beauty, I have cast thee to the ground."

To Fafalada
Anyway I don't even know if there was ever a mention of what Satan's name was originally when he was still an angel, afaik Bible simply uses Satan and other pseudonyms.

Prophet Isaiah actually did mentioned it.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning? how art thou fallen to the earth? . . . And thou saidst in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God . . . I will ascend above the height of the clouds, I will be like the most High. But yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, into the depth of the pit.