JJ Abrams to demolish another sci-fi franchise

AKA, 'The Rubbish Episodes'.
There's a lot of these episodes that are really good, due to great script and excellent actors, and the posing of an important quandary. "The Measure of a Man" from season two no less is one such episode.

You can't just generalize and say episodes about people are rubbish (although there are many really really rubbish TNG episodes too.)
Yea I loved the reboot too. Star Trek is not some holy grail and the last few Star Trek movies were utter shite. The last good Star Trek movie was The Undiscovered Country ... and I am saying this even though I was a HUGE fan of TNG series. Tried to watch a few of the TNG episodes - they sucked! Sucked harder than a blowfish on air!

OK so Abrams and co completely destroyed the timeline whilst they were at it but guess what? It is fiction - tomorrow they will wake up and it was all a dream (or holodeck experiment/wormhole/alternate universe/who gives a crap). It is just FICTION and good fiction.

Personally I loved the new sets, loved the new Doctor, Spock was always a pretentious twat and even more so now, even the new Scotty grew on me 3rd time I watched it. As to the captain, played to perfection. ;)

I want more.. seriously.


As to Star Wars - after the complete desecration by Lucas, glad someone else has been given a go at the franchise. Let's hope it works and brings back the magic of IV, V, VI - I have faith.
Really liked the new star trek movie with a one or two caveats (Spock has a lovelife ?)

But I hated, hated....HATED the lens flare. Can someone tell me what the point of it is, other that to constantly remind you that you are watching a recording of something, and thus totally eliminate any hope of being immersed in the story.
Yea I loved the reboot too. Star Trek is not some holy grail and the last few Star Trek movies were utter shite. The last good Star Trek movie was The Undiscovered Country ... and I am saying this even though I was a HUGE fan of TNG series. Tried to watch a few of the TNG episodes - they sucked! Sucked harder than a blowfish on air!

Those comments are somewhat harsh on "First Contact" which I found to be a very entertaining film. Lots of decent action sequences, some good acting, reasonable plot. What's not to like?
The problem I found with ST:TNG movies was that the best TNG material hasn't been topped.

Expectations raised too high I guess by Journey's End and a few of the other excellent episodes later on in the series. The Borg two-part season finales (were there two or three of them?) - it would have been great to see a movie with Q.

I think ST:TNG movies missed a trick by not showing a new enemy or a completely different direction - as it seemed like the stories were already done in the series. Insurrection was particularly bad, First Contact and Nemesis not so.

One of the reasons why I have to respect the idea of a "reboot" for Star Trek - it was fresh and allows the writers/director to go a bit crazy.
Calling the Fifth Element a "masterpiece" is pushing it somewhat.

In fact calling Star Wars "one of the greatest fiction tales in cinema" is a massively overstating the case as well.
The original Star Wars, before Lucas went all batty and started messing with it using bad CGI - why not? It's a milestone in western cinema, as well as culture.

Fifth Element is certainly no masterpiece though. I thought it was overly pretentious and bordering on nonsensical much of the time even by the time it still ran in cinemas. Bought it on bluray a few months ago to replace the extremely poorly encoded DVD I've had standing on a shelf for ages, but haven't been able to bring myself to watch it yet.
OK so Abrams and co completely destroyed the timeline whilst they were at it but guess what? It is fiction - tomorrow they will wake up and it was all a dream (or holodeck experiment/wormhole/alternate universe/who gives a crap). It is just FICTION and good fiction.
That's probably the only thing he didn't destroy, as it's well established in the movie that it's alternative timeline altogether (just like Enterprise-series was alternative timeline)
Those comments are somewhat harsh on "First Contact" which I found to be a very entertaining film. Lots of decent action sequences, some good acting, reasonable plot. What's not to like?

Agreed. It was a great all round film. Definitely not on par with the originals though, better from an action / effect point of view but not even close from a character pov.
So today Disney and Abrams debuted the first set for StarWars Episode VII ..
Just think, if we wait a few more years we could just dispense with the actors entirely and recreate the original trilogy actors digitally ;) FWIW, I'm still with the folks who are kind of angry that by doing original trilogy instead of 7/8/9 they threw out their chance to use the same actors at their proper ages... but I guess at least the advantage is they didn't ruin the characters and ships that I know and love from 4/5/6 :)

I've never seen a single episode of Star Trek in my life, but after reading this thread I'm starting to wonder whether I should. Would it be worth starting from the beginning?
You can start from TNG quite happily - it's a pretty distinct thing from the original series. If you think you can tolerate waiting a season until it gets decent, start from season 1. Otherwise start from season 2.

