Well to me this is a very troublesome thread. Not for the fact that
you are being told that Sony cheats on their game video preview
presentations. I actually don't know of any other company that does
this. I have only seen Sony do it - "It's a Sony!". I personally do not
like or dislike Sony any more or less than any other game console
developer. I do dislike their products more than others but that is
simply for the raw specifications of the consul unit's they produce.
If Sony does indeed seem to attract trolls more than any other
company I would have to say that the above links are indeed point
and parcel to the reasons why. This does not mean that the Sony
PlayStation and the Sony PlayStation 2 are not fun. They are fun - I
know I own both machines! With the exception of the XBox and the
XBox 360 I own every popular console ever made - really no bragging
rights there as I'm an old fart who started out writing games on the
CBM PET and the Vic 20.
I think Sony cheating on their videos is extremely bad but no one has
appointed me judge over that aspect in their long history of
advertisement campaigning. And they have been doing this sort
of thing for a very long time now. Additionally I do not think anyone
here is acting as a whistle blower in a capacity that would likely get
anyone in trouble.
Sony does this. We know it - they know it - if pressed officially they
would likely admitt it and excuse themselves - case closed.
I do not believe that Mr. Jeremy H. has violated his NDA if in fact
there ever was one to begin with. I know for a fact dubert has not
violated his. Telling you why I know this for a fact would indeed be
a violation on my part however.
But all this as I say, is not what is troublesome about this thread to
me. What is troublesome to me is that a professional person from
the inner world of CG cared enough to come here and clue you (the
consumer) in as to what exactly is going on - and has been going on
for a very long time and he was called a liar. His professional
credentials were questioned. His personality and character was
questioned. And he was generally treated very second class. How I
wonder, does this forum expect to attract professional or high level
users when they are treated as such upon encounter? I don't know
any of you others here but I do know when someone shows up to my
forum and delivers a nice tip I accept it graciously and use that
information for what value it holds to me in the relevant topic being
discussed. In this particular case it would tip me off to the fact that
I need to actually go down to the store and see these games running
myself before I commit to purchasing the equipment - a tip all of us
would be very wise to follow when purchasing any equipment.
On the subject of this particular game being able to pull off the quality
and effects that are presented in the preview demo video of the same
all I can say is - even toward the end of the PlayStation 3 product
cycle, there simply is not a chance unless it's in-game video streams
being "played back". Even the XBox 360 with a much higher spec will
not be able to deliver that quality and effect in real time. I don't
know exactly how many years we're talking but that particular quality
and effect in real time computational format is at least a few away.