Kinect Games


Saw that earlier at EG and was too embarrased to comment that I like the vid and its intentional cheese, as well as the fact that the game itself (if done correctly) could be really fun.

I have it on pre-order. Going by the video, if Star Wars Kinect doesn't incorporate some of those things then ...

Michael Jackson the Experience arrived and we have played it a couple times now. My son loves it. If you have Dance Central or Your Shape Fitness you'll be familiar with how to navigate. It might sound strange but I was hoping for more songs there are a decent amount but if I'm going to listen to Michael Jackson I need it to be from the Thriller and Off the Wall days or prior. I was also hoping for videos like in Lips. We were all signed in when we played so maybe the parental controls or gold family controls did something but we were unable to play using the Kinect mic even with "Kinect Chat: on" but since we do have the Lips mics we grabbed one of those.

Dancing and singing, as far as we could tell, are completely separate which is baffling we thought we would be able to make our own co-op by having one person dance and the other sing turns this was not to be. There are performances where you only sing or you can only dance but even the grand performance or whatever it is actually called was simply harder; lost opportunity I say.

EDIT: I bought this and YooStar in the, buy 2 Kinect games for $60, on amazon.
That's interesting, because it's the same with SingStar Dance or whatever it's called. You either dance or sing, but not both. I assumed that was a fault of SingStar having separate microphones and Move controllers, but I wonder if there's also a technical or design aspect that both companies found when requiring gamers to do both, such that they felt it better to separate the two activities? Perhaps an issue of players being out-of-breath and that affecting their singing such that the pitch tracking was thrown or something?
Could it be because of the usb bandwidth being to small and dev choose to be more precise with one instead of half assing both.
Afaik that's bogus as Singstar allows two singers AND two dancers at the same time, with video recording also still intact.
Michael Jackson the Experience arrived and we have played it a couple times now. My son loves it. If you have Dance Central or Your Shape Fitness you'll be familiar with how to navigate. It might sound strange but I was hoping for more songs there are a decent amount but if I'm going to listen to Michael Jackson I need it to be from the Thriller and Off the Wall days or prior. I was also hoping for videos like in Lips. We were all signed in when we played so maybe the parental controls or gold family controls did something but we were unable to play using the Kinect mic even with "Kinect Chat: on" but since we do have the Lips mics we grabbed one of those.

Dancing and singing, as far as we could tell, are completely separate which is baffling we thought we would be able to make our own co-op by having one person dance and the other sing turns this was not to be. There are performances where you only sing or you can only dance but even the grand performance or whatever it is actually called was simply harder; lost opportunity I say.

EDIT: I bought this and YooStar in the, buy 2 Kinect games for $60, on amazon.

Maybe something for version 2 when or if it comes along.
Tommy, I'm not sure if you have seen the GAF thread but there are a potential plethora of Kinect titles being bandied about. Of course, given the proximity to E3 you could always wait until then to update the op.
Tommy, I'm not sure if you have seen the GAF thread but there are a potential plethora of Kinect titles being bandied about. Of course, given the proximity to E3 you could always wait until then to update the op.

Thanks Nav. Been away the past 2 days due to no electricity from thunderstorms. I'll try to get caught up over the next couple of days.

Tommy McClain
I went ahead & posted 3 new ones(Fruit Ninja Kinect, Hulk Hogan's Main Event & Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier). There are some crazy Kinect rumors in that GAF thread & it's hard to separate the legit from the vapor. I'll just hold off adding them till I know more. Unless somebody here thinks there are some that are really legit & need to be added now. I love this time of year right before E3, all the intrigue & mystery. :)

Tommy McClain
Talking about E3 i miss the fake line up stuff pre E3 this year is boring last year was way more interesting with all the leaks and false line ups.
Looking forward to all the Better with kinect games.
Do we actually have a E3 thread.
I went ahead & posted 3 new ones(Fruit Ninja Kinect, Hulk Hogan's Main Event & Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier). There are some crazy Kinect rumors in that GAF thread & it's hard to separate the legit from the vapor. I'll just hold off adding them till I know more. Unless somebody here thinks there are some that are really legit & need to be added now. I love this time of year right before E3, all the intrigue & mystery. :)

Tommy McClain

Amazon sent me an e-mail with a change of release date for PowerUp Heroes.

amazon e-mail said:
The release date for the video game listed below has been changed by the publisher, and we want to provide you with a new delivery estimate based on the new release date:

"PowerUP Heroes"
Release date: October 18 2011
(Hulk Hogan's Main Event) (....)
Just for moments like this videogames should exist forever.

I can already imagine how the moves will be. I am dying to see some dude going around at home in his sitting room imitating the little riotous that is Hulk Hogan, stopping and pointing his finger somewhere and saying "YOU!!", and suddenly he performs a flying kick, an eyes' jab, connecting with a swift CODEBREAKER! and then he pretends he is grabbing someone by the legs, and meanwhile his friend, nephew/niece, the second player, who is the referee, performs the count of three.

It might be one of the games of the year. "take your vitamins, brother". It sounds so fun.
Just for moments like this videogames should exist forever.

I can already imagine how the moves will be. I am dying to see some dude going around at home in his sitting room imitating the little riotous that is Hulk Hogan, stopping and pointing his finger somewhere and saying "YOU!!", and suddenly he performs a flying kick, an eyes' jab, connecting with a swift CODEBREAKER! and then he pretends he is grabbing someone by the legs, and meanwhile his friend, nephew/niece, the second player, who is the referee, performs the count of three.

It might be one of the games of the year. "take your vitamins, brother". It sounds so fun.

ROFL, yeah I agree the idea of the game is full of win. Unfortunately I doubt it will live up to our expectations. ;)

Tommy McClain
Just about to post that. It also has Kinect Disneyland Adventures gameplay. Hope you can understand French! :)

Tommy McClain