Killzone: first pics

PC-Engine said:
still HL2 _zero BM+zero+PS can still look like HL2 (just not as predominantly so) IMO.

Oh I agree as the style will still be intact. IMO it would probably look even more like KZ.

pretty much. tho prolly less grudgy (going for nam warlike look)
KZ is a fine looking game...

The fog looks good, a nice atmospheric touch for what is obviously a jungle combat theater. The darkened sun is great. I'm not a game programmer, but I don't think it's a draw distance problem - you can easily make out distant features through the fog - granted, they might be low-poly count stuff, but it LOOKS GOOD. (Certainly, I hope the fog goes away when you use your infrared-scoped sniper rifle, or whatever similarly impressive weapon they care to invent)

At some point, we gotta stop picking apart games for technical difficulty and look at it from a aesthetic perspective. Million-poly trees in the distance are a waste, you can't make out leaves on a faraway ridge in real life, why worry about it in a game? The camo is made of washed-out textures? What did you expect? Bright orange bull's eyes?

There are some things that look the perspective in the "Morgensson" picture correct? Look at vertical gratings in the background. The chain link fence in the last picture is atrocious. Very visible artifacts. The character model could use a little work too - look at that elbow in that center soldier.

Speculation: is that motion blur I see in the first two pictures? Look at the silhouetted soldier the first one and the two rushing soldiers in the second. Could someone confirm/deny this?

About this KZ/HL2 stuff:

This is insane. If a certain someone insists that KZ is a complete rip off HL2, let him be. It's unsubstantiated, unfounded, that claim is not found in any respectable news source. What are you gonna do? Convert him? Make him see the error of his ways? Seriously, there's no need to derail a conversation because of this BS.

This claim is more ludicrious than "I can tap faster with a stylus on a soft keyboard than you can with two thumbs on a real one."
This is insane. If a certain someone insists that KZ is a complete rip off HL2, let him be. It's unsubstantiated, unfounded, that claim is not found in any respectable news source. What are you gonna do? Convert him? Make him see the error of his ways? Seriously, there's no need to derail a conversation because of this BS. was my conspiracy theory therefore you won't find it in any news outlets. I thought it was clear that it was never stated as FACT...I guess I gave some people too much credit :p

Don't like it? Don't respond.

Now where are those claimed FACTs from the opposing party? ;)

This claim is more ludicrious than "I can tap faster with a stylus on a soft keyboard than you can with two thumbs on a real one."

Actually the claim was just as fast not faster ;)

BTW why are you even bringing this up? What does typing have to do with this game? Oh let me repeat what I said in my previous response:

A fool can come up with analogies too... ;)

BTW isn't it kinda odd that you advised others to not respond to my ridiculous claims yet you made sure to add your own little piece? :LOL: :p
Um..HL2 screens were released in magazines long before E3

Hope you like being smacked down...otherwise provide the proof
OK, I had the KZ screens around last E3. It looked about the same as it does now. How long before E3 have the HL2 screens leaked? I don't think it was more than a month or so.

What you are saying, basically is that people who make this game, have completely changed whatever they've had at that point, so that the style of their game looks different. Redesigned and remade all the textures, character models and CGI (one of the pics I have shows CGI cutscene with red-eyed enemy soldiers) In ONE month time. Is that what you are saying?

I'm sorry to say this PC Engine, but sometimes it looks like you're coming up with this crap (and this is the same type of thing as that stylys typing fiasco, no matter how much you try to deny it) in a sorry attempt to derail discussions in a completely irrelevant directions, or to see what kind of angry reactions you will get from people, and be entertained by them... You are probably not seeing it that way, but that analogy with purple invisible unicorn on Saturn is a very good reflection of what you are doing here.
marconelly! said:
Um..HL2 screens were released in magazines long before E3

Hope you like being smacked down...otherwise provide the proof
OK, I had the KZ screens around last E3. It looked about the same as it does now. How long before E3 have the HL2 screens leaked? I don't think it was more than a month or so.

What you are saying, basically is that people who make this game, have completely changed whatever they've had at that point, so that the style of their game looks different. Redesigned and remade all the textures, character models and CGI (one of the pics I have shows CGI cutscene with red-eyed enemy soldiers) In ONE month time. Is that what you are saying?

I'm sorry to say this PC Engine, but sometimes it looks like you're coming up with this crap (and this is the same type of thing as that stylys typing fiasco, no matter how much you try to deny it) in a sorry attempt to derail discussions in a completely irrelevant directions, or to see what kind of angry reactions you will get from people, and be entertained by them... You are probably not seeing it that way, but that analogy with purple invisible unicorn on Saturn is a very good reflection of what you are doing here.


