Japan Sales Thread *renamed

Dev houses aren't sitting on the fence waiting to see what happens to HS and MGS.

Which is exactly my point. The decision to make many AAA games was made far in advance of Sony's recent tribulations. But, the fact that the decisions were made, and they will appear, lends credence to the notion that there will be games available that are compelling enough to spur console sales.
Which is exactly my point. The decision to make many AAA games was made far in advance of Sony's recent tribulations. But, the fact that the decisions were made, and they will appear, lends credence to the notion that there will be games available that are compelling enough to spur console sales.

So, your point is that the industry is so commited in Sony's success that it will keep pumping out titles for an underselling platform until it starts selling?
I think his point is that titles were in development before PS3's pricetag was known, and those games will come out and spur console sales. Subsequent games won't be exclusive though. And those games that were going to be will likely get ported if not released cross-platform.
So, your point is that the industry is so commited in Sony's success that it will keep pumping out titles for an underselling platform until it starts selling?

It's not about being committed to Sony's success, it's being smart and not rushing to "abandon" the only company that sold more than 200m units of their hardware in the last 2 generations, and the company which absolutely dominated everyone else in the last 12 years.

Once again, 3 months is nothing to make such decisions.

A whole lot of PS2's AAA titles were Sony's anyway, so that really is a moot point anyway, cause they won't stop making games for PS3. Third parties have shown that they're going multiplatform anyway, and not just because of PS3 but because next gen games just cost more to make, whether on 360 or on PS3.
I think his point is that titles were in development before PS3's pricetag was known, and those games will come out and spur console sales. Subsequent games won't be exclusive though. And those games that were going to be will likely get ported if not released cross-platform.

Agreed - :devilish: Aside from 1st party.

Speaking of that, which title do you guys think will be the best selling console game this year in Japan?
It's not about being committed to Sony's success, it's being smart and not rushing to "abandon" the only company that sold more than 200m units of their hardware in the last 2 generations, and the company which absolutely dominated everyone else in the last 12 years.

Once again, 3 months is nothing to make such decisions.

A whole lot of PS2's AAA titles were Sony's anyway, so that really is a moot point anyway, cause they won't stop making games for PS3. Third parties have shown that they're going multiplatform anyway, and not just because of PS3 but because next gen games just cost more to make, whether on 360 or on PS3.

Multiplatform games are not inherently a good idea financially - they are a good idea if all the platforms involved have significant market share. Three months, of course, is too early to "rush" and "abandon" anything, but if the situation with the PS3 sales AND attach rates doesn't improve significantly till the end of the year, publishers would be crazy to devote resources to exclusives or even have the PS3 as the lead platform.

I somehow wish we could freeze these threads and not continue them before December :)
Multiplatform games are not inherently a good idea financially - they are a good idea if all the platforms involved have significant market share. Three months, of course, is too early to "rush" and "abandon" anything, but if the situation with the PS3 sales AND attach rates doesn't improve significantly till the end of the year, publishers would be crazy to devote resources to exclusives or even have the PS3 as the lead platform.

I somehow wish we could freeze these threads and not continue them before December :)

The way you put it, all developers should have abandoned making multiplatform games for xbox1 or GC - since that would have been a bad ideea financially.

Or you think that PS3 will get to sell less than 20 mil this generation?
The way you put it, all developers should have abandoned making multiplatform games for xbox1 or GC - since that would have been a bad ideea financially.

Or you think that PS3 will get to sell less than 20 mil this generation?

Well, if you are preparing a game to be released in Q1 2008, it doesn't matter to you if the PS3 will have sold 20 mil "this generation" somewhere by 2009, since the game makes most of its (official) sales in the first month or so. Sales down the line will be second-hand (meaning you get nothing) or at a heavily reduced price.

Porting games from the PS2 to the xbox1 and GC was significantly easier than porting to the PS3 will be.
Well, if you are preparing a game to be released in Q1 2008, it doesn't matter to you if the PS3 will have sold 20 mil "this generation" somewhere by 2009, since the game makes most of its (official) sales in the first month or so. Sales down the line will be second-hand (meaning you get nothing) or at a heavily reduced price.

Porting games from the PS2 to the xbox1 and GC was significantly easier than porting to the PS3 will be.

Maybe this is one of the reasons we keep seeing delays in PS3 games - publishers want to wait a little bit until there are more PS3 on the market, like after the PAL launch.

I have no ideea how easy or how difficult porting was/is - but there were many kind of "ports", so of them were good ones, some were very bad.

