"Keep pratce"?

Guden Oden

Senior Member
Sometimes there appears a new weird misspelling that is absorbed into the '1337' crowd and gets distributed widely in any number of places and situations, like "pwned" for example. I stumbled upon this one today (don't ask how please, hahaha).

Does anyone know anything about its origins? A quick google turned up nothing useful...
Yeah, I know how the word is SUPPOSED to be spelled... That's not hard to realise. However, that wasn't what I asked. ;)
the origins are from how it is supposed to be spelled, with a bit of fob twist, just like most leet speak.
Very weird, there's a board I go to where if you mispell 'the' as 'teh' a special phrase pops up in it's place like 'I'm a turbo' pretty funny.
I was just browsing when I stumbled upon this thread, so I registered to tell you about Bustamove.

I may get some of the details wrong, but there's a kind of legend regarding the origin of "keep pratce", or as it should be "I'll keep pratce".

Some guy used to do crazy breakdancing moves all the time at a highschool. He was terrible at it and gained the name "Bustamove".

When school was finished, Bustamove was asked to sign a year book by a guy who'd been teasing him about his dancing. After taking a very long time to write what was sure to be a long inscription he passed the book back.

He'd written, "I'll keep pratce".

There's a pic that explains the full story, but a quick search gives me a Russian site with no access.

Hope that helps ;)
WISQ said:
I may get some of the details wrong, but there's a kind of legend regarding the origin of "keep pratce"

Thanks man, heheh. Wow... Legendary stuff, coool!

This was exactly the kind of response I was hoping for btw. :)

Thanks again.