Heh, to think I almost missed a thread about Star Trek because the title implied a Star Wars theme
Since we're all expressing our Trek opinions though, I've gotta say, all the people who actually think Voyager and Enterprise are good, or even decent examples of Star Trek.. have you even seen TOS or TNG? Or any of the TOS Films?
That's what Trek is all about "The Human Adventure". It's a little wordy, it's thought provoking, it's deep, it's emotional and it's not about aliens of the week, action scenes for action scenes sake or glossy special effects.
While Voyager is a pretty good sci-fi series in it's own right, it doesn't really have any trace of what made the first 2 series and 6 films great. Enterprise on the other hand wasn't even a pretty good series. The writing felt like they hired a bunch of teenage boys to pen half of the story lines. The temporal cold war? An enemy species with members like the "reptilians" and "insectoids"? there's some powerful imagination for you!
The last two next gen films were also guilty of this (that pointless desert driving action scene in Nemesis comes to mind) but at least they had a strong set of characters and relationships to base the stories on which made them semi bearable.
The new Trek film actually goes a decent way back towards the series original routes IMO. Not all the way obviously, it was still a bit of an action fest and no-where near as thoughtful or emotional as the first 6 films but at the same time it was a pretty good film in its own right. Far better than the last two TNG films (or for that matter generations).
First Contact was pretty good, not necessarily in the same Trek spirit of the earlier series but more a continuation of DS9's spirit IMO, DS9 IMO while still not as "Trek" as the original series or TNG was still far more so than either of the later series IMO while at the same time being a truly excellent sci-fi series in it's own right. After TNG, DS9 is my favourite series and in some ways, I even prefer it to TNG.
Fact is though Voyager, while a good series started Trek on it's journey towards death and Enterprise well and truly sealed it. Without the new films it would have been dead anfd buried so for the fact that it isn't, I'm grateful. If it hadn't been a good film in it's own right though, I doubt I would have been all that happy.
BTW, anyone who's still interested in following the REAL Trek universe should read the books. It's a great continuation for all 3 modern crews in a completely consistent and interconnected universe.