July 24 Sony Q1 FY 2003 Earnings Announcement (PlayStation 3 in 2005)
Takao Yuhara, Senior Vice President and Group CFO, Sony Corporation
Requires Real Player... yes the usual translator is back, but this time she seems doing a bit of a better job.
I liked the 10th question which is relevant to their semi-conductors development.
Cell is still scheduled for 2005, using 65 nm technology, but Sony, at them current point in time, cannot exclude Cell as being available in 2004.
When Takao Yuhara said that Cell's development is going smoothly and according to schedule for a 2005 timeframe he meant that products using 65 nm Cell chips would be available in 2005.
Could this be a big hint for PlayStation 3's launch ?

The Newscast from SCE land will come back when more updates are going to be available
Takao Yuhara, Senior Vice President and Group CFO, Sony Corporation
Requires Real Player... yes the usual translator is back, but this time she seems doing a bit of a better job.
I liked the 10th question which is relevant to their semi-conductors development.
Cell is still scheduled for 2005, using 65 nm technology, but Sony, at them current point in time, cannot exclude Cell as being available in 2004.
When Takao Yuhara said that Cell's development is going smoothly and according to schedule for a 2005 timeframe he meant that products using 65 nm Cell chips would be available in 2005.
Could this be a big hint for PlayStation 3's launch ?
The Newscast from SCE land will come back when more updates are going to be available