It's July 24, 2003 and all is well with Cell so far...

The little on chip memory, is actually quite alot for its time, and putting that much, actually require alot more effort.
Megadrive1988 said:
I did not mean the spec, i ment its realization in hardware. that's what i ment by forthcoming. I wished I had worded that differently :)

as for GS in PS2, it was newer hardware than PowerVR2 and many other 3D chips, yet lacked so many features and rendering quality. Sony only made up for it by stuffing the thing with pipelines and a little on-chip memory.

PS3's GPU needs to be so much better for its time than GS was.

Am I the only 'enthusiast-type' here who thinks the GS is really neat?
as for GS in PS2, it was newer hardware than PowerVR2 and many other 3D chips, yet lacked so many features and rendering quality. Sony only made up for it by stuffing the thing with pipelines and a little on-chip memory.

Did you ever consider building such a wide array of pixel engines in conjunction with an embedded frame-buffer of that size and memory IF to interface it all was a pretty impressive achievement (especially considering it dates to late '98)?

Am I the only 'enthusiast-type' here who thinks the GS is really neat?

No, but it appears more people are interested in the latest PC buzzwords and smart chips with high "IQ"... :p
Is there a good thread lying around somewhere in B3D's deep and murky past that goes into comparing the PS2 (EE & GS & whatever else people wanted to) to the PC tech of its time? The best set of articles I ever read on that where Hannibal's--long, detailed, and filled with all sorts of techy goodness and easier-to-understand explanations and analogies. ^_^

For myself, I find the whole system pretty interesting, and think far too many people attack it because it's abilities were hard for developers to realize at launch, and it's terrifyingly easy now to look back at 3+ year old tech (probably 4 years old if you go by when its designs where finalized) and attack it for inadequacies. (Which is rather like looking at the original GeForce and/or Radeon and point-and-laughing at what we have now that they didn't include.)

I figure this topic comes up once in a while in random threads (like, say, now :) ), but I wonder if there aren't some more devoted threads that get into the finer details and involve a lot of discussion from all you good folks. 8)
should i add,
i read somewhere that the GS is actually the real beast of the PS2 and is also the part that gets used at the least of its potwntial maximum performance (whatever that is).
like, the EE and the memory in PS2 arent fast enough to keep the GS fed properly. poor thing is so fast it just renders stuff then gets to wait until the rest of the system cooks up display lists again....

and we all know that "IQ" is all subjective, since GS can display whatever resolution u want it to (to a certain extent). of course cranking up the resolution has a performance hit, but so does on other consoles.

the fact that u have to write a bit of code to tell the GS to do something u can just switch on and off on other chips is what makes people bitch about it, since for some people hardwired features overshadow pure performance.
People bitched about it because they expected it to outclass the previous consoles in all respects, that initial disappointment just never went away. It is easy enough to burn fillrate on the GS for nil CPU overhead anyway, just use dot3 bumpmapping.