Are the pics you have the same 5 that SCEE released? If not, can you post/email them? I'd like to get a look at this game beyond what's out there now.
OK, I had the KZ screens around last E3. It looked about the same as it does now. How long before E3 have the HL2 screens leaked? I don't think it was more than a month or so.

So where were these mysterious screenshots a year ago? Where were they posted?
PC-Engine said:
So where were these mysterious screenshots a year ago? Where were they posted?

[url= said:[/url]]Originally shown to the European press in April 2002, the super secret first-person shooter from Lost Boys (now known as Guerilla Games) has been kept under wraps via non-disclosure agreements for the past 16 months
Vince said:
PC-Engine said:
So where were these mysterious screenshots a year ago? Where were they posted?

[url= said:[/url]]Originally shown to the European press in April 2002, the super secret first-person shooter from Lost Boys (now known as Guerilla Games) has been kept under wraps via non-disclosure agreements for the past 16 months

That's all fine and dandy but how does it answer the question of what Kin looked like a year ago?
Vince said:
PC-Engine said:
That's all fine and dandy but it doesn't bring to light what Kin looked like a year ago.

Are you retarded?

Showing a game behind closed doors a year ago automatically means it looked the same a year ago as it does now and hadn't undergone style changes since then? Is that what you're saying? Now that NDA has been lifted where are those old screenshots? You got proof? Wait let me guess...these screens ARE from a year ago!!! :LOL:

Have you seen the Square Pictures movie FFTSW? If yes you'd probably be familiar with this line:

"WHERE IS THE PROOF????!!!!" :oops:
PC-Engine said:
Showing a game behind closed doors a year ago automatically means it looked the same a year ago as it does now and hadn't undergone style changes? Is that what you're say? You got proof?

Ok, I'm going to attempt to use logic in walking you threw this. Take a few deep breaths my friend and buckle up... for on the otherside of this rabbit hole is a place filled with an almost Zen-like enlightenment.

-You said they copied HL2's art
-Marc says that's wrong as he saw KZ last E3
-You said this is impossible, where? when? Obviously in disbelief of what Marc said and wanted independent confirmation from a valid 3rd party.
-I posted quote confirming that the [former] LostBoys showed KZ to the press circa April 2002.

Thus, we can logically deduce that Marc's comments are not only possible, but probable due to his timing. We can then state that your attack on his truthfullness concerning KZ's first showing to the press is inaccurate by IGN's admission.

A line of thought emerges inwhich Marco recieved the material first shown at E3 2002 after the unveiling to the European Press. This would agree with the people I believe he got it from whose association is via SCEE and the Euro-connection.

It means your grasping for the proverbial straws. KZ was shown over a year ago, well before HL2. Thus, we can believe Marco and accept him (while noting your wrong) or doubt him (which I see no reason to). After adding in the known constants like the minimalist time necessary for development, aswell as the public agreement in 2000 between SCEE and LB's (which we can only assume was based on established goals and a concrete vision), and can deduce that the game's probobly not been redesigned within the last half year.
So where were these mysterious screenshots a year ago? Where were they posted?
Not from year ago, but around two months ago. I've received the KZ screens snapped from some VHS tape, aprox one month or so after I saw first leaked HL2 screens.

Those KZ screens weren't posted anywhere, I've got them from TTP, a guy who posts on this board, and is working for a PS2 magazine. I think he probably got those a lot earlier, before he gave them to me, though.

Zurich, I'll post those screens as soon as he (TTP) tells me it's OK to. I've promissed him I will do that before I post them or send them to anyone, and right now he's at the trip to Amsterdam where's he's supposed to actually see the KZ running and play it. Don't worry, you are not missing much either way, the screens revealed today are better quality. The screens I have are even worse grabs than those two 'uglier' screens from

One interesting thing though, is that on one of the screens I have that shows outisde area, the fog is pushed a lot further in the distance, and you can even see through it, basically you can see trees and such that are quite distant. Another screens that shows
Vince said:
PC-Engine said:
Showing a game behind closed doors a year ago automatically means it looked the same a year ago as it does now and hadn't undergone style changes? Is that what you're say? You got proof?

Ok, I'm going to attempt to use logic in walking you threw this. Take a few deep breaths my friend and buckle up... for on the otherside of this rabbit hole is a place filled with an almost Zen-like enlightenment.

-You said they copied HL2's art
-Marc says that's wrong as he saw KZ last E3
-You said this is impossible, where? when? Obviously in disbelief of what Marc said and wanted independent confirmation from a valid 3rd party.
-I posted quote confirming that the [former] LostBoys showed KZ to the press circa April 2002.

