PC-Engine said:
Showing a game behind closed doors a year ago automatically means it looked the same a year ago as it does now and hadn't undergone style changes? Is that what you're say? You got proof?
Ok, I'm going to attempt to use logic in walking you threw this. Take a few deep breaths my friend and buckle up... for on the otherside of this rabbit hole is a place filled with an almost Zen-like enlightenment.
-You said they copied HL2's art
-Marc says that's wrong as he saw KZ last E3
-You said this is impossible, where? when? Obviously in disbelief of what Marc said and wanted independent confirmation from a valid 3rd party.
-I posted quote confirming that the [former] LostBoys showed KZ to the press circa April 2002.
Thus, we can logically deduce that Marc's comments are not only possible, but probable due to his timing. We can then state that your attack on his truthfullness concerning KZ's first showing to the press is inaccurate by IGN's admission.
A line of thought emerges inwhich Marco recieved the material circa E3 2002 after the unveiling to the European Press. This would agree with the people I believe he got it from whose association is via SCEE and the Euro-connection.
It means your grasping for the proverbial straws. KZ was shown over a year ago, well before HL2. Thus, we can believe Marco and accept him (while noting your wrong) or doubt him (which I see no reason to). After adding in the known constants like the minimalist time necessary for development, aswell as the public agreement in 2000 between SCEE and LB's (which we can only assume was based on established goals and a concrete vision), and can deduce that the game's probobly not been redesigned within the last half year.