Japan Sales Thread *renamed

If you release a crappy port of a ps2 game made by your 4th string team how the hell do you expect to outsell nintendo's big guns? thats like complaining your Fiat panda cant beat a Ferrari F1 2007 on the track. Like duh. As with every platform, if you dont release a quality game, you cant expect to get good sales.

I don't think that them being ports had much to do with the fact of lacking sales - it's been a very common picture even on handhelds for years now.

Besides, not only ports, but even the many of multi-platform games that ran well had very lacking sales. Ports, multiplatform games - it doesn't really matter - it's not something that is bound to change even on Wii, PS3 and 360. The matter of fact remains that Nintendo consumers seem to be buying the console more because of Nintendo's 1st/2nd party games than 3rd party software. Can you blame them? Not at all - I wouldn't do it any different.

Given how good Nintendo games are, it's really not surprising that 3rd parties find it a bigger challenge. I'm sure, as long as the user market doesn't change, beating Nintendo games sales wise will be extremely difficult on a Nintendo platform.
What I find amusing in your post is it means that first partys devs on PS3 and 360 are so average that any third party can compete succesfully with them :LOL:

Besides the fact that Red Steel and Rayman are already million sellers on the wii, it seems that not all publishers think they can't sell well.
The matter of fact remains that Nintendo consumers seem to be buying the console more because of Nintendo's 1st/2nd party games than 3rd party software. Can you blame them? Not at all

As I said above, that isnt suprising considering 3rd partry nintendo devs usually use their 3 and 4 sting team and do very little effor to make a good game. Its not that n64 and gc owners didnt want to buy 3rd party software, its that 3rd party devs just didnt release quality titels. If they would make good games, people would buy them.

Also, remembers that even though nintendo titels might stay higher in the lists than 3rd party games, that doesnt mean 3rd party games dont sell good (as far as wii and DS go). its just that nintendo's titels sell insanely good. For example RS and Rayman both sold almost a million on 6 million consoles, yet you didnt really see those titels in the charts but they didnt sell bad at all.
What I find amusing in your post is it means that first partys devs on PS3 and 360 are so average that any third party can compete succesfully with them :LOL:

I would think that has to do that the Sony's userbase is far more diverse, appealing to the mass market and has something for everyone in every genre... Which brings this whole discussion around sales back to the main point: userbase and target audience.

If Wii's userbase consists by a majority of people that are likely to be Nintendo fans and less interested in 3rd party games as people buying a PS3 or 360, why should 3rd parties support it beyond what they have done in the past with the occasional multiplatform game or port?

A much more likely scenario is having games exclusively target the Wii and its controller and keep other games strictly to 360/PS3.
Just read that article:
I think the ego trip is not only for the publishers and far too much people are confusing good games with 1080 games. While both are not mutually exclusives, 1080 is not a proof of game quality.
The article is calling such expense 'ego tiripping' only for the first couple of years when there's no install base and you wont get your money back. Why spend $20 million on a game with a total user base of a few million from which you'll be lucky to get a percentage of notable double figures buying your game? Brennan's point is that launch titles should be budgetted for likely returns. Looking forwards, when there is a large install base, you can spend lots to create bigger titles knowing that's a smarter, profitable business decision. Though his reasoning seems to ignore the high adoption rate of GeOW that showed it's production values produced the sales that made it profitable.
I would think that has to do that the Sony's userbase is far more diverse, appealing to the mass market and has something for everyone in every genre... Which brings this whole discussion around sales back to the main point: userbase and target audience.

If Wii's userbase consists by a majority of people that are likely to be Nintendo fans and less interested in 3rd party games as people buying a PS3 or 360, why should 3rd parties support it beyond what they have done in the past with the occasional multiplatform game or port?

A much more likely scenario is having games exclusively target the Wii and its controller and keep other games strictly to 360/PS3.

But you can't claim one point and the opposite :)
For now it seems that the more diverse base is buying Wii and only some hardcore are buying the PS3 in Japan. You are claiming PS2 strong points as if they were the strong points for the PS3 this gen while theses advantages are moving to the Wii. By the end of that summer the Wii will have an userbase around 3 times more than PS3 userbase and you really think the wider and diverse audience is still for the PS3? I read people calling Wiis buyers as casuals or non gamers then with a straight face deciding they are also nintendo fans buying Nintendo games for the sake of it......
But you can't claim one point and the opposite :)
For now it seems that the more diverse base is buying Wii and only some hardcore are buying the PS3 in Japan.