The point is, developers cannot exclude PS3 from their plans. They cannot say, at this point, barely three moths after PS3 launched in limited teritory : "PS3 is done this time around". Nobody knows anything at this point, PS3 might fail, but it might also get PS2 like sales. If the later proves true (and its difficult to dismiss that after two generations of over 100 mil on the market) they want to be there to enjoy a piece of the pie. So a dev/publiser has to invest in the platform now (if it hasnt already).

Since games dont tend to get made in a month or two these days, it's clear that everybody has a game or two for the PS3 in the making at this point, that will be released at some point in the future - some of these games will get out on a smaller installed base, but you have to take into account also that competition (in terms of games available on a platform in its launch/first year stage) is also much less acute, so you might stand a good chance to sell that game since there are so few to choose from.

Investing in a platform goes beyond the first game, from a publisher point of view. Everybody know that there arent many consoles out yet, but they will be, and your next games for that platform will benefit from your first experience. Thats what happened with xbox1 - there were very few of them in the beginning, and even after one year, things were not exceptional saleswise - but publishers and developers kept investing in xbox and managed to make good money out of their games later on.
Maybe this is one of the reasons we keep seeing delays in PS3 games - publishers want to wait a little bit until there are more PS3 on the market, like after the PAL launch.

I have no ideea how easy or how difficult porting was/is - but there were many kind of "ports", so of them were good ones, some were very bad.

The point is, developers cannot exclude PS3 from their plans. They cannot say, at this point, barely three moths after PS3 launched in limited teritory : "PS3 is done this time around". Nobody knows anything at this point, PS3 might fail, but it might also get PS2 like sales. If the later proves true (and its difficult to dismiss that after two generations of over 100 mil on the market) they want to be there to enjoy a piece of the pie. So a dev/publiser has to invest in the platform now (if it hasnt already).

Since games dont tend to get made in a month or two these days, it's clear that everybody has a game or two for the PS3 in the making at this point, that will be released at some point in the future - some of these games will get out on a smaller installed base, but you have to take into account also that competition (in terms of games available on a platform in its launch/first year stage) is also much less acute, so you might stand a good chance to sell that game since there are so few to choose from.

Investing in a platform goes beyond the first game, from a publisher point of view. Everybody know that there arent many consoles out yet, but they will be, and your next games for that platform will benefit from your first experience. Thats what happened with xbox1 - there were very few of them in the beginning, and even after one year, things were not exceptional saleswise - but publishers and developers kept investing in xbox and managed to make good money out of their games later on.

Good theory - however if 3rd party developers are hedging their best so to speak they are also less likely to be spending a lot of time fully exploiting cell. Without these titles allowing cell to strut it's stuff, it will be difficult to sell ps3 as a superior product.
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Sorry but that's not possible, the market is FAR different from the days of PS2.

Sorry but how would you know that it's not possible?
I agree that it's very unlikely, but anything is possible.
You don't know what's gonna happen in the next 6 years, no one knows, so you really are not in the position to say that something is "not possible".
You may say "it's very unlikely", like i do.
It's my opinion and I say it's not possible. ;)

Maybe I shoud've rephrase it to "It's not possible short of a miracle." - IMO a miracle isn't going to occur to make PS2-like sales happen.
Sorry but how would you know that it's not possible?
I agree that it's very unlikely, but anything is possible.
You don't know what's gonna happen in the next 6 years, no one knows, so you really are not in the position to say that something is "not possible".
You may say "it's very unlikely", like i do.

Cant you say impossible in english while meaning very unlikely? but you just use the word impossible to project how strong you feel about it?
Cant you say impossible in english while meaning very unlikely? but you just use the word impossible to project how strong you feel about it?

In American English language it's perfectly normal and accepted to use impossible to mean very very very very very very unlikely and that's what I meant when I said it was impossible. I think londonboy is just very bored.:p
Anyway, it's Wednesday again... when do we get our new Media Create numbers?


Not sure how official these numbers are but:

WII___ 81,500____1,440,000

DS___ 577,250 56,856,500
PS2__ 294,750 116,340,250
WII__ 108,250 3,091,250
360___ 24,750 967,250
PS3___ 15,500 610,250
If the latest weekly sales numbers on vgcharts have any basis in fact, wow...just wow. The Japanese gamer is really different. Not in a bad way or a good way. Just different.

According to their numbers, Enchant Arms made it into the top 20, but was outsold 24,700 to 15,500 by The Idolmaster on 360?!
We'll see what Media Create has to say.
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