Thus, we can logically deduce that Marc's comments are not only possible, but probable due to his timing. We can then state that your attack on his truthfullness concerning KZ's first showing to the press is inaccurate by IGN's admission.

A line of thought emerges inwhich Marco recieved the material circa E3 2002 after the unveiling to the European Press. This would agree with the people I believe he got it from whose association is via SCEE and the Euro-connection.

It means your grasping for the proverbial straws. KZ was shown over a year ago, well before HL2. Thus, we can believe Marco and accept him (while noting your wrong) or doubt him (which I see no reason to). After adding in the known constants like the minimalist time necessary for development, aswell as the public agreement in 2000 between SCEE and LB's (which we can only assume was based on established goals and a concrete vision), and can deduce that the game's probobly not been redesigned within the last half year.

You don't get it do you? The question wasn't whether or not the game has been in development for over a year ;)

The million dollar question is how does it prove that what was shown last year looks the same as what has been shown today???? Where are those early shots that say the style hasn't changed????

Since NDA has been lifted...what's the problem? Why is it so difficult to produce these alledged screenshots that show the style was the same back then????
Vince said:
PC-Engine said:
So where were these mysterious screenshots a year ago? Where were they posted?

[url= said:[/url]]Originally shown to the European press in April 2002, the super secret first-person shooter from Lost Boys (now known as Guerilla Games) has been kept under wraps via non-disclosure agreements for the past 16 months

End of story. Comprehend this? This is where they were. This is why someone without connections (ie. You) wouldn't have seen them. But we know: (a) They exist, (b) People say their the same whose seen them.
We're supporting the status quo. You're the one challenging it - prove it. The ball is in your court as the challenger to the de facto development timeline.
If there's really any proof needed to this whole nonsense, here's a screen that was leaked at least a couple of weeks before I got any additional KZ screens from TTP.


I think that despite being a crappy scan, it pretty clearly shows the same color usage, same looking design, graphics and enemy, and yes, this was leaked at around the same time as first HL2 screens.
People say their the same whose seen them.

Like who? That article from IGN definite didn't mention it.

I think that despite being a crappy scan, it pretty clearly shows the same color usage, same looking design, graphics and enemy, and yes, this was leaked at around the same time as first HL2 screens.

This is a pic of Kin that was posted in June of this year. :LOL:


That pic you just posted was also posted in June to be exact.
(1) If they both [pictures] were released in June - why single and post the other one? Your attempts to discredit them are pathetic and inexcusable.

PC-Engine said:
When did that HL2 issue of PC Gamer come out?

(2) You think they redesigned the entire game and style around a PCGamer issue featuring 10-odd pages on HL2? This has to be a fucking joke.
PC-Engine, seriously, why are you still pursuing this? And what are you going to be saying when people DO bring out enough "proof" for you? Are you just going to keep tearing at anything you can, since backing away from your conspidiocy theory now would be too embarrassing?

In the meanwhile, though, OOOH! I have another topic to discuss! HL2 in actuality stole designs and color palattes from KILLZONE! I'm sure they had a programmer defect, or hacked into important design files, or has a corporate spy working with them, and since they REALLY liked the look they stole it and made sure to break HL2 beforehand! After all, it's impossible that two games striving for more gritty realism and slightly post-modern, war-torn areas would have any similarities.
Vince said:
(1) If they both [pictures] were released in June - why single and post the other one? Your attempts to discredit them are pathetic and inexcusable.

PC-Engine said:
When did that HL2 issue of PC Gamer come out?

(2) You think they redesigned the entire game and style around a PCGamer issue featuring 10-odd pages on HL2? This has to be a fucking joke.

1) Um..maybe because Marc already posted it in his post just proceeding mine?

2) Um..go back and read my original claim if you have difficulty remembering. To summarize the whole game doesn't need to be changed but if you insist that was my orginal argument then feel free to think that :LOL:

PC-Engine, seriously, why are you still pursuing this? And what are you going to be saying when people DO bring out enough "proof" for you? Are you just going to keep tearing at anything you can, since backing away from your conspidiocy theory now would be too embarrassing?

Haha I'm not pursuing this. I'm just waiting for the proof and personally I don't believe any concrete proof will ever materialize ;)

According to IGN the press has seen it a year ago, but somehow nobody from the press and come up with these old screenshots that alledgedly show that the style hasn't changed :LOL:

After all, it's impossible that two games striving for more gritty realism and slightly post-modern, war-torn areas would have any similarities

Goto page 1 and start reading... ;)