KILLZONE Shadow Fall [PS4]

IMO, what has been show for KZ: SF so far has it as one of the least impressive E3 showings for next gen graphics. It's good but not great. So many games looked better, IMO. Titanfall, The Order 1886, The Division, and BF4 to name just a few. I'd put KZ:SF with Watchdogs, good but not great.

Of course, what one appreciates is highly subjective, so if you thought it was the best looking, then more power to you. :)


titanfall looked better ??? :oops:
it looks like last gen game.
I think it looks pretty. I hope you spend more time playing an FPS than being confined to rails, watching scripted sequences, and sitting through cutscenes. If we're lucky, the final mission won't be a bad rail shooter.
Yeah but all the enemies do are get stabbed immediately, run away, or shoot to no effect. :-/

I can't see the combat AI, or group AI. :-/

They need a demo god there.

EDIT: Sorry for the unyielding criticism. If they are out of time, I'd rather they focus on gameplay. The graphics looks very nice already.
It's, apparently, runnning on a modified version of the source engine. Which would explain why it is so slick but has a vaguely current gen feel to it.
Yeah, I do like the gameplay and art direction though, pretty fun actually. /OT
I wanna see a full E3 demo walkthrough of that Forest level, too bad the guy died several times in that video otherwise we'll probably see some interesting scenes.
Titanfall is a popular game but it does not look next gen. They are targeting 60fps I guess. I would like to see comparison between 360, XO and PC for it. Same for BF4. I like lighting but look so BF3.5. I will be surprised if they can run on high @1080P 60fps at launch.

In the killzone video I did not little bit of aliasing which got corrected as you move toward it. So many something they can work on before release. But yeah gameplay is obviously important and they have not given any info on MP so far. One other thing I love about killzone games is that even on MP the game looks great
Thats a lot of new footage with a very small KZ2-ish area too :) ! THe jungle playground is quite big and th eplayer seems to be having fun in the second half of th e video that I watched !

Too short. It's not quite the KZ2 warehouse demo, which tells me a truckload about the game than all the KZSF demoes combined so far.

Are they planning on using Gaikai to try out the game for real ? If so, they may want to pick an interesting level.
I guess being a launch title, they are showing what they can make ready for showing. They showed a panoramic vista for the first showing. Ppl said its so linear, so they showed an open level now with a variety of gameplay. Ppl say its too open for KZ :LOL: ! Maybe next time they will show a KZish level and make it square.
I don't remember GG said anything about the demo's project state.

OTOH, the DriveClub developers said their E3 demo is pre-alpha.
I assume he means Killzone had 2 or more years in development... and Drive Club.... is somehow related to the first part of the sentence :)

(mas = more in spanish)