The underground/"inside the fissure" levels were similar to that. And a couple of level endings had nice wide areas and threw tons of enemies at you.The forest level is still the best IMO, graphics and gameplay wise. Too bad the rest of the levels were not as good.
There were quite a few very wide levels actually in singleplayer. That was missing from the PS3 ones, which had very few such wide areas.
Besides the story, which is OK for a shooter anyway, KZ SF definitely stands out for polishing the gameplay up extremely well.
I personally don't find any other console shooter to feel nearly as good just moving, aiming, and firing the weapons. Everything in the shooting is just sublime in the game and KZ as a series is totally under-appreciated for it.
Even on PC there is no shooter that satisfies that same crunch that KZ offers. They really struck gold in KZ2 and it just improved greatly all the way into KZ3 and KZSF.
Every time you shoot a bullet in Killzone SF it just feels incredible.... and in SP and MP they really nailed the enemy sponginess IMO, takes just the right amount to take down an opponent in MP, not too slow, not too fast, just right
Killzone Mercenary for Vita is OK too, but obviously not nearly on the same level as KZSF. It's kind of like a Killzone 2-lite in terms of gameplay.
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