Kinect Games

Here's the Inside Xbox video on Kinect Sports boxing, Joy Ride & Dance Central...

Tommy McClain
Well, gay Spartans obviously can! :LOL:

Actually there is a girl in that suit.

lybertyboy @ NeoGAF said:
The model wearing the armor was a trooper all weekend. Every time we'd ask if she needed a break she'd decline so she could spend more time with the fans. An absolute gem.
She was having so much fun dancing we decided to see if Dance Central would even work with her suit on. So she went ahead and 5-starred the song. Also, didn't mind filming that dance at all.

chespace @ NeoGAF said:
Kat's got moves. Yeah, like Ellis said, the model we used was amazing all around. Cute, super nice, level 30 Halo player, and wore the armor like a glove.

BTW, here's another video of some Bungie devs & Kat dancing to Just Dance 2 on Wii...

Priceless! LOL

Tommy McClain
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They aren't kidding, the girl that they used for the Spartan is actually very cute in real life. :)

And I guess Kinect has no problems with skeletal tracking of people in powered armor. :D That made my day seeing that. :)

Are you joking? Please tell me you're joking.

Do I have a fiduciary responsibility to appease this board?

I was going to write a rant about PTSD and traumatic brain injury but instead let me once again re-iterate that my financial responsibilities are to my family. When it comes to entertainment, if I believe my wife and my son will have fun with something or lo and behold even me, I do not have an issue with purchasing a product. My wife loves brain training, my son loves brain training, our friend was bought a DS and brain training to try and help her recover from her combat injuries to her brain.

If these things offend the "core gamer" then it is just another great reason not to be in games anymore. I'm simply not a hard core gamer, I am a gamer that believes fun can come in the form of a board game, a card game, ultra-realistic graphics, a plumber going down pipes or a hedgehog speeding through gates or being actively engaged in using my body for more than just a workout.

Personally, I love puzzles which is why brain training has always appealed to, uh oh...ME, for shame...

I'll check later but hopefully Reach and Gears 3 will still work in my machine if I purchase Brain Training. One need only look at my gamertag to see which games I play, I'm certain it is diverse, I hope that is ok with everyone.
[/hyperbolic semi-rant]
Do I have a fiduciary responsibility to appease this board?

Obviously ;)

Anyway, sorry to hear about your wife's injuries. However, my comment wasn't related to it being a 'core game' or not, but rather from the videos shown it looks very poor (to me) in itself.

And while I very much enjoy my Gears and Forza, I also partake in more casual pleasures, such as Singstar, Buzz and the like. Oft-times I will get these games out when people are around, along with the guitar games, etc. and also like the fact that they tend to be more palatable to my wife.

And because of this, I will likely pick up Kinect at some point. I'm warming to the idea of a controllerless experience to hopefully further bring my wife into my hobby, as well as for those times when a few people get invited around. There will be some casual games bought, no doubt. But I hope the ones I buy won't look as dire as Kinect Brain Training, as seen so far.

There's nothing wrong with the Brain Traning games per-se, but it seems to me the handheld platform is ideal for those activities. Have you played Sudoku in a newspaper? Can be fun. Have you played it on the DS? Still fun? Have you played it on a PC? Slightly less fun. And then, have you played it on the Xbox? Honestly, it's not fun at all.

I believe it's because pure puzzle games (and I'd put BT in that camp) are intimate affairs. Kind of like reading a book. You wouldn't do that on a TV screen, because you need to be intimate with the book, to have it close to you, taking up all of your vision. Puzzle games are the same.

Of course, all of the above is 'imho', but that is also why I asked if you were serious. BT oin Kinect looks like a port of BT on the DS, and that's just poor. No allowance appears to have been made for the more expansive environment that it will be played in, no effort seems to have been made to make it more immersive or even interactive. Fitness Evolved has taken a simple concept, but made the very environment new, engaging and fresh.

Kinect BT looks like nothing more than a cheap cash-in on the BT brand.
Thanks for the catch Arwin. Added it to the OP. Personally I don't see nothing wrong with it. Actually could be fun. So way to tell them off NavNuc.

Tommy McClain
Hmmm. Looks to me like any other party game collection, only with numbers/letters on the things you're supposed to wave your arms at. If the game lacked the Brain Training brand and letter/numbers, would people be as interested?
Hmmm. Looks to me like any other party game collection, only with numbers/letters on the things you're supposed to wave your arms at. If the game lacked the Brain Training brand and letter/numbers, would people be as interested?

I am definitely not averse to party games, we quite enjoy them in my family. We play Sorry and Sorry Sliders a lot both on 360 and board. We play a couple different compilations on Wii and we played High Velocity Bowling a lot on PS3. But forget all of that, you KNOW that brand recognition is used specifically for people to be interested in something they may have otherwise not given a damn about.

Is there some game that the majority of you all (who clearly don't care for Kinect) are awaiting that you believe is going to change your mind about Kinect? Lets forget that I cant scan in my items from the initial concept video...was there some hard core game demonstrated in that set piece that is missing from the current Kinect launch titles? From the top of my head there was, racing/pit crew, martial arts dude, Godzilla breath, trivia and I can't remember anything else besides the skateboard.

But a game like Sorcery gets praised here...ok...

Go figure, I always thought your gamertag was because you had a fondness for texture compression.

My two different jobs in the Navy, first one non-violent...second one very violent (hence my injuries physical and mental).
I am definitely not averse to party games, we quite enjoy them in my family.
My response wasn't to you or anyone else who values this in particular. Just that despite calling it Brain Training, it doesn't look like Brain Training to me. It looks like "Kinect Party". Nothing wrong with Kinect Party. Kinect Party can be fun for all the family. What I'm not so keen on is using the BT brand to sell a party game, instead of creating a BT game. But of course that's on first impressions, and there may be more to it. The most Brain Training game I can think of in this motion vein was the Mirror game on EyeToy. That was seriously mind-bending!
Hmmm. Looks to me like any other party game collection, only with numbers/letters on the things you're supposed to wave your arms at. If the game lacked the Brain Training brand and letter/numbers, would people be as interested?

How is this any different from the original one? There you had to point out the correct order of numbers with your styles, now you have to smash them. There you had to draw the correct line from one color to another, here you do it with your arms.
I didn't play much of BT, but I remember answering questions with written input and the like. Maybe I just don't know what I'm talking about! :mrgreen:
I like the costumes though; they are a massive improvement imho in terms of charm.
New trailer for Kinect Sports now available...

Looks like there's a new node mode called Party Play, but all it looks like is your avatar in large monster/mascot outfits.

Tommy McClain

To me, any of the trailers and commercials that aren't like Adrenaline Misfits is somewhat of a failure, well, failure may be too strong but it would not be hard to have an overlay of the humans performing these actions. I think the Person/Avatar print marketing is excellent how it shows the person and avatar in the same motion, for me, the television commercials need to do the same ESPECIALLY A FIRST PARTY LAUNCH GAME!
I concur. Watching that Kinect Sports trailer, unless you already know what Kinect is, there's no communication of the change to how the game is played versus other sports titles. I'm surprised they didn't show the player's superimposed.

Am I right in thinking all we've seen of this game demo'd is the hurdles? Have we seen how well the other sports play? The boxing seems an important game to evaluate.