The key point of interview..
1. Kutaragi talked very little about playing games on PSP; he is mostly talking about watching movies on PSP and how he is going to push it through Hollywood..
2. No analog output from PSP; you cannot hook it up to TV.
3. PSP is a closed platform. But Kutaragi will push UMD as a DVD substitute.(Secure, copy-proof, and ROM-only)
4. Kutaragi is not revealing the die size of PSP chip; in fact, there isn't a silicon produced yet.
5. PSP will come with a full-blown library to insulate the hardware. Leave the hardware banging to CELL developers(straight from Kutaragi's mouth)
The key point of interview..
1. Kutaragi talked very little about playing games on PSP; he is mostly talking about watching movies on PSP and how he is going to push it through Hollywood..
2. No analog output from PSP; you cannot hook it up to TV.
3. PSP is a closed platform. But Kutaragi will push UMD as a DVD substitute.(Secure, copy-proof, and ROM-only)
4. Kutaragi is not revealing the die size of PSP chip; in fact, there isn't a silicon produced yet.
5. PSP will come with a full-blown library to insulate the hardware. Leave the hardware banging to CELL developers(straight from Kutaragi's mouth)