I already answered this and gave you my take on this in reply to Natoma further up:

Phil said:
Even though Wii is selling extremely hot at the moment, I'm not convinced they're selling far beyond their usual audience - and perhaps a large share of their handheld market. The question is: With all the great sales their enjoying with Wii at the moment - are they taking away sales of the PlayStation (and somewhat the Xbox) platform? It's my opinion that they are not. It's not that players who have enjoyed games like GTA, Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, ICO (all best sellers) suddenly forget about all those games and only want a Wii with Mario and Zelda.

There's really not much more to add. Given proper 3rd party software support from the big hitters are still lacking and unconfirmed, tells me that the publishers are more in line in what I'm seeing in here. For instances, I just don't see Konami bringing out the next Metal Gear Solid 4 for Wii and not for PS3/Xbox (or all 3 platforms if you wish). Or DMC3. Perhaps a game standing on its own - like a sidequest, similar to Metal Gear Acid on PSP. Much more than that, I doubt it, unless what you say becomes reality and Wii becomes the new target platform. As long as publishers are seeing two not directly comparable markets, I guess I'm on the right path...

Who's right is obviously the great unknown and will probably stay like that for the next couple of months. We'll see. I'll gladly continue this argument when we have a bit more data to base things on (and that what you claim starts to happen). Until then, I'll just sit back and look at PS3 sales that are underperforming, even though if slightly understandable given the cost it's selling at and the available software that is likely to change...

You might not remember, but despite PS2 selling better at the time, software sales weren't exactly all that brilliant either and reports of PS2 being used as a DVD player very common. It's 2000 all over again. Lets leave it some time and we'll see soon enough where it leads.

Just go read this thread in that forum last year. Besides the great fun reading some posts from people still regular posters (sorry guys but it is really fun to read that now we have seen how things turned out :devilish:), you should understand why third party devs did not start before the end of E3 2006 at the earliest. How do you expect to see a lot of diverse games already out ? How many games are out for the pre announced winner PS3 ?

Just go read this thread in that forum last year. Besides the great fun reading some posts from people still regular posters (sorry guys but it is really fun to read that now we have seen how things turned out :devilish:), you should understand why third party devs did not start before the end of E3 2006 at the earliest. How do you expect to see a lot of diverse games already out ? How many games are out for the pre announced winner PS3 ?

Amusing indeed. Though, I'm still not sure what's in that thread compared to today's sales situation that would change anything in my above reply to Natoma further up. After all, we're all here to exchange ideas and opinions - it's mine, that there's still a possibility that Wii is predominently sold to Nintendo users and their handheld market, not only because of its price. I'm sure there are also PS3 and Xbox360 supporters buying a Wii as well - does that make them any less interested in the other two platforms? No - and publishers know this as well.

Did we compare PS2 and GameBoy at the time? No. So why should we directly compare Wii with the PS3?

Just to add:
One thing about that thread though - there's a large share that sees Wii distancing itsself from the competition. I'm not sure what about Wii's success, nullfies that argument.
Interesting quote from Kyoshi Shin of Japan's International Game Developers' Association. Btw, if you add Media Create number from April 9 to May 6, it's something like 340k Wii to 48k PS3.

However Kyoshi Shin of Japan's International Game Developers' Association was less positive, suggesting that many developers are shifting their focus to Nintendo Wii.

"When people talk about the PS3 on chat forums, they say it's like going to a very expensive restaurant and not getting anything to eat," he added.
I fail to see how you are coming to the conclusion that PS3 will dominate EU. So far, it seems to follow the same pattern it had in Japan and US : briliant beginning due to the hardcore crowd, followed by a steep drop in interest due to the horrendous price once the hardcore were served. Whereas 5 months after launch, the Wii is only starting to be found on store shelves, with every shipment (they have been increasing of late) selling extremely quickly.
Someone at Gaf just posted some latest software sales numbers from 3 of the biggest countries in the EU. Germany and France look surprisingly like Japan. Only in the UK is Sony putting up a fight against Nintendo domination.
So, from where I'm sitting, it seems you're saying that Sony is ultimately in trouble if they continue with these sales, as they are more likely to lose more exclusive 3rd party content. I agree with this - losing exclusive 3rd party content is never good, especially for publicities sake. I however, do not believe, that your argument and comparison of Nintendo franchises and Sony 1st/2nd party is anything more than your humble opinion, especially when considering that Nintendo practically appealed to a much smaller market (I'll restrain from calling it niche though) last generation.


