Kusumi-Chan Blue XBox with Kasumi-Chan pillow

Ok, now I'll be the first to admit that Kasumi is hot and all, but that pillow is just WRONG! :oops: I don't even want to think about all the nefarious uses it will be put to! :oops: :oops:

<runs away>
cthellis42 said:
Ok, now I'll be the first to admit that Kasumi is hot and all, but that pillow is just WRONG! :oops: I don't even want to think about all the nefarious uses it will be put to! :oops: :oops:

<runs away>

Why don't they try to sell Xbox with a blow-up doll?
hupfinsgack said:
cthellis42 said:
Ok, now I'll be the first to admit that Kasumi is hot and all, but that pillow is just WRONG! :oops: I don't even want to think about all the nefarious uses it will be put to! :oops: :oops:

<runs away>

Why don't they try to sell Xbox with a blow-up doll?

Ha ha ! That's what I wonders. And selling the bonus stuffs alone will indeed sell a lot more than bundled with the machines.
OMG! :oops: This is hilarious and pathetic at the same time!

Twice the humor value for the same price, heheh. The girl isn't even attractive IMO, she just got a set of big udders.
nondescript said:
So this is what Microsoft means by "appealing" to its "core demographic"...
:LOL: hey you got to make your base happy and if this does it, then all the more power to them. ;) My wife would kill me if i ever came home with that.

nobie said:
I think, in Japan, this isn't something that would be considered weird.
Hell, in Japan, similar pillows with functioning orifices aren't considered all that weird :LOL:
DOA series (3, X VB) do help pushing X-BOX in Japan, there will be something more HARD CORE if there is one like the following pic from GA forum


See, how popular is the pillow !

From the lastest issue of Famitsu X-BOX

X-BOX has sold 429995 units.

DOA3 has sold 216825 copies, and DOAX VB has sold 127576 copies.

No other games come even close, the number for HALO is 76963 copies, which is already at the 3rd place of software sales.
id love to go to japan just to see how different their culture is from ours (american). This would be weird here, but i guess, from the pic, that its not really that weird.

epicstruggle said:
id love to go to japan just to see how different their culture is from ours (american). This would be weird here, but i guess, from the pic, that its not really that weird.

American culture? sounds like an oxymoron ;) Just kidding don't kill me.

I am going on a Japan trip this summer; I just hope I don't get lost too often and don't make an ass out of myself :?
hupfinsgack said:
I am going on a Japan trip this summer; I just hope I don't get lost too often and don't make an ass out of myself :?
Summer? Happy sweating. Spring and autumn are much nicer. Anyway, enjoy the trip :D