Agreed. It was a great all round film. Definitely not on par with the originals though, better from an action / effect point of view but not even close from a character pov.
Um, let's be realistic, 1 and 5 both compete for the worst movies ever(and not just the worst Star Trek movies). 2-4 were decent but I wouldn't call them spectacular. 6 and First Contact were probably the best Star Trek movies overall, and all of the rest were bad, although not as bad as 1 and 5 ;) [Edit] Haha, curiously I checked RT and their ratings agree pretty nicely with my summary, although they rate 2 > 6 :)

Honestly, I don't think what makes TNG great works well in a movie format, which is why I don't mind the style being changed with First Contact and the new movies. I don't enjoy it for the same reasons that I enjoy TNG, but I enjoy it in its own right.
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Um, let's be realistic, 1 and 5 both compete for the worst movies ever(and not just the worst Star Trek movies). 2-4 were decent but I wouldn't call them spectacular. 6 and First Contact were probably the best Star Trek movies overall, and all of the rest were bad, although not as bad as 1 and 5 ;) [Edit] Haha, curiously I checked RT and their ratings agree pretty nicely with my summary, although they rate 2 > 6 :)

Bah, the second Star Trek movie was definitely the best. :) KHAAAAAAAAAAAAN! Also still features my all time favorite star ship chase + battle scene.

There are quite a few episodes in seasons 1 and 2 that are almost entirely terrible lol. Some totally kick ass though so don't give up. Season 3 is a remarkable transformation.
Um, let's be realistic, 1 and 5 both compete for the worst movies ever(and not just the worst Star Trek movies). 2-4 were decent but I wouldn't call them spectacular.
I really enjoy TMP actually. It has TNG similarities and a surreal 2001-like feel too. 5 has some great character moments. I guess I don't dislike any of the TOS movies. They all have some problems but still.
TNG's quality rose dramatically as soon as Riker grew a beard. :LOL:

A commonly noted thing.

Anyway, as for movie quality, I can't even watch the first, the second is a damn good film, the third is pretty good but not as good as the second, the fourth is kind of what the hell...

The fifth is a case of good ideas, needed another script revision or seven, and SHATNER NOT DIRECTING.

The sixth was way better and a passable film. Out of the TOS based films it's probably the third best.

Generations bored me, First Contact is the second best Star Trek film, Insurrection is a mediocre TNG episode that runs way too long, and Nemesis is a lie. It never happened.

ST 09 was a fucking terrible, awful film and somehow yet only the second worst thing Abrams has ever done. As I said in the main movie thread, he wrote Armageddon...

For the record, I saw all of the TOS films last year, roughly three years after I saw ST 09. I also do not like TOS much at all aside from a few episodes here and there including the funny as hell Trouble With Tribbles(Why does no one ever say this episode was purposefully a comedy episode? I've never heard it described this way, when it's the correct way to describe it!).
I've been following Star Trek since the 60s, and I really liked Abrams reboot...sorry. :oops:

I'm excited to see what he brings to Star Wars, I figure it just can't be worse than the prequels were. :yep2:

Well it is good someone did :)

I didn't like it that much. I felt it missed a lot of what star trek great and was a bit generic, but whatever. At least I did not dislike it :) Better than the prequels.
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For the record, I saw all of the TOS films last year, roughly three years after I saw ST 09. I also do not like TOS much at all aside from a few episodes here and there including the funny as hell Trouble With Tribbles(Why does no one ever say this episode was purposefully a comedy episode? I've never heard it described this way, when it's the correct way to describe it!).

Even better was the DS9 episode when they went back in time to participate in this episode.
Wanna hear something embarrassing? I was reading Starlog for years before the first Star Trek movie came out memorizing every leaked detail, and I was in line opening day first showing for it, and it fucking blew me away at the time. :oops:

And was it Search for Spock where the Enterprise went down? I was with a date with my first girlfriend seeing that, and I couldn't stop myself from openly weeping as the Enterprise burned.

Yeah, I've been into Trek for a while. :LOL:
Generations bored me, First Contact is the second best Star Trek film, Insurrection is a mediocre TNG episode that runs way too long, and Nemesis is a lie. It never happened.

Lol yeah I kinda feel the same way about them. Although I did think generations was enjoyable, if a little slow. I feel like watching it now actually, it's been years! First Contact was probably the best film in terms of action but I preferred the original trilogy of 2-4 and then 6 in pure trek terms.