JJ Abrams to demolish another sci-fi franchise

Hurm, not sure why you think everything was taken out... Kirk's a slugger, Spock's a thinker and Bones is a curmudgeon (or is that a chirurgeon? :LOL:) Things seem pretty similar overall, don't you think? :D

There's no politics, there's no moral issues to ponder on, there's no depth on characters, there's no utopian future with naive visions of galaxy peace, Spock kissing Uhura (WTF!? Seriously!).
It's just action scene > action scene > necessary romantic moment in every action movie > action > action action action action. And lens flares.
Also wtf happened to romulan looks? Those looked nothing like romulans. And the iconic romulan shipdesign was nowhere to be seen, instead there was some babylon 5 shadow-esque monstrosity.
I see majority of us agree TNG is the 'Trek' we all appreciate the most and it is very hard to best it. I'm currently re-watching Season 1 on BD which is awesome in every way :D.
My favourite character is 'Data' closely followed by most of the crew (soft spot for all Betazoid ladies :devilish:).

JJ Trek was a mix bag for me. I watched it at cinema with my family and overlay I liked it, but obviously the plot was weak. I would rate it 6/10 on my personal Trek satisfaction bar. Now I do look forward to new ST movie and will go to cinema to watch it. I'm not hyping it and putting my expectations lowish. This will save me from any potential disappointment. Besides we have quite exciting year for S-F in general and I'm sure at least one or two productions will live to our expectations!
Since when is Star Wars SciFi ?
It's always been fantasy in space, period. Watch Ep IV, replace everything in usual fantasy setting and it's the most cliched movie you can imagine...
(I still love it :p)
The only problem I had with DS9, was that it brought religion into the Star Trek universe.
If I remember correctly, even Sisco converted into the Bajoran religion in the end...
Since when is Star Wars SciFi ?
It's always been fantasy in space, period. Watch Ep IV, replace everything in usual fantasy setting and it's the most cliched movie you can imagine...
(I still love it :p)
Star Wars is science fantasy no doubt whereas Trek is more hard sci-fi. But if you want Star Wars in pure fantasy, watch Willow. :D
The only problem I had with DS9, was that it brought religion into the Star Trek universe.
If I remember correctly, even Sisco converted into the Bajoran religion in the end...
The Bajoran religion is based around actual alien entities that are introduced in the first episode. But I can see how it is still controversial for a Trek series.
I wouldn't get too excited about any of Whedon's stuff. I ended up catching a couple of episodes of Buffy the other weekend (too bored to change channel!) and realised that they were turgid shite!

That reminds me, I need to get around to checking out a couple of episodes of Dollhouse to see what that is like. I've heard mixed reviews but from what I know, it's an interesting enough concept.

Whedon's stuff works better over a series. Watching just a couple of episodes and discounting it is like listening to a couple of songs and then discounting a musician's whole back catalogue. Whedon may not be to your taste, but a couple of episodes of Buffy doesn't really give you much to base an opinion on.
Heh, to think I almost missed a thread about Star Trek because the title implied a Star Wars theme :devilish:

Since we're all expressing our Trek opinions though, I've gotta say, all the people who actually think Voyager and Enterprise are good, or even decent examples of Star Trek.. have you even seen TOS or TNG? Or any of the TOS Films?

That's what Trek is all about "The Human Adventure". It's a little wordy, it's thought provoking, it's deep, it's emotional and it's not about aliens of the week, action scenes for action scenes sake or glossy special effects.

While Voyager is a pretty good sci-fi series in it's own right, it doesn't really have any trace of what made the first 2 series and 6 films great. Enterprise on the other hand wasn't even a pretty good series. The writing felt like they hired a bunch of teenage boys to pen half of the story lines. The temporal cold war? An enemy species with members like the "reptilians" and "insectoids"? there's some powerful imagination for you!

The last two next gen films were also guilty of this (that pointless desert driving action scene in Nemesis comes to mind) but at least they had a strong set of characters and relationships to base the stories on which made them semi bearable.

The new Trek film actually goes a decent way back towards the series original routes IMO. Not all the way obviously, it was still a bit of an action fest and no-where near as thoughtful or emotional as the first 6 films but at the same time it was a pretty good film in its own right. Far better than the last two TNG films (or for that matter generations).

First Contact was pretty good, not necessarily in the same Trek spirit of the earlier series but more a continuation of DS9's spirit IMO, DS9 IMO while still not as "Trek" as the original series or TNG was still far more so than either of the later series IMO while at the same time being a truly excellent sci-fi series in it's own right. After TNG, DS9 is my favourite series and in some ways, I even prefer it to TNG.

Fact is though Voyager, while a good series started Trek on it's journey towards death and Enterprise well and truly sealed it. Without the new films it would have been dead anfd buried so for the fact that it isn't, I'm grateful. If it hadn't been a good film in it's own right though, I doubt I would have been all that happy.

BTW, anyone who's still interested in following the REAL Trek universe should read the books. It's a great continuation for all 3 modern crews in a completely consistent and interconnected universe.
Deep down in the annals of the B3D General Forum is another thread which discusses the pros and cons of firefly. As I recall, in that thread from some years ago, I basically thought it was OK but not worthy of quite the level of praise which it received.

Not too bad, mind.
So today Disney and Abrams debuted the first set for StarWars Episode VII ...

Star Trek: TOS was always and will always be my favorite, despite much of the 60's influence. Star Trek: TNG is a close 2nd as long as I can ignore the first season which I absolutely hated.

Since when is Star Wars SciFi ?
It's always been fantasy in space, period. Watch Ep IV, replace everything in usual fantasy setting and it's the most cliched movie you can imagine...
(I still love it :p)

Heh, and here I always thought of Star Was as a SciFi Western. Or a Western set in space with starships instead of horses. Tuskan Raiders and Jawas instead of Indians (sorry, Native Americans :p). The Death Star instead of some big boss' Ranch, etc. :D

The only thing it needed was for John Wayne to rise from the grave and get into a bar fight on Tatooine. :D

I've never seen a single episode of Star Trek in my life, but after reading this thread I'm starting to wonder whether I should. Would it be worth starting from the beginning?
There's no politics, there's no moral issues to ponder on, there's no depth on characters, there's no utopian future with naive visions of galaxy peace
You can't fit those into a blockbuster feature movie, there's not room enough. You can have all that in say, a serious drama type movie, but then you don't get the 100+M dollar budget needed to do the Trek experience justice.

Spock kissing Uhura (WTF!? Seriously!).
Yeah, well... I have no comment on that one! :LOL:

I can only assume they wanted to play up Spock's human side a bit.

Also wtf happened to romulan looks? Those looked nothing like romulans.
They've got the ears, if you look carefully...

Film explanation: they're embittered homeless romulans. Hence the tribal look with the tattoos and stuff. No, it doesn't make much sense to me either, but I can either get really hung up on all these details or I can try to just roll with it and enjoy the movie more that way, and I prefer the latter.

And the iconic romulan shipdesign was nowhere to be seen, instead there was some babylon 5 shadow-esque monstrosity.
The ship is some kind of interstellar drilling platform. Not an iconic battleship. Not that the shape makes much sense for a drilling platform either mind you (cuz it doesn't.) It's more like, it's the badguy's ship so it must look bad ass, and the best, most time-honored cliche tactic to make something look bad is to put spikes on it. Lots of spikes, the more the better. Spikes, spikes, spikesspikesspikesspikes. Everywhere. Spikes ON the spikes even, preferably. Also: serrated spikes > ordinary spikes.
I've never seen a single episode of Star Trek in my life, but after reading this thread I'm starting to wonder whether I should. Would it be worth starting from the beginning?

It's tough to say. The safe bet would be to probably start with Star Trek: The Next Generation. The original series is likely to be an acquired taste if you didn't grow up with it and expect modern day type of TV shows. It's very campy in many ways due to the 60's influence. But seeing the original series first may allow you to appreciate ST: TNG more fully.

Just whatever you do, don't expect something along the lines of the Star Trek Reboot (vomit inducing) movie.

TNG is a very "thinky" TV show. It's not really a science fiction show at all when you look underneath the surface; the starship is a ship for exploring the human psyche rather than the galaxy, you might say. The aliens encountered could likewise largely be seen as aspects of ourselves that the writers wanted to explore.

It's excellent TV drama, or well, it was for me anyway who was in my teens during the years the show originally ran, but I don't know how people would react to it today if they've never seen it before.
TNG is quite interesting in that it was immediately syndicated as the big comeback of Trek after the success of the movie. The first three series it was really still finding it's feet. Can you imagine any series today getting three seasons to sort itself out? It starts off quite thinky and moral, a little camp like TOS. When Roddenberry died, it actually grew and developed more as it was allowed more freedom from the old Trek template. IMO at that point they started to have more character development, and actual consequences of their actions.

It's still somewhat lightweight, cheery, bright and naive in many ways. There are still episodes that are about people and emotions more than anything else. At the end of every episode, thing are pretty much wrapped up and reset back to normal for the next episode. While there is continuity and some short story arcs, there's not really an overreaching arc such as with most of the Stargates, B5, or BSG. For every episode you think is pretty okay, you'll find one that you think was pretty dull, and some aspects have not aged well.
It's still somewhat lightweight, cheery, bright and naive in many ways. There are still episodes that are about people and emotions more than anything else. At the end of every episode, thing are pretty much wrapped up and reset back to normal for the next episode. While there is continuity and some short story arcs, there's not really an overreaching arc such as with most of the Stargates, B5, or BSG. For every episode you think is pretty okay, you'll find one that you think was pretty dull, and some aspects have not aged well.

AKA, 'The Rubbish Episodes'.

If I want to watch a soap opera populated by Californian sensibilities, I'll look for one specifically!

There did seem to be too many Data "I want to be a real boy" episodes as well.

That said, I did enjoy the show and you have to forgive them the odd meandering and uninteresting episode.