If what you say turns out to be true (that Sony's continues to lose all their exclusive 3rd party content), I would still buy the PlayStation platform thanks to those 1st/2nd party games. Perhaps this would have been different 8 years ago when the Sony brand had little other than 3rd party games to offer. The times have changed though and as archangelmorph put it, Sony has an impressive fleet of defining games in many genres: From adventure, racing, sci-fi racing, action, jump'n run to fun games as well.

So Natoma, lets just let this "Nintendo's franchises have stood the test of time better than x or y" argument. It's also a bit of an unfair argument, Nintendo after all has been around far longer and have had a platform to its own practically selling nothing but their own IP. They make excellent games - lets just leave it at that, mkay?

Cheers Phil

First, I made that comparison as one who owned a PS1 and PS2 and counts the Wipeout series, Toshinden, Jumping Jack Flash, and Warhawk among my favorite titles of all time. Second, Nintendo's 1st party franchises have been the bedrock of their consoles since the NES days. In comparison, the strength of the PS1 and PS2 were its 3rd party titles. It's even worse for the Xbox in terms of 1st party to 3rd party quality ratio.

If you name the top 20 defining titles/franchises for Nintendo consoles, they will by and large be Nintendo franchises. If you name the top 20 defining titles/franchises for Sony consoles, they will by and large be 3rd party. If you name the top 20 defining titles/franchises for MS consoles, they will DEFINITELY be 3rd party, save for Halo.

That's all I was stating. This isn't about opinion or fan bias, but merely what has occurred to date.

Even though Wii is selling extremely hot at the moment, I'm not convinced they're selling far beyond their usual audience - and perhaps a large share of their handheld market. The question is: With all the great sales their enjoying with Wii at the moment - are they taking away sales of the PlayStation (and somewhat the Xbox) platform? It's my opinion that they are not. It's not that players who have enjoyed games like GTA, Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, ICO (all best sellers) suddenly forget about all those games and only want a Wii with Mario and Zelda. ;)

If anything, I think Wii is that perfect 2nd console. It's cheap, easy and fun. The perfect party entertainment if you want. Is it an alternative? As one of those PlayStation supporters, I can tell you, to me, it isn't. I will be getting a Wii though, for the reasons above, no doubt. That still doesn't make me anymore less of a Sony supporter though. Does that make Wii sales any less impressive? No. Does it make Wii less of a success? No. Does it mean Wii is better off than the PlayStation platform? IMO not comparable, as it would be like comparing a handheld with a console - the difference being a large price difference and different market appeal.

This begs the question though Phil. How is it that the Gamecube didn't sell in these numbers? Surely there were tens of millions of Nintendo fans who could've purchased the system at the same pace. Quite frankly, the Wii is the first Nintendo console to reverse the trend of declining sales from one generation to another, ever. From NES --> Gamecube, it was a downward spiral.

If Nintendo wasn't pulling in new audiences, whether they be completely new gamers or gamers who normally wouldn't have considered a Nintendo console, then there's no doubt in my mind that the Wii would be seeing sales declining yet again.

As for taking away sales form the PS and Xbox platforms, nothing other than price is doing that. I want to play Ico and GTA and Halo and DMC, et al. But not at $400+.

However, you have the Wii that sells for $250, has an innovative controller, has tremendous mindshare in the market, and has some pretty good games sitting pretty amongst the shovelware.

Until the 360 and PS3 significantly drop their prices, this trend will simply continue. I said it in another thread as well:


Natoma said:
In the end there were some responses that directly addressed the author's comments, but it didn't seem like many did.

Personally, I think the Wii is a confluence of two things.

1) Innovative controller and design
2) Price

If the Wii had enough processing power to place it at the level of a 360 or PS3, it wouldn't be selling like it is even with the innovative controller and design because the price would have to match the technology.

In short, I don't think the early stages of this generation is a repudiation of "hardcore" gaming per se. I think it's a repudiation of $300+ gaming. The additional design and controller of the Wii accelerated the desire and sales for that console, but in the end I believe price is the primary driver.

When the 360 Premium drops below $300, then I think sales will skyrocket there. Not only will the library be mature, but it will be in the price range that many consider acceptable for a gaming console.

Sony otoh will have a difficult time pricing the $600 PS3 in half, anytime soon. Frankly I'm worried about the PS3's fate as no console has competed well at those prices. See 3DO and Neo Geo for example.

In the end, if the Wii does end up dominating this generation, it will temper the race to see who can come up with the most boundary-pushing technology and cram it into a tiny box. I think that it may very well return us to the days when a console was just a console, and not an attempt at being the media-processing hub of the digital living room, i.e. the dream of Sony and Microsoft.

Which philosophy is good for the gaming market is anyone's guess at this stage of the game.

Having said that, Sony's 1st/2nd party isn't that bad as you make it to be. Sure, you as a Nintendo fan (no offence intended) could probably care less for what Sony is offering and perhaps fail to see the appeal of those titles. Can't blame you though - I just think that not all things are directly comparable. Ico's good, so is Mario. Is one better than the other? IMO not comparable. Is Nintendo's franchise better than Sony's? IMO not comparable as well. I as a PlayStation supporter enjoy them both. As to your list of games that don't have "Mario" in the title - good games they are, but as a PlayStation supporter, I'm not nearly as tempted by them as you probably are. Same goes to Halo on Xbox. Maybe that will change once I spend more time on them, but probably would you as well if you were to spend more time with Sony's 1st/2nd party games...

1) I don't see why people take offense at being called a fan of any console's games. :LOL:

I wave the flag proudly. I love Nintendo franchises and have had each Nintendo console since the NES. No offense taken. :)

2) Why do you automatically assume that because I love Nintendo franchises I don't love PS franchises either? Has this generation of gamers become so polarized in which is better that they automatically cannot see the merits of another console's games?

As much as I "fought" with my friends about SNES vs Genesis, I was always over their houses playing their Genesis and Sega CD consoles, and count many of those games among my favorites of all time. Same with Neo Geo.

That said, I repeat what I stated earlier in this reply. I made that comparison as one who owned a PS1 and PS2 and counts the Wipeout series, Toshinden, Jumping Jack Flash, and Warhawk among my favorite titles of all time. Nintendo's 1st party franchises have been the bedrock of their consoles since the NES days. In comparison, the strength of the PS1 and PS2 were its 3rd party titles. It's even worse for the Xbox in terms of 1st party to 3rd party quality ratio.

If you name the top 20 defining titles/franchises for Nintendo consoles, they will by and large be Nintendo franchises. If you name the top 20 defining titles/franchises for Sony consoles, they will by and large be 3rd party. If you name the top 20 defining titles/franchises for MS consoles, they will DEFINITELY be 3rd party, save for Halo.

That's all I was stating. This isn't about opinion or fan bias, but merely what has occurred to date.
There's large difference between the capabilities between a PS3/Xbox360 and Wii. Further and more importantly, I wonder if 3rd party games would even sell well on the Wii. Sure, a Final Fantasy would sell alright - but would a GTA? What about other games? Many 3rd parties were very disappointed with the sales of their games/ports on the GameCube and it was said a lot that the only games that tend to sell well on a Nintendo platform is, well... a game by Nintendo. ;)

The Gamecube received very little of the high quality franchises from 3rd party developers. That continued a trend from the N64 days. Given that most 3rd party devs put crappy ports onto the system, it isn't surprising that they didn't sell well.

Unfortunately, some stellar titles like Viewtiful Joe didn't sell well either. But then, what do you expect when you're dealing with an install base of ~20 million?

If the situation on Wii is similar or not, depends on the market. Are people that are buying a Wii today buying it for 3rd party games or especially for Nintendo's games? I think its the latter. Besides, the best games on Wii will be those taking advantage of the the consoles strenght, the controller. As such, they will be games that will be targeted for PS3 and Xbox360 - and others that will be stricktly for Wii. I don't think there will be many that will see the same game on all 3 platforms....

I agree on this. By virtue of the Wiimote, games will largely be exclusive to the Wii when developed with the controller in mind. There will be games like Godfather and Madden that make the transition well because the developers actually spend time on the controls, but those have been the exception rather than the rule with respect to ports to date.

Hopefully that will change as time goes by.
There's really not much more to add. Given proper 3rd party software support from the big hitters are still lacking and unconfirmed, tells me that the publishers are more in line in what I'm seeing in here. For instances, I just don't see Konami bringing out the next Metal Gear Solid 4 for Wii and not for PS3/Xbox (or all 3 platforms if you wish). Or DMC3. Perhaps a game standing on its own - like a sidequest, similar to Metal Gear Acid on PSP. Much more than that, I doubt it, unless what you say becomes reality and Wii becomes the new target platform. As long as publishers are seeing two not directly comparable markets, I guess I'm on the right path...

I don't think it's particularly fair to point out 3rd party support at this time given the fact that most developers and gamers considered the Wii dead in the water before this generation even began. I don't think the magnitude of Wii sales really hit the market until around February and March of this year. By this point, it's just too late to do anything but begin to shift resources to the Wii to take advantage.

That's why I've been telling people for the past several months that E3 is the key. If the Wii has little to no 3rd party support at E3, then I believe Nintendo is in trouble.

Who's right is obviously the great unknown and will probably stay like that for the next couple of months. We'll see. I'll gladly continue this argument when we have a bit more data to base things on (and that what you claim starts to happen). Until then, I'll just sit back and look at PS3 sales that are underperforming, even though if slightly understandable given the cost it's selling at and the available software that is likely to change...

You might not remember, but despite PS2 selling better at the time, software sales weren't exactly all that brilliant either and reports of PS2 being used as a DVD player very common. It's 2000 all over again. Lets leave it some time and we'll see soon enough where it leads.

People were using the PS2 as a DVD player and playing their old PS1 games on it as well. That's one area that many people discount with the Wii. No, it doesn't have a large Wii specific library yet, but it does have a mature GC library and many moons worth of VC games to download.

Could be what tides people over until the AAA-type games start flowing.
Time to stop the spin and let the numbers talk :)

Media Create Sales 5/7 - 5/13

01./00. [PSP] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War (Square-Enix) - 154,891 / NEW
02./01. [NDS] Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (Square-Enix) - 38,003 / 421,333
03./03. [WII] Wii Sports (Nintendo) - 30,180 / 1,573,776
04./10. [NDS] More Brain Age (Nintendo) - 27,930 / 4,266,115
05./08. [NDS] New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo) - 21,332 / 4,440,924
06./02. [WII] Super Paper Mario (Nintendo) - 20,670 / 330,851
07./05. [WII] Wii Play (Nintendo) - 20,498 / 1,299,628
08./07. [WII] Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree (Nintendo) - 20,063 / 117,487
09./09. [NDS] Momotarou Dentetsu DS: Tokyo & Japan (Hudson) - 18,547 / 143,189
10./04. [NDS] Yoshi's Island DS (Nintendo) - 17,423 / 808,555

11./13. [NDS] More English Training (Nintendo)
12./15. [NDS] Brain Age (Nintendo)
13./11. [NDS] Phoenix Wright 4 (Capcom)
14./14. [NDS] Panel de Pon DS (Nintendo)
15./06. [NDS] Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (Nintendo)
16./12. [NDS] Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)
17./16. [NDS] Animal Crossing Wild World (Nintendo)
18./17. [NDS] Prof. Layton and the Mysterious Village (Level 5)
19./18. [NDS] Common Knowledge Training (Nintendo)
20./20. [NDS] English Training (Nintendo)
21./21. [NDS] Word Puzzle Mojipittan DS (Bandai-Namco)
22./22. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (Capcom)
23./41. [NDS] 1000 Recipes (Nintendo)
24./34. [NDS] Kanji Brain Test 2M (IE Institute)
25./19. [NDS] Dragon Quest Monsters Joker (Square-Enix)
26./00. [PS2] Wrestling Kingdom 2: Pro Wrestling World War (Yuke's)
27./25. [PSP] Final Fantasy (Square-Enix)
28./43. [NDS] Cooking Navi (Nintendo)
29./30. [NDS] Kanji Test (Rocket Co.)
30./37. [NDS] Tetris DS (Nintendo)

NDS - 22
WII - 4
PSP - 3
PS2 - 1

New Titles

5/14 - 5/20:
PS2 - 2
Odin Sphere (Atlus)
Shining Wind (Sega)
PSP - 1
Little Aid Portable (Takuyo)
NDS - 6
Custom Beat Battle Draglade (Banpresto)
Duke Saraie's Healthy Walking Navi (Dorasu)
Leisure Jigsaw Puzzles for Adults DS, World-Famous Art 1: Renaissance and Baroque Masterpieces (Interchannel-Holon)
Leisure Jigsaw Puzzles for Adults DS, World-Famous Art 2: Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Masterpieces (Interchannel-Holon)
Writing and Speaking Beautiful Japanese DS (IE Institute)
Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Tamashii: Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 (Nintendo)
WII - 2
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (Interchannel-Holon)
Case Closed! Mirage of Recollection (Marvelous Interactive)
As usual from cheesemeister on gaf