Killzone: first pics

PC-Engine said:
Sure but HL2 was THE game that started the style trend in fps type games.

Dude, come on!

Game's been in development for ages, they're not going to start stealing art from another developer, are you completely out of your mind?

Before you even SUGGEST such a thing, you should produce evidence to back up your claims. No, pics of military guys with facemasks is not evidence. Like military guys have never worn facemasks ever in real life, before HL2 modellers created that concept? Get real!

Um...G A M E S...not anime...not movies...

but 'art' or stylecan transfer across or at least where a common goal is clear (muddy realism) it's too suprisesing to see similarities.

what I getting at is basically give them the benefit of doubt.
Game's been in development for ages, they're not going to start stealing art from another developer, are you completely out of your mind?

HL2 is the newest and most talked about fps that was shown at E3. It makes sense to copy an art style that people have already shown a liking to especially a fps. Also it's cheap to implement because HL2 was designed with a low minspec. Trying to copy Halo's art style would be more difficult.
zurich said:
1) Draw distance seems to be low (from the fog)

Oh, the FOG. It can't possibly be there for artistic reasons now can it? It has to be LOW DRAW DISTANCE, despite the fact we KNOW PS2 has no problem with huge draw distances.

2) Character textures are mighty blurry in places (the bags on the soldiers being the worst)
3) Pic 3 and 5 shows some mipmap issues and aliasing (5 being the worst)

I don't think we need anyone else saying a PS2 game has blurry textures, by now that's pretty much taken for granted man. As for mipmapping and aliasing, alpha textures alias on EVERY console.

4) Poly counts don't really seem to be all that high, the soldiers arms are very blocky, the scope on the gun is an octagon, and the environments are all very hard-edged.

I don't think the arms are very blocky. Maybe the scope is SUPPOSED to be an octagon, did you ever consider that, huh? As for environments... DUH! They're mostly either ROCKS or man-made structures in those pics, all of which tends to be 'very hard-edged'.

1) Art direction looks nice, though I'm interested in some more varied, war torn environments (ie: blown out cities).

What's to say there aren't such things too? You think this game's like Turok, all levels set in a foggy jungle?

However, based on these 4 pictures, to me the bad out weighs the good. This was hyped to have "teh best graphx evar"

HYPED BY WHOM? The stupid intarweb trolls, that's who! You can hardly fault the game or its makers for that you silly person!

and compared to other showcase titles for PS2 (like MGS3), I really can't see how this stands up.

Uh dude, you have only seen four pics from the game. Don't you think you're passing rather summary judgement here?

I'd bring Halo into this, but the 30 vs 60 debate has been done to death and really detracts from any meaningful discussion.

Oh, and you don't mean 'aliasing' and 'blurry textures' do the same? ;)

*conspiracy theory mode: on* No, of course, any advantage PS2 may have (chance of 60fps) 'detracts from any meaningful discussion'... *conspiracy theory mode: off* ;)

From those 5 pictures, only the first reminds of HL2.
If that pic wasn't released, I doubt anyone would have even brought HL2 to this discussion.
Edit: Oops, was it I that first said it loks like Half Life 2 :oops: I'm sorry!!
PC-Engine said:
HL2 is the newest and most talked about fps that was shown at E3. It makes sense to copy an art style that people have already shown a liking to especially a fps.

Except, it doesn't make sense to scrap art that has been in development for 1 1/2 years in favor of art rushed through in the past 2 months. You make no sense whatsoever, and you still haven't even got circumstancial evidence to back up your claim.

Also it's cheap to implement because HL2 was designed with a low minspec. Trying to copy Halo's art style would be more difficult.

Uh, why would it be more difficult? You mean there isn't a 're-color art according to Halo's palette' button in the devkit alongside the 're-color art according to HL2's palette' button you suggested in an earlier post?

Grall said:
PC-Engine said:
HL2 is the newest and most talked about fps that was shown at E3. It makes sense to copy an art style that people have already shown a liking to especially a fps.

Except, it doesn't make sense to scrap art that has been in development for 1 1/2 years in favor of art rushed through in the past 2 months. You make no sense whatsoever, and you still haven't even got circumstancial evidence to back up your claim.

Also it's cheap to implement because HL2 was designed with a low minspec. Trying to copy Halo's art style would be more difficult.

Uh, why would it be more difficult? You mean there isn't a 're-color art according to Halo's palette' button in the devkit alongside the 're-color art according to HL2's palette' button you suggested in an earlier post?


Place holders...

Circumstancial evidence? How about the nonexistence of a fps that has HL2's art style before HL2 screenshots were released?

Halo uses lots of BM, high res textures etc.
Also it's cheap to implement because HL2 was designed with a low minspec.
Ok, I'll bite... WTF has hardware requirement have to do with soldiers wearing masks or not?

Anyway, you're basically saying the game had no real visual direction to begin with, and they will just follow whatever's "in". Not to say that's not possible (I wouldn't be surprised if Acclaim did this all the time), but how about some evidence to support the accusation?
Eg. where you got the idea their initial color direction was different in the first place? I mean it's not like this (or HL2 for that matter) is breaking any new grounds in art style - has wartorn landscape ever looked different?

Um...G A M E S...not anime...not movies...
Well the artists I know or have worked with are much more likely to be influenced by just about every other media before games. Not that it necesserily means anything in this case.
ANYWAY, i think the graphics are alright for PS2. Nothing much worse than the worst, nothing much better than the best. In truth i wasnt expecting much graphics for a full 3D FPS PS2 game. Dont care anyway since PC + XB = FPS.

More importantly, I hope to see some nifty Havok like physic and some kickass Halo-ish+ AI. :LOL:
Are the soldiers shown in pics the enemies 'Helghast' or the good guys 'ISA', god be the enemies. Wasn't there previously some unclear picture where there were soldiers without any mask, maybe they were the 'ISA'.
The single-player game tells the story of four ISA soldiers who are operating deep behind enemy lines on a near suicidal mission. It's thought that the game begins in the immediate aftermath of a devastating Helghast attack. Earlier this year OPS2 was shown a video of in-game action which seemed to confirm that the game will start with your squad trapped in a killzone. From what we've seen you're pinned down in a derelict building and surrounded by the Helghast. To make matters considerably worse, more stormtroopers abseil in from the Aliens-style dropship hovering overhead. Within seconds the bullets are flying and jaws are dropping.
chaphack said:
ANYWAY, i think the graphics are alright for PS2. Nothing much worse than the worst, nothing much better than the best. In truth i wasnt expecting much graphics for a full 3D FPS PS2 game. Dont care anyway since PC + XB = FPS.

More importantly, I hope to see some nifty Havok like physic and some kickass Halo-ish+ AI. :LOL:

pretty much he said.

Halo uses lots of BM, high res textures etc.

that's tech used to implement the 'art' of a game. I think we differ on IQ vs visual approach on this discussion?
PC-Engine said:
that's tech used to implement the 'art' of a game. I think we differ on IQ vs visual approach on this discussion?

BM with dynamic lights gives a certain look or style.

nah I disagree here (tho I see your point) the 'dynamic' look here scales the IQ of said style (metallic, rouigh etc..) i.e art.

the art of the work is recognisable, however it stands to reason that it will look 'better' and can be quantified as such.

er...basically no it doesn't
PC-engine :

I've had Killzone screenshots for more than 2 years .If you want to stick to what you say about KZ copying HL2 style ,then the only explanation is that they traveled through Time.

Anyway ,this style (atmospheric realism) is nothing new,nor